* fix broken custom scene if wrong characterLayers were loaded
* be sure to initialize selectedLayers
Co-authored-by: Piotr 'pwh' Hanusiak <p.hanusiak@workadventu.re>
* Refreshing map URL
When a "refresh" message is sent from the admin to the pusher, the map details endpoint is now called again.
If the Map URL is changed, the variable manager is refreshed.
When sending a chat message from the Scripting API, the chat message is no longer sent back to the chat listener.
This makes it easier to avoid infinite loops.
When sending a chat message from the Scripting API, the chat message is no longer sent back to the chat listener.
This makes it easier to avoid infinite loops.
Migrating the troubleshooting guide from SAAS repo
+ adding a paragraph about issues with embedding iframes related to HTTP headers and cookie parameters.
* lazy load locales
* fix translation getter
* prettier ignore all generated i18n files
* fix menu translation reactivity
* put language and country translations into namespace
* use Intl.DisplayNames to provide language and region translations
* update typesafe-i18n
* fix newly added translations
* remove unused translations
* add fallback to locale code when Intl.DisplayNames is unavailable
* External API update
- Remove tags field for map information
- Remove room_policy fiels for map information
This two paramter will be used directly in the admin
* Delete use less updateRoomWithAdminData
Signed-off-by: Gregoire Parant <g.parant@thecodingmachine.com>
Co-authored-by: David Négrier <d.negrier@thecodingmachine.com>
We now allow parameters to be unused. This is quite common in inherited methods.
This allows removing a bunch of: //eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
Also, "err" variables in catch MUST now be used and the special _exhaustiveCheck variable used in ":never" assigns can be unused.
* animated grid tiles
* change woka's category with arrow buttons
* added some dynamic effects to woka's list
* add some drag distance treshold
* do not show arrows if only one collection
* WSAD and arrow keys movement through WOKA models
* Adapting end to end tests
Co-authored-by: Piotr 'pwh' Hanusiak <p.hanusiak@workadventu.re>
Co-authored-by: David Négrier <d.negrier@thecodingmachine.com>