When selected custom menu is removed, go to settings menu
Allow iframe in custom menu to use Scripting API
Return menu object when it is registered, can call remove function on it
Change strategy of cache management. Today we don't have version of map building so we cannot use cache correctly. The idea is to have a less cache and keep HTPP cache management with GET method.
Signed-off-by: Gregoire Parant <g.parant@thecodingmachine.com>
If a popup message is empty, only the buttons will be displayed (not the container)
Unrelated: the Sound.play method in the API now accepts 0 arguments.
* New version of cache management (#1365)
Signed-off-by: Gregoire Parant <g.parant@thecodingmachine.com>
* Exit scene acess denied detected (#1369)
* Add auth token user to get right in admin and check if user have right
Signed-off-by: Gregoire Parant <g.parant@thecodingmachine.com>
* Update error show
Signed-off-by: Gregoire Parant <g.parant@thecodingmachine.com>
* Update token generation (#1372)
- Permit only decode token to get map details,
- If user have token expired, set the token to null and reload the page. This feature will be updated when authentication stategy will be finished.
Signed-off-by: Gregoire Parant <g.parant@thecodingmachine.com>
- Permit only decode token to get map details,
- If user have token expired, set the token to null and reload the page. This feature will be updated when authentication stategy will be finished.
Signed-off-by: Gregoire Parant <g.parant@thecodingmachine.com>
* Add auth token user to get right in admin and check if user have right
Signed-off-by: Gregoire Parant <g.parant@thecodingmachine.com>
* Update error show
Signed-off-by: Gregoire Parant <g.parant@thecodingmachine.com>
* Improve service worker
- Add new env variable in WebPack "NODE_ENV"
- Add new service worker for mode dev that permit to by pass response in cache storage
- Add new WorkAdventure icon
* Remove console.log
* Add service worker file prod and dev