The notion of public/private repositories (with /_/ and /@/ URLs) is specific to the SAAS version of WorkAdventure.
It would be better to avoid leaking the organization/world/room structure of the private SAAS URLs inside the WorkAdventure Github project.
Rather than sending http://admin_host/api/map?organizationSlug=...&worldSlug=...&roomSlug=...., we are now sending /api/map&playUri=...
where playUri is the full URL of the current game.
This allows the backend to act as a complete router.
The front (and the pusher) will be able to completely ignore the specifics of URL building (with /@/ and /_/ URLs, etc...)
Those details will live only in the admin server, which is way cleaner (and way more powerful).
In order to avoid triggering group creation when walking next to someone we should avoid creating a group unless the user stops next to the other members of the group.