From bd02651db052f2cde406462456b63e1ca63f7c66 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: _Bastler <> Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2021 14:56:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] i18n --- .../unavailable/unavailable.component.ts | 2 +- src/assets/i18n/de-informal.json | 1202 ++++++++++------- src/assets/i18n/en.json | 1172 +++++++++------- 3 files changed, 1416 insertions(+), 960 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/app/pages/unavailable/unavailable.component.ts b/src/app/pages/unavailable/unavailable.component.ts index b5abdbe..5f2afcf 100644 --- a/src/app/pages/unavailable/unavailable.component.ts +++ b/src/app/pages/unavailable/unavailable.component.ts @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export class UnavailableComponent implements OnInit { if (!this.targetRoute || this.targetRoute === "unavailable" || this.targetRoute === "/unavailable") { this.location.back; } else { - this.router.navigate([ this.targetRoute ], { skipLocationChange: true }); + this.router.navigate([ this.targetRoute ]); } } diff --git a/src/assets/i18n/de-informal.json b/src/assets/i18n/de-informal.json index 7395364..74ce576 100644 --- a/src/assets/i18n/de-informal.json +++ b/src/assets/i18n/de-informal.json @@ -1,488 +1,718 @@ { - "account": { - ".": "Account", - "advanced": { - ".": "Erweitert" - } - }, - "cancel": "Abbrechen", - "close": "Schließen", - "confirm": "Bestätigen", - "email": { - ".": "E-Mail Adresse", - "invalid": "ungültige E-Mail Adresse", - "primary": { - ".": "primäre E-Mail Adresse", - "hint": "Eine primäre E-Mail Adresse dient dazu eine andere Kontaktmöglichkeit als deine we.bstly Adresse anzugeben." - } - }, - "format": { - "date": "dd.MM.yyyy", - "datetime": "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm", - "time": "HH:mm:ss" - }, - "greet": "Hallo {0}", - "help": "Hilfe", - "imprint": "Impressum", - "info": { - ".": "Info" - }, - "invite": { - ".": "Einleidung", - "create": "Einladung erstellen", - "expires": "Gültig bis", - "link": "Link", - "note": "Notiz", - "starts": "Gültig ab" - }, - "invites": { - ".": "Einladungen", - "info": "Hier kannst du neue Einladungen erstellen. Um die Einladung zu bearbeiten klicke einfach auf den Link. Wenn du authoriziert bist, kannst du dort direkt den persönlichen Einladungstext bearbeiten oder eine Notiz hinzufügen.", - "left": "Du kannst noch {0} Einladungen erstellen.", - "others": "Einladungen anderer Mitglieder", - "search": "Suche" - }, - "jitsi": { - "rooms": { - ".": "Jitsi Räume", - "confirmDelete": "Möchtest du wirklich deinen Jitsi Raum '{0}' löschen?", - "create": "Jitsi Raum erstellen", - "delete": "Löschen", - "error": { - "expires": "Ungültiges Ende.", - "moderationStarts": "Ungültiger Beginn Moderation. Moderation muss vor Beginn liegen.", - "room": "Bitte gebe einen anderen Namen an. Der Name ist schon vergeben oder enthält ungültige Zeichen. Erlaubt sind nur Buchstaben und Zahlen.", - "starts": "Ungültiger Beginn." - }, - "expires": "Ende", - "info": "Du kannst hier Jitsi Räume erstellen. Die Anzahl wird über eine Quota begrenzt.", - "left": "Du kannst noch {0} Jitsi Raum/Räume erstellen.", - "moderationUrl": "Url für Moderation", - "moderationStarts": "Beginn Moderation", - "noQuota": "Deine Quota für Jitsi Räume ist leider aufgebraucht.", - "notStarted": "Die Konferenz hat noch nicht begonnen.", - "room": "Name", - "starts": "Beginn" - }, - "share": { - ".": "Teilen", - "clipboard": { - "copied": "In die Zwischenablage kopiert", - "text": "Text in Zwischenablage kopieren", - "url": "Url in Zwischenablage kopieren" - }, - "email": { - ".": "Via E-Mail teilen", - "subject": "Einladung in Videokonferenz {0}" - }, - "text": { - "both": "Die Konferenz beginnt am {0} und endet am {1}.", - "expires": "Die Konferenz endet am {0}.", - "intro": "Hallo, ich möchte dich zu einer Videokonferenz einladen.", - "outro": "Du kannst der Konferenz unter folgendem Link beitreten:\n {0}", - "starts": "Die Konferenz beginnt am {0}." - } - } - }, - "locale": { - "de-informal": { - "long": "Deutsch", - "short": "DE" - }, - "en": { - "long": "English", - "short": "EN" - } - }, - "login": { - ".": "Login", - "external": "Login", - "invalid": "Falscher Username oder Passwort.", - "keepSession": "Eingeloggt bleiben" - }, - "logout": "Logout", - "not-found": { - ".": "Nicht gefunden", - "text": "Diese Seite wurde nicht gefunden." - }, - "ok": "Ok", - "password": { - ".": "Passwort", - "change": "Passwort ändern", - "changed": "Passwort erfolgreich geändert", - "confirm": "Passwort bestätigen", - "current": "Akutelles Passwort", - "error": { - "ILLEGAL_WHITESPACE": "Bitte keine Leerzeichen verwenden.", - "INSUFFICIENT_DIGIT": "Bitte mindestens eine Zahl eingeben.", - "INSUFFICIENT_LOWERCASE": "Bitte mindestens einen Kleinbuchstaben eingeben.", - "INSUFFICIENT_SPECIAL": "Bitte mindestens ein Sonderzeichen eingeben.", - "INSUFFICIENT_UPPERCASE": "Bitte mindestens einen Großbuchstaben eingeben.", - "TOO_SHORT": "Bitte ein längeres Passwort wählen.", - "NOT_MATCH": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein." - }, - "forgot": "Passwort vergessen", - "invalid": { - "hint": "Bitte gebe das Passwort in einem gültigen Format an." - }, - "not-match": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.", - "request": "Neues Passwort anfordern", - "reset": { - ".": "Passwort setzen", - "login": "Zum Login", - "success": { - "text": "Dein neues Passwort wurde übernommen. Du kannst dich nun mit deinem neuen Passwort einloggen.", - "title": "Passwort erfolgreich geändert" - } - } - }, - "permissions": { - ".": "Berechtigungen", - "expires": "Gültig bis", - "name": "Name", - "starts": "Gültig ab" - }, - "pgp": { - ".": "PGP", - "privateKey": { - ".": "Privater PGP Schlüssel", - "confirmStore": "Ich habe meinen privaten Schlüssel sicher gespeichert!", - "downloadKey": "Privaten Schlüssel herunterladen", - "help": "Dein Privater Schlüssel wird aktuell verwendet, wenn du dein Passwort vergessen hast. Außerdem kannst du damit E-Mails entschlüsseln und dich gegenüber einigen Diensten authentifizieren.", - "downloaded": "Privaten Schlüssel anderweitig gesichert.", - "copyKey": "In die Zwischenablage kopieren" - } - }, - "privacy-policy": "Datenschutzerklärung", - "profile": "Profil", - "profileField": { - ".": "Profilfeld", - "confirmDelete": "Möchtest du das Profilfeld '{0}' wirklich löschen?", - "create": "Neues Profilfeld hinzufügen", - "delete": "Löschen", - "edit": "Bearbeiten", - "error": { - "BLOB": { - ".": "Kein gültiger Binärblob" - }, - "BOOL": { - ".": "Kein gültiger Boolean" - }, - "DATE": { - ".": "Kein gültiges Datum" - }, - "DATETIME": { - ".": "Kein gültiges Datum oder Uhrzeit" - }, - "EMAIL": { - ".": "Keine gültige E-Mail Adresse" - }, - "name": "Name zu kurz oder ungültig", - "NUMBER": { - ".": "Keine gültige Nummer" - }, - "TEXT": { - ".": "Textfeld zu lang" - }, - "TIME": { - ".": "Keine gültige Uhrzeit" - }, - "type": "Ungültiger Typ für dieses Profilfeld", - "URL": { - ".": "Keine gültige URL" - }, - "visibility": "Keine gültige Sichtbarkeit für Profilfeld" - }, - "index": "Index", - "name": { - ".": "Key", - "darkTheme": "Dunkles Thema", - "email": "E-Mail Adresse", - "locale": "Sprache", - "primaryEmail": "E-Mail Adresse primär verwenden", - "prtyMap": "Partey Karte", - "publicKey": "Öffentlicher PGP Schlüssel" - }, - "openBlob": "Anzeigen", - "type": { - ".": "Typ", - "BLOB": { - ".": "Binärblob" - }, - "BOOL": { - ".": "Boolean" - }, - "DATE": { - ".": "Datum" - }, - "DATETIME": { - ".": "Datum mit Uhrzeit" - }, - "EMAIL": { - ".": "E-Mail" - }, - "NUMBER": { - ".": "Numerisch" - }, - "TEXT": { - ".": "Textfeld" - }, - "TIME": { - ".": "Uhrzeit" - }, - "URL": { - ".": "URL" - } - }, - "value": "Wert" - }, - "quotas": { - ".": "Quotas", - "name": "Name", - "unit": { - "#": "# (Anzahl)", - ".": "Einheit", - "G": "GB (Gigabyte)" - }, - "value": "Quota" - }, - "register": { - ".": "Registrierung", - "login": "Zum Login", - "success": { - "text": "Deine Registrierung war erfolgreich. Du kannst dich nun einloggen!", - "title": "Registrierung abgeschlossen" - }, - "token.missing": "Du benötigst leider ein gültiges Token!" - }, - "save": "Speichern", - "security": { - ".": "Sicherheit", - "2fa": { - ".": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung (2FA)", - "info": "Du kannst hier einen zweiten Faktor zusätzlich zu deinem Passwort hinzufügen. Beachte, dass dies nur den Login in deinen we.bstly-Account betrifft. 2FA gilt nicht für deinen E-Mail Account. Aktuell wird nur TOTP (bekannt als Google Authenticator) unterstützt.", - "totp": { - ".": "2FA (TOTP)", - "activate": "Um TOTP als 2FA zu aktivieren, gebe bitte deinen aktuellen Code ein.", - "code": "TOTP Code", - "create": "2FA (TOTP) einrichten", - "enable": "Aktiviere 2FA (TOTP)", - "external": "2FA (TOTP)", - "hint": "Um TOTP als zweiten Faktor beim Login zu verwenden, scanne den QRCode mit deiner TOTP App.", - "invalid": "TOTP Code ist ungültig", - "keepSession": "2FA (TOTP) für dieses Gerät merken", - "login": "Code verfizieren", - "missing": "Bitte TOTP Code eingeben", - "remove": "2FA (TOTP) deaktivieren" - } - }, - "status": { - ".": "Status", - "change": "Status aktualisieren", - "hint": "Dein User Status gibt an, wie mit deinen Account Daten umgegangen wird wenn deine Berechtigungen ausgelaufen sind.", - "NORMAL": { - ".": "Normal", - "hint": "Dein Account sowie alle gespeicherten Daten werden vier (4) Wochen nach Ablauf gelöscht. Du hast also vier Wochen Zeit deinen Account wieder zu reaktivieren." - }, - "PURGE": { - ".": "Löschen", - "hint": "Dein Account sowie alle gespeicherten Daten werden umgehend(!) nach Ablauf gelöscht. Du kannst deinen Account nicht(!) mehr reaktivieren." - }, - "SLEEP": { - ".": "Schlafen", - "hint": "Dein Account sowie alle gespeicherten Daten werden nicht(!) gelöscht. Du kannst deinen Account also jederzeit wieder reaktivieren." - }, - "success": "Status erfolgreich geändert" - } - }, - "service-unavailable": { - ".": "Dienst nicht erreichbar", - "retry": "Seite neu laden", - "support": "Support", - "text": "Zurzeit scheint der Dienst nicht erreichbar zu sein. Wenn diese Meldung länger besteht, melde dich beim Support!" - }, - "service": { - "name": "Name", - "text": "Beschreibung" - }, - "services": { - ".": "Dienste", - "alias_creation": { - "icon": "alternate_email", - "subtitle": "Anlegen von alternativen Namen", - "text": "Du kannst zusätzlich zu deinem Usernamen noch alternative Namen anlegen.", - "title": "Alternative Namen" - }, - "empty": "Du hast aktuell keine Berechtigungen zur Nutzung von Diensten.", - "gitea": { - "icon": "code", - "subtitle": "Git-Repositories", - "text": "Alternative zu Diensten wie GitHub, Source Code von bstly-Entwicklungen", - "title": "Gitea" - }, - "goto": "Zum Dienst", - "invite_partey": { - "icon": "cake", - "subtitle": "Einladung zur Partey", - "text": "Hier kannst du Einladungen für die Eröffnungs-Partey erstellen.", - "title": "Partey-Einladung" - }, - "jitsi": { - "icon": "video_call", - "subtitle": "Video Konferenzen", - "text": "Video Konferenzen mit allen Funktionen für Online-Treffen mit Video und Audio Streams.", - "title": "Jitsi Meet" - }, - "mail": { - "icon": "email", - "subtitle": "E-Mail Konto", - "text": "Catch-All an @{username}, lernender Spam-Filter und PGP Verschlüsselung.", - "title": "E-Mail Postfach" - }, - "matrix": { - "icon": "question_answer", - "subtitle": "Messenger Plattform", - "text": "mit anderen Austauschen, sich Informieren oder einfach quatschen.", - "title": "Matrix" - }, - "monitoring": { - "icon": "check", - "subtitle": "System Status", - "text": "Status und Perfomance der aktuellen Systeme", - "title": "Monitoring" - }, - "nextcloud": { - "icon": "cloud", - "subtitle": "Cloud Plattform", - "text": "Dateiverwaltung, Kalender, Aufgabenmanagement, Kontaktmanagement, Abstimmungen und mehr.", - "title": "Nextcloud" - }, - "owncast": { - "icon": "videocam", - "subtitle": "Livestreams", - "text": "Livestreams von Bastelei e. V.", - "title": "Owncast" - }, - "partey": { - "icon": "celebration", - "subtitle": "Virtuelles Vereinsheim", - "text": "Digitaler Treffpunkt für Veranstaltungen oder einfach zum Abhängen.", - "title": "Partey" - }, - "registration_vouchers": { - "icon": "card_giftcard", - "subtitle": "Gutschein Code für Registrierungs-Token", - "text": "Einladung um die Dienste des Bastelei e. V. zu nutzen", - "title": "Registrierungs-Gutscheincodes" - }, - "ROLE_ADMIN": { - "icon": "admin_panel_settings", - "subtitle": "Administrator von we.bstly", - "text": "Administrator Rechte für die API von we.bstly", - "title": "Administrator" - }, - "ROLE_GUEST": { - "icon": "schedule_send", - "subtitle": "Gast Account von we.bstly", - "text": "Gast Account Einladung", - "title": "Gast Account" - }, - "ROLE_MEMBER": { - "icon": "loyalty", - "subtitle": "Mitgliedschaft im Bastelei e. V.", - "text": "Reguläres Mitglied im Bastelei e. V.", - "title": "Vereinsmitgliedschaft" - }, - "wikijs": { - "icon": "school", - "subtitle": "Informationen, Dokumentation, Anleitungen", - "text": "Alle Information rund um Bastelei e. V. und den angebotenen Diensten, sowie Anleitungen für einzelne Dienste und Funktionen", - "title": "Wiki" - } - }, - "software": "Software", - "sourcecode": "Quellcode", - "token": "Token", - "tokens": { - ".": "Tokens", - "enter": "Token einlösen", - "get": "Mitgliedschaft", - "invalid": "Das Token ist leider nicht gültig.", - "provide-valid": "Bitte gebe ein gültiges Token ein.", - "redeem": "Tokens einlösen", - "redeemed": "Das Token wurde bereits eingelöst.", - "validate": "Prüfen" - }, - "user": { - ".": "User", - "aliases": { - ".": "Alternative Namen", - "alias": "Alternativer Name", - "confirmDelete": "Möchtest du wirklich den alternativen Namen '{0}' löschen?", - "create": "Alternativen Namen anlegen", - "delete": "Löschen", - "error": "Dieser alternative Name ist leider nicht zulässig.", - "info": "Du kannst hier alternative Namen anlegen. Die Anzahl wird über eine Quota begrenzt.", - "left": "Du kannst noch {0} alternative(n) Namen anlegen.", - "noQuota": "Deine Quota für alternative Namen ist leider aufgebraucht." - }, - "domains": { - ".": "Domains", - "domain": "Domain", - "confirmDelete": "Möchtest du wirklich die Domain '{0}' löschen?", - "create": "Domain hinzufügen", - "delete": "Löschen", - "error": "Diese Domain ist leider nicht zulässig.", - "info": "Du kannst hier Domains hinzufügen.", - "secret": { - ".": "Secret", - "copy": "Secret in die Zwischenablage kopieren", - "copied": "In die Zwischenablage kopiert" - }, - "validated": "Validiert" - }, - "unavailable": { - ".": "Zugriff verweigert", - "text": "Dieser Benutzer existiert nicht oder du hast keine Berechtigungen, um auf das Profil zuzugreifen." - } - }, - "username": { - ".": "Username", - "error": "Bitte wähle einen anderen Usernamen aus.", - "missing": "Bitte gebe einen Usernamen an." - }, - "visibility": { - ".": "Sichtbarkeit", - "PRIVATE": { - ".": "Privat", - "icon": "lock" - }, - "PROTECTED": { - ".": "Geschützt", - "icon": "shield" - }, - "PUBLIC": { - ".": "Öffentlich", - "icon": "public" - } - }, - "voucher": { - ".": "Gutscheincode", - "code": "Code", - "type": "Typ" - }, - "vouchers": { - ".": "Gutscheincodes", - "add-on": "Add-On", - "info": "Hier kannst du Gutscheincodes für Add-Ons und Registrierung generieren.", - "registration": "Registrierung", - "stored-safely": { - ".": "Da wir keine Verbindungen von Gutscheincodes zu deinem Account speichern, speichere diesen Code bitte selber sicher ab. Falls du die Seite verlässt oder neu lädst ist der Code nicht mehr verfügbar!", - "confirm": "Ich habe den Code sicher abgespeichert!" - }, - "temp": { - ".": "Temporäre Gutscheincodes", - "info": "Hier werden deine aktuell angefragten Gutscheincodes angezeigt. Bitte speichere diese sicher ab, da wir diese Codes nicht für dich speichern!" - } - } + "account": { + ".": "Account", + "advanced": { + ".": "Erweitert" + } + }, + "cancel": "Abbrechen", + "close": "Schließen", + "confirm": "Bestätigen", + "delete" : "Löschen", + "email": { + ".": "E-Mail Adresse", + "invalid": "ungültige E-Mail Adresse", + "primary": { + ".": "primäre E-Mail Adresse", + "hint": "Eine primäre E-Mail Adresse dient dazu eine andere Kontaktmöglichkeit als deine we.bstly Adresse anzugeben." + } + }, + "format": { + "date": "dd.MM.yyyy", + "datetime": "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm", + "time": "HH:mm:ss" + }, + "greet": "Hallo {0}", + "help": "Hilfe", + "help-button" : "Finde Hilfe im Wiki", + "imprint": "Impressum", + "info": { + ".": "Info" + }, + "invite": { + ".": "Einleidung", + "create": "Einladung erstellen", + "expires": "Gültig bis", + "link": "Link", + "message": "Persönlicher Text", + "noMessage": "Kein Text", + "noNote": "Keine Notiz", + "note": "Notiz", + "redeemed": "Eingelöst", + "starts": "Gültig ab" + }, + "invites": { + ".": "Einladungen", + "info": "Hier kannst du neue Einladungen erstellen. Um die Einladung zu bearbeiten klicke einfach auf den Link. Wenn du authoriziert bist, kannst du dort direkt den persönlichen Einladungstext bearbeiten oder eine Notiz hinzufügen. Danach kannst du denselben Link einfach an die einzuladene Person verschicken oder die Seite für eine analoge Einladung ausdrucken. Wird der Link ohne Authorizierung aufgerufen, erscheint unten auf der Seite ein Formular zur Registrierung!", + "left": "Du kannst noch {0} Einladungen erstellen.", + "noQuota": "Deine Quota für Einladungen ist leider aufgebraucht.", + "others": "Einladungen anderer Mitglieder", + "redeemed": { + "filter": { + ".": "Einglöst-Filter", + "false": "Nicht eingelöst", + "none": "Kein Filter", + "true": "Eingelöst" + } + }, + "search": "Suche" + }, + "jitsi": { + "rooms": { + ".": "Jitsi Räume", + "clipboard" : { + "copied" : "Jitsi Room Url in die Zwischenablage kopiert!" + }, + "confirmDelete": "Möchtest du wirklich deinen Jitsi Raum '{0}' löschen?", + "create": "Jitsi Raum erstellen", + "delete": "Löschen", + "edit" : "Bearbeiten", + "error": { + "expires": "Ungültiges Ende.", + "moderationStarts": "Ungültiger Beginn Moderation. Moderation muss vor Beginn liegen.", + "room": "Bitte gebe einen anderen Namen an. Der Name ist schon vergeben oder enthält ungültige Zeichen. Erlaubt sind nur Buchstaben und Zahlen.", + "starts": "Ungültiger Beginn." + }, + "expires": "Ende", + "info": "Du kannst hier Jitsi Räume erstellen. Die Anzahl wird über eine Quota begrenzt.", + "left": "Du kannst noch {0} Jitsi Raum/Räume erstellen.", + "moderationStarts": "Beginn Moderation", + "moderationUrl": "Url für Moderation", + "noQuota": "Deine Quota für Jitsi Räume ist leider aufgebraucht.", + "notStarted": "Die Konferenz hat noch nicht begonnen, Url in die Zwischenablage kopieren.", + "room": "Name", + "save" : "Speichern", + "starts": "Beginn" + }, + "share": { + ".": "Teilen", + "clipboard": { + "copied": "In die Zwischenablage kopiert", + "text": "Text in Zwischenablage kopieren", + "url": "Url in Zwischenablage kopieren" + }, + "email": { + ".": "Via E-Mail teilen", + "subject": "Einladung in Videokonferenz {0}" + }, + "text": { + "both": "Die Konferenz beginnt am {0} und endet am {1}.", + "expires": "Die Konferenz endet am {0}.", + "intro": "Hallo, ich möchte dich zu einer Videokonferenz einladen.", + "outro": "Du kannst der Konferenz unter folgendem Link beitreten:\n {0}", + "starts": "Die Konferenz beginnt am {0}." + } + } + }, + "locale": { + "de-informal": { + "long": "Deutsch", + "short": "DE" + }, + "en": { + "long": "English", + "short": "EN" + } + }, + "login": { + ".": "Login", + "external": "Login", + "invalid": "Falscher Username oder Passwort.", + "keepSession": "Eingeloggt bleiben" + }, + "logout": "Logout", + "minetest": { + "accounts": { + ".": "Minetest Accounts", + "create": "Minetest Account erstellen", + "confirmDelete": "Möchtest du wirklich deinen Minetest Account '{0}' löschen? Nach der Löschung kann der Account nicht wiederhergestellt werden und andere können deinen Usernamen wieder registrieren!", + "delete": "Löschen", + "deletion": "Nach der Löschung kann der Account nicht wiederhergestellt werden und andere können deinen Usernamen wieder registrieren!", + "error": { + "name": "Bitte gebe einen anderen Namen an. Der Name ist schon vergeben oder enthält ungültige Zeichen. Erlaubt sind nur Buchstaben, Zahlen, '-' und '_'." + }, + "info": "Du kannst hier Minecraft Accounts erstellen. Die Anzahl wird über eine Quota begrenzt.", + "left": "Du kannst noch {0} Minecraft Account/s erstellen.", + "name": "Name", + "noQuota": "Deine Quota für Minetest Accounts ist leider aufgebraucht." + } + }, + "not-found": { + ".": "Nicht gefunden", + "text": "Diese Seite wurde nicht gefunden." + }, + "ok": "Ok", + "partey": { + ".": "Partey", + "tags" : { + "." : "Partey Tags", + "none" : "Keine" + }, + "timeslots": { + ".": "Partey Sendeplätze", + "confirmDelete": "Möchtest du wirklich deinen Sendeplatz '{0}' um {1} löschen?", + "create": { + ".": "Neuen Sendplatz erstellen", + "AUDIO": "Neuer Audio Sendplatz", + "VIDEO": "Neuer Video Sendplatz" + }, + "delete": "Löschen", + "description": "Beschreibung", + "edit": "Editieren", + "ends": "Endet", + "error": { + "ends": "Ungültiges Ende. Bitte prüfe kollidierende Sendeplätze oder Dauer.", + "starts": "Ungültiger Beginn. Bitte prüfe kollidierende Sendeplätze oder Dauer." + }, + "filter": { + ".": "Filter", + "after": "Nach dem", + "owner": { + ".": "User", + "all": "Alle", + "mine": "Meine Senderplätze", + "others": "Sendplätze von anderen" + }, + "search": "Suche", + "type": { + ".": "Typ", + "all": "Alle", + "AUDIO": "Audio", + "VIDEO": "Video" + } + }, + "info": "Info", + "left": "Du kannst noch {0} Sendeplätze erstellen.", + "noQuota": "Deine Quota für Sendeplätze ist leider aufgebraucht.", + "save": "Sendeplatz speichern", + "secret": { + ".": "Audio Stream Secret", + "copied": "In die Zwischenablage kopiert", + "copy": "Audio Stream Secret kopieren" + }, + "starts": "Beginn", + "stream": { + ".": "Stream", + "AUDIO": "Icecast2 Stream Key", + "VIDEO": "PeerTube Video Id" + }, + "title": "Titel", + "type": { + ".": "Typ", + "AUDIO": { + ".": "Audio", + "icon": "music_note" + }, + "VIDEO": { + ".": "Video", + "icon": "live_tv" + } + } + } + }, + "password": { + ".": "Passwort", + "change": "Passwort ändern", + "changed": "Passwort erfolgreich geändert", + "confirm": "Passwort bestätigen", + "current": "Akutelles Passwort", + "error": { + "ILLEGAL_WHITESPACE": "Bitte keine Leerzeichen verwenden.", + "INSUFFICIENT_DIGIT": "Bitte mindestens eine Zahl eingeben.", + "INSUFFICIENT_LOWERCASE": "Bitte mindestens einen Kleinbuchstaben eingeben.", + "INSUFFICIENT_SPECIAL": "Bitte mindestens ein Sonderzeichen eingeben.", + "INSUFFICIENT_UPPERCASE": "Bitte mindestens einen Großbuchstaben eingeben.", + "NOT_MATCH": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.", + "TOO_SHORT": "Bitte ein längeres Passwort wählen." + }, + "forgot": "Passwort vergessen", + "invalid": { + "hint": "Bitte gebe das Passwort in einem gültigen Format an." + }, + "not-match": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.", + "request": "Neues Passwort anfordern", + "reset": { + ".": "Passwort setzen", + "login": "Zum Login", + "success": { + "text": "Dein neues Passwort wurde übernommen. Du kannst dich nun mit deinem neuen Passwort einloggen.", + "title": "Passwort erfolgreich geändert" + } + } + }, + "permissions": { + ".": "Berechtigungen", + "expires": "Gültig bis", + "name": "Name", + "starts": "Gültig ab" + }, + "pgp": { + ".": "PGP", + "privateKey": { + ".": "Privater PGP Schlüssel", + "confirmStore": "Ich habe meinen privaten Schlüssel sicher gespeichert!", + "copied": "Privaten Schlüssel in die Zwischenablage kopiert", + "copyKey": "In die Zwischenablage kopieren", + "downloaded": "Privaten Schlüssel anderweitig gesichert.", + "downloadKey": "Privaten Schlüssel herunterladen", + "help": "Dein Privater Schlüssel wird aktuell verwendet, wenn du dein Passwort vergessen hast. Außerdem kannst du damit E-Mails entschlüsseln und dich gegenüber einigen Diensten authentifizieren." + } + }, + "privacy-policy": "Datenschutzerklärung", + "profile": "Profil", + "profileField": { + ".": "Profilfeld", + "blob": { + "pgp": "Neues PGP Schlüsselpar erstellen" + }, + "confirmDelete": "Möchtest du das Profilfeld '{0}' wirklich löschen?", + "create": "Neues Profilfeld hinzufügen", + "delete": "Löschen", + "edit": "Bearbeiten", + "error": { + "BLOB": { + ".": "Kein gültiger Binärblob" + }, + "BOOL": { + ".": "Kein gültiger Boolean" + }, + "DATE": { + ".": "Kein gültiges Datum" + }, + "DATETIME": { + ".": "Kein gültiges Datum oder Uhrzeit" + }, + "EMAIL": { + ".": "Keine gültige E-Mail Adresse" + }, + "name": "Name zu kurz oder ungültig", + "NUMBER": { + ".": "Keine gültige Nummer" + }, + "TEXT": { + ".": "Textfeld zu lang" + }, + "TIME": { + ".": "Keine gültige Uhrzeit" + }, + "type": "Ungültiger Typ für dieses Profilfeld", + "URL": { + ".": "Keine gültige URL" + }, + "visibility": "Keine gültige Sichtbarkeit für Profilfeld" + }, + "index": "Index", + "name": { + ".": "Key", + "darkTheme": "Dunkles Thema", + "email": "E-Mail Adresse", + "locale": "Sprache", + "primaryEmail": "E-Mail Adresse primär verwenden", + "prtyMap": "Partey Karte", + "publicKey": "Öffentlicher PGP Schlüssel" + }, + "openBlob": "Anzeigen", + "type": { + ".": "Typ", + "BLOB": { + ".": "Binärblob" + }, + "BOOL": { + ".": "Boolean" + }, + "DATE": { + ".": "Datum" + }, + "DATETIME": { + ".": "Datum mit Uhrzeit" + }, + "EMAIL": { + ".": "E-Mail" + }, + "NUMBER": { + ".": "Numerisch" + }, + "TEXT": { + ".": "Textfeld" + }, + "TIME": { + ".": "Uhrzeit" + }, + "URL": { + ".": "URL" + } + }, + "value": "Wert" + }, + "quotas": { + ".": "Quotas", + "fixed_value": { + ".": "Insgesamt", + "hint": "Den Verbrauch kannst du im jeweiligen Dienst nachschauen." + }, + "name": "Name", + "unit": { + "#": "# (Anzahl)", + ".": "Einheit", + "G": "GB (Gigabyte)" + }, + "value": { + ".": "Noch verfügbar", + "hint": "" + } + }, + "register": { + ".": "Registrierung", + "login": "Zum Login", + "success": { + "text": "Deine Registrierung war erfolgreich. Du kannst dich nun einloggen!", + "title": "Registrierung abgeschlossen" + }, + "token.missing": "Du benötigst leider ein gültiges Token!" + }, + "save": "Speichern", + "security": { + ".": "Sicherheit", + "2fa": { + ".": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung (2FA)", + "external": "2FA erforderlich", + "info": "Du kannst hier einen zweiten Faktor zusätzlich zu deinem Passwort hinzufügen. Beachte, dass dies nur den Login in deinen we.bstly-Account betrifft. 2FA gilt nicht für deinen E-Mail Account. Aktuell wird nur TOTP (bekannt als Google Authenticator) unterstützt.", + "invalid": "Ungültiger Code", + "login": "Code prüfen", + "missing": "Bitte 2FA Code angeben", + "totp": { + ".": "2FA (TOTP)", + "activate": "Um TOTP als 2FA zu aktivieren, gebe bitte deinen aktuellen Code ein.", + "code": "TOTP Code", + "create": "2FA (TOTP) einrichten", + "enable": "Aktiviere 2FA (TOTP)", + "external": "2FA (TOTP)", + "hint": "Um TOTP als zweiten Faktor beim Login zu verwenden, scanne den QRCode mit deiner TOTP App.", + "invalid": "TOTP Code ist ungültig", + "keepSession": "2FA (TOTP) für dieses Gerät merken", + "login": "Code verfizieren", + "missing": "Bitte TOTP Code eingeben", + "remove": "2FA (TOTP) deaktivieren" + } + }, + "status": { + ".": "Status", + "change": "Status aktualisieren", + "hint": "Dein User Status gibt an, wie mit deinen Account Daten umgegangen wird wenn deine Berechtigungen ausgelaufen sind.", + "NORMAL": { + ".": "Normal", + "hint": "Dein Account sowie alle gespeicherten Daten werden vier (4) Wochen nach Ablauf gelöscht. Du hast also vier Wochen Zeit deinen Account wieder zu reaktivieren." + }, + "PURGE": { + ".": "Löschen", + "hint": "Dein Account sowie alle gespeicherten Daten werden umgehend(!) nach Ablauf gelöscht. Du kannst deinen Account nicht(!) mehr reaktivieren." + }, + "SLEEP": { + ".": "Schlafen", + "hint": "Dein Account sowie alle gespeicherten Daten werden nicht(!) gelöscht. Du kannst deinen Account also jederzeit wieder reaktivieren." + }, + "success": "Status erfolgreich geändert" + } + }, + "service": { + "name": "Name", + "text": "Beschreibung" + }, + "service-unavailable": { + ".": "Dienst nicht erreichbar", + "retry": "Seite neu laden", + "support": "Support", + "text": "Zurzeit scheint der Dienst nicht erreichbar zu sein. Wenn diese Meldung länger besteht, melde dich beim Support!" + }, + "services": { + ".": "Dienste", + "alias_creation": { + "icon": "alternate_email", + "subtitle": "Anlegen von alternativen Namen", + "text": "Du kannst zusätzlich zu deinem Usernamen noch alternative Namen anlegen.", + "title": "Alternative Namen" + }, + "category" : { + "we-tools" : "we.bstly Tools", + "ztools" : "Tools" + }, + "empty": "Du hast aktuell keine Berechtigungen zur Nutzung von Diensten.", + "gitea": { + "icon": "code", + "subtitle": "Git-Repositories", + "text": "Alternative zu Diensten wie GitHub, Source Code von bstly-Entwicklungen", + "title": "Gitea" + }, + "goto": "Zum Dienst", + "invite_partey": { + "icon": "cake", + "subtitle": "Einladung zur Partey", + "text": "Hier kannst du Einladungen für die Eröffnungs-Partey erstellen.", + "title": "Partey-Einladung" + }, + "jitsi": { + "icon": "video_call", + "subtitle": "Video Konferenzen", + "text": "Video Konferenzen mit allen Funktionen für Online-Treffen mit Video und Audio Streams.", + "title": "Jitsi Meet" + }, + "mail": { + "icon": "email", + "subtitle": "E-Mail Konto", + "text": "Catch-All an @{username}, lernender Spam-Filter und PGP Verschlüsselung.", + "title": "E-Mail Postfach" + }, + "matrix": { + "icon": "question_answer", + "subtitle": "Messenger Plattform", + "text": "mit anderen Austauschen, sich Informieren oder einfach quatschen.", + "title": "Matrix" + }, + "minetest" : { + "icon": "widgets", + "subtitle": "Open-Source Minecraft Klon", + "text": "Minetest mit Mineclone2 Game ist ein open-source Minecraft-artiges Spiel.", + "title": "Minetest" + }, + "minetest_accounts" : { + "icon": "account_box", + "subtitle": "Minetest Account erstellen", + "text": "Erstelle Account(s) für Minetest", + "title": "Minetest Accounts" + }, + "monitoring": { + "icon": "check", + "subtitle": "System Status", + "text": "Status und Perfomance der aktuellen Systeme", + "title": "Monitoring" + }, + "nextcloud": { + "icon": "cloud", + "subtitle": "Cloud Plattform", + "text": "Dateiverwaltung, Kalender, Aufgabenmanagement, Kontaktmanagement, Abstimmungen und mehr.", + "title": "Nextcloud" + }, + "owncast": { + "icon": "videocam", + "subtitle": "Livestreams", + "text": "Livestreams von Bastelei e. V.", + "title": "Owncast" + }, + "partey": { + "icon": "celebration", + "subtitle": "Virtuelles Vereinsheim", + "text": "Digitaler Treffpunkt für Veranstaltungen oder einfach zum Abhängen.", + "title": "Partey" + }, + "partey_timeslot": { + "icon": "cast", + "subtitle": "Streaming Sendeplätze für Partey.", + "text": "Buche dir Streaming Sendeplätze für Disco oder Kino im virtuellen Vereinsheim.", + "title": "Partey Sendeplätze" + }, + "peertube": { + "icon": "play_arrow", + "subtitle": "bstly PeerTube Instanz", + "text": "Eine ActivityPub-basierte Video Streaming Platform mit P2P Unterstützung.", + "title": "PeerTube" + }, + "privatebin": { + "icon": "content_paste", + "subtitle": "Pastebin", + "text": "Teile schnell Texte oder Code mit anderen", + "title": "PrivateBin" + }, + "registration_vouchers": { + "icon": "card_giftcard", + "subtitle": "Gutschein Code für Registrierungs-Token", + "text": "Einladung um die Dienste des Bastelei e. V. zu nutzen", + "title": "Registrierungs-Gutscheincodes" + }, + "ROLE_ADMIN": { + "icon": "admin_panel_settings", + "subtitle": "Administrator von we.bstly", + "text": "Administrator Rechte für die API von we.bstly", + "title": "Administrator" + }, + "ROLE_GUEST": { + "icon": "schedule_send", + "subtitle": "Gast Account von we.bstly", + "text": "Gast Account Einladung", + "title": "Gast Account" + }, + "ROLE_MEMBER": { + "icon": "loyalty", + "subtitle": "Mitgliedschaft im Bastelei e. V.", + "text": "Reguläres Mitglied im Bastelei e. V.", + "title": "Vereinsmitgliedschaft" + }, + "support_request": { + "icon": "help", + "subtitle": "Direkte Support Anfrage an _Bastler", + "text": "Sende eine direkte Support Anfrage an _Bastler", + "title": "Support Request" + }, + "testapp": { + "icon": "bug_report", + "subtitle": "Eine Testapp", + "text": "Dies ist eine Testapp.", + "title": "Testapp" + }, + "url_shortener": { + "icon": "link", + "subtitle": "Erstelle verkürzte Links", + "text": "Erstelle verkürzte Links optional mit Passwordschutz oder Ablaufdatum.", + "title": "Urlshortener" + }, + "vaultwarden": { + "icon": "security", + "subtitle": "Passwortmanager", + "text": "Verwalte all deine Passwörter sicher mit Vaultwarden, der Rust-Implementierung von Bitwarden.", + "title": "Vaultwarden" + }, + "wikijs": { + "icon": "school", + "subtitle": "Informationen, Dokumentation, Anleitungen", + "text": "Alle Information rund um Bastelei e. V. und den angebotenen Diensten, sowie Anleitungen für einzelne Dienste und Funktionen", + "title": "Wiki" + }, + "wordpress": { + "icon": "home", + "subtitle": "Schreibe Kommentare, schaue exklusive Inhalte an", + "text": "Unsere Homepage basiert auf Wordpress. Schreibe Kommentare oder schaue exklusive Inhalte an, nachdem du dich eingeloggt hast.", + "title": "Wordpress" + } + }, + "software": "Software", + "sourcecode": "Quellcode", + "token": "Token", + "tokens": { + ".": "Tokens", + "active" : "Aktuelle Tokens", + "enter": "Token einlösen", + "get": "Mitgliedschaft", + "invalid": "Das Token ist leider nicht gültig.", + "provide-valid": "Bitte gebe ein gültiges Token ein.", + "redeem": "Tokens einlösen", + "redeemed": "Das Token wurde bereits eingelöst.", + "validate": "Prüfen" + }, + "urlshortener": { + ".": "Urlshortener", + "advanced": "Erweitert", + "code": "Kürzel", + "confirmDelete": "Möchtest du wirklich deinen verkürzten Link für '{0}' löschen?", + "create": "Verkürzten Link erstellen", + "delete": "Löschen", + "edit" : "Bearbeiten", + "error": { + "code": "Kürzel wird bereits verwendet", + "expires": "Das Ablaufdatum muss in der Zukunft liegen", + "url": "Ungültige Url" + }, + "expires": "Ablaufdatum", + "info": "Du kannst hier verkürzte Links erstellen. Die Anzahl wird über eine Quota begrenzt.", + "left": "Du kannst noch {0} verkürtze/n Link/s erstellen.", + "link": "Link", + "newPassword" : "Neues Passwort", + "noQuota": "Deine Quota für verkürzte Links ist leider aufgebraucht.", + "note": "Notiz", + "password": { + ".": "Dieser Link ist mit einem Passwort geschützt. Gebe das Passwort ein um fortzufahren.", + "invalid": "Das angebene Passwort ist ungültig.", + "submit": "Abschicken" + }, + "queryParameters" : { + "." : "Query Parameter weiterreichen", + "info" : "Query Parameter werden an die Ziel Url weitergereicht" + }, + "save" : "Speichern", + "search": "Suche", + "share": { + ".": "Teilen", + "clipboard": { + "copied": "In die Zwischenablage kopiert", + "text": "Text in Zwischenablage kopieren", + "url": "Url in Zwischenablage kopieren" + }, + "email": { + ".": "Via E-Mail teilen", + "subject": "Schau mal" + }, + "text": "Ich möchte den folgenden Link mit dir teilen: {0}" + }, + "url": "Url" + }, + "user": { + ".": "User", + "aliases": { + ".": "Alternative Namen", + "alias": "Alternativer Name", + "confirmDelete": "Möchtest du wirklich den alternativen Namen '{0}' löschen?", + "create": "Alternativen Namen anlegen", + "delete": "Löschen", + "error": "Dieser alternative Name ist leider nicht zulässig.", + "info": "Du kannst hier alternative Namen anlegen. Die Anzahl wird über eine Quota begrenzt.", + "left": "Du kannst noch {0} alternative(n) Namen anlegen.", + "noQuota": "Deine Quota für alternative Namen ist leider aufgebraucht." + }, + "domains": { + ".": "Domains", + "confirmDelete": "Möchtest du wirklich die Domain '{0}' löschen?", + "create": "Domain hinzufügen", + "delete": "Löschen", + "domain": "Domain", + "error": "Diese Domain ist leider nicht zulässig.", + "info": "Du kannst hier Domains hinzufügen.", + "secret": { + ".": "Secret", + "copied": "In die Zwischenablage kopiert", + "copy": "Secret in die Zwischenablage kopieren" + }, + "validated": "Validiert" + }, + "unavailable": { + ".": "Zugriff verweigert", + "text": "Dieser Benutzer existiert nicht oder du hast keine Berechtigungen, um auf das Profil zuzugreifen." + } + }, + "username": { + ".": "Username", + "error": "Bitte wähle einen anderen Usernamen aus.", + "missing": "Bitte gebe einen Usernamen an." + }, + "visibility": { + ".": "Sichtbarkeit", + "PRIVATE": { + ".": "Privat", + "icon": "lock" + }, + "PROTECTED": { + ".": "Geschützt", + "icon": "shield" + }, + "PUBLIC": { + ".": "Öffentlich", + "icon": "public" + } + }, + "voucher": { + ".": "Gutscheincode", + "code": "Code", + "type": "Typ" + }, + "vouchers": { + ".": "Gutscheincodes", + "add-on": "Add-On", + "info": "Hier kannst du Gutscheincodes für Add-Ons und Registrierung generieren.", + "registration": "Registrierung", + "stored-safely": { + ".": "Da wir keine Verbindungen von Gutscheincodes zu deinem Account speichern, speichere diesen Code bitte selber sicher ab. Falls du die Seite verlässt oder neu lädst ist der Code nicht mehr verfügbar!", + "confirm": "Ich habe den Code sicher abgespeichert!" + }, + "temp": { + ".": "Temporäre Gutscheincodes", + "info": "Hier werden deine aktuell angefragten Gutscheincodes angezeigt. Bitte speichere diese sicher ab, da wir diese Codes nicht für dich speichern!" + } + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/i18n/en.json b/src/assets/i18n/en.json index f4cbdef..627f9f6 100644 --- a/src/assets/i18n/en.json +++ b/src/assets/i18n/en.json @@ -1,475 +1,701 @@ { - "account": { - ".": "Account", - "advanced": { - ".": "Advanced" - } - }, - "cancel": "Cancel", - "close": "Close", - "confirm": "Confirm", - "email": { - ".": "Email address", - "invalid": "invalid email address", - "primary": { - ".": "primary email address", - "hint": "A primary email address is used for contact you instead of you we.bstly address." - } - }, - "format": { - "date": "MM/dd/yyy", - "datetime": "MM/dd/yyy h:mm a", - "time": "h:mm:ss a" - }, - "greet": "Hello {0}", - "help": "Help", - "imprint": "Imprint", - "info": { - ".": "Info" - }, - "invite": { - ".": "Invite", - "create": "Create Invite", - "expires": "Expires", - "link": "Link", - "note": "Note", - "starts": "Starts" - }, - "invites": { - ".": "Invites", - "info": "You can create new invites here. To edit an invite like adding a note or change the personal invite message just click on the invite link. If you are authorized, you can change the texts directly on the invite page.", - "left": "You have {0} invites left.", - "others": "Other's invites", - "search": "Search" - }, - "jitsi": { - "rooms": { - ".": "Jitsi Rooms", - "confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete your Jitsi Room '{0}'?", - "create": "Create Jitsi Room", - "delete": "Delete", - "error": { - "expires": "Invalid expiry.", - "moderationStarts": "Invalid moderation starts. Moderation have to start before conference starts", - "room": "Please choose a different name. The name is already taken or contains invalid characters. Only letters and numbers are allowed.", - "starts": "Invalid start." - }, - "expires": "Expires", - "info": "You can create new Jitsi Rooms here. The number is limited due to a quota.", - "left": "You have {0} Jitsi Room(s) left.", - "moderationStarts": "Moderation starts", - "moderationUrl": "Moderation url", - "noQuota": "Your quota for Jitsi Rooms is depleted.", - "notStarted": "The conference has not started yet.", - "room": "Name", - "starts": "Starts" - }, - "share": { - ".": "Share", - "clipboard": { - "copied": "Copied to clipboard", - "text": "Copy text to clipboard", - "url": "Copy url to clipboard" - }, - "email": { - ".": "Share via email", - "subject": "Invite to video conference {0}" - }, - "text": { - "both": "The conference begins at {0} and ends at {1}.", - "expires": "The conference ends at {0}.", - "intro": "Hello, I want to invite you to a video conference.", - "outro": "You can join the conference under:\n{0}", - "starts": "The conference begins at {0}." - } - } - }, - "locale": { - "de-informal": { - "long": "Deutsch", - "short": "DE" - }, - "en": { - "long": "English", - "short": "EN" - } - }, - "login": { - ".": "Login", - "external": "Login", - "invalid": "Wrong username or password.", - "keepSession": "Stay logged in" - }, - "logout": "Logout", - "not-found": { - ".": "Nothing found", - "text": "This page was not found." - }, - "ok": "Ok", - "password": { - ".": "Password", - "change": "Change password", - "changed": "Successfully changed password", - "confirm": "Confirm password", - "current": "Current password", - "error": { - "ILLEGAL_WHITESPACE": "Please don't use space characters.", - "INSUFFICIENT_DIGIT": "Please enter at least one digit.", - "INSUFFICIENT_LOWERCASE": "Please enter at least one lower case character.", - "INSUFFICIENT_SPECIAL": "Please enter at least one special character.", - "INSUFFICIENT_UPPERCASE": "Please enter at least one upper case character.", - "TOO_SHORT": "Please choose a longer password." - }, - "forgot": "Forgot password", - "invalid": { - "hint": "Please provide password in a valid format." - }, - "not-match": "Passwords did not match.", - "request": "Request new password", - "reset": { - ".": "Set password", - "login": "Back to login", - "success": { - "text": "Your new password has been applied. You can now login with your new password.", - "title": "Successfully changed password" - } - } - }, - "permissions": { - ".": "Permissions", - "expires": "Valid until", - "name": "Name", - "starts": "Valid from" - }, - "pgp": { - ".": "PGP", - "privateKey": { - ".": "Private PGP key", - "confirmStore": "I have securely stored my private key!", - "downloadKey": "Download private key", - "help": "Currently your private key will be used for password reset. Besides it can be used to decrypt emails and authenticate against certain services.", - "downloaded": "Stored private key otherwise.", - "copyKey": "Copy to clipboard" - } - }, - "privacy-policy": "Privacy Policy", - "profile": "Profile", - "profileField": { - ".": "Profile field", - "confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete your profile field '{0}'?", - "create": "Add new profile field", - "delete": "Delete", - "edit": "Edit", - "error": { - "BLOB": { - ".": "Invalid binary blob" - }, - "BOOL": { - ".": "Invalid boolean" - }, - "DATE": { - ".": "Invalid date" - }, - "EMAIL": { - ".": "Invalid email address" - }, - "name": "name invalid or too short", - "NUMBER": { - ".": "Invalid numeric" - }, - "TEXT": { - ".": "Text too long" - }, - "type": "Invalid type for this profile field", - "URL": { - ".": "Invalid URL" - }, - "visibility": "Invalid visibility for profile field" - }, - "index": "Index", - "name": { - ".": "Key", - "darkTheme": "Dark Theme", - "email": "Email address", - "locale": "Locale", - "primaryEmail": "Use email address primary", - "prtyMap": "Partey map", - "publicKey": "Public PGP key" - }, - "openBlob": "Display", - "type": { - ".": "Type", - "BLOB": { - ".": "Binary blob" - }, - "BOOL": { - ".": "Boolean" - }, - "DATE": { - ".": "Date" - }, - "EMAIL": { - ".": "Email" - }, - "NUMBER": { - ".": "Numeric" - }, - "TEXT": { - ".": "Text" - }, - "URL": { - ".": "URL" - } - }, - "value": "Value" - }, - "quotas": { - ".": "Quotas", - "name": "Name", - "unit": { - "#": "# (Count)", - ".": "Unit", - "G": "GB (Gigabyte)" - }, - "value": "Quota" - }, - "register": { - ".": "Registration", - "login": "To Login", - "success": { - "text": "Successfully registered your Account. You can login now!", - "title": "Finished registration" - }, - "token.missing": "You need a valid token!" - }, - "save": "Save", - "security": { - ".": "Security", - "2fa": { - ".": "Two-Factor-Authentication (2FA)", - "info": "You can additionally add a second factor to your password. Please keep in mind, that this only affects your we.bstly-Account and not your email login. Currently only TOTP (also known as Google Authenticator) is supported as 2FA method.", - "totp": { - ".": "2FA (TOTP)", - "activate": "Please enter your current code to enable TOTP as your 2FA.", - "code": "TOTP code", - "create": "2FA (TOTP) create", - "enable": "Enable 2FA (TOTP)", - "external": "2FA (TOTP)", - "hint": "To use TOP as second factor, please scan the shown QR-Code with your TOTP App.", - "invalid": "Invalid TOTP code", - "keepSession": "Remember 2FA (TOTP) for this device", - "login": "Verify code", - "missing": "Please enter TOTP code", - "remove": "Disable 2FA (TOTP)" - } - }, - "status": { - ".": "Status", - "change": "Change status", - "hint": "You Account Status controls the handling of your account data after all permissions expired.", - "NORMAL": { - ".": "Normal", - "hint": "Your account and all your data will be deleted after four (4) weeks. So you have 4 weeks left to reactivate your account." - }, - "PURGE": { - ".": "Purge", - "hint": "Your account and all your data will be deleted immediately after expiry. So you can not(!) reactivate your account." - }, - "SLEEP": { - ".": "Sleep", - "hint": "Your account and all your data will not(!) be deleted. So you have reactivate your account anytime." - }, - "success": "Status successfully changed" - } - }, - "service-unavailable": { - ".": "Service unavailable", - "retry": "Reload page", - "support": "Support", - "text": "The service seems currently unavailable. If this message appears over a longer period, please contact our support!" - }, - "service": { - "name": "Name", - "text": "Description" - }, - "services": { - ".": "Services", - "alias_creation": { - "icon": "alternate_email", - "subtitle": "Creation of Aliases", - "text": "You can add additional aliases besides your username.", - "title": "Aliases" - }, - "empty": "You have insufficient permissions to use any services.", - "gitea": { - "icon": "code", - "subtitle": "Git-Repositories", - "text": "Alternative of services like GitHub, Source Code of bstly-development", - "title": "Gitea" - }, - "goto": "To service", - "invite_partey": { - "icon": "cake", - "subtitle": "Invite to Partey", - "text": "Create Invites for Opening Partey.", - "title": "Partey-Invites" - }, - "jitsi": { - "icon": "video_call", - "subtitle": "Video conferencing", - "text": "Video conferencing with all functionality needed for meeting online with Video and Audio streams.", - "title": "Jitsi Meet" - }, - "mail": { - "icon": "email", - "subtitle": "Email Account", - "text": "Catch-All to @{username}, learning spam-filter and PGP encryption.", - "title": "Email Account" - }, - "matrix": { - "icon": "question_answer", - "subtitle": "Messenger", - "text": "talk, exchange, discuss with others", - "title": "Matrix" - }, - "monitoring": { - "icon": "check", - "subtitle": "System Status", - "text": "Status and perfomance of current systems", - "title": "Monitoring" - }, - "nextcloud": { - "icon": "cloud", - "subtitle": "Cloud service", - "text": "File management, calendar, tasks, contacts, polls and more.", - "title": "Nextcloud" - }, - "owncast": { - "icon": "videocam", - "subtitle": "Livestreams", - "text": "Livestreams of Bastelei e. V.", - "title": "Owncast" - }, - "partey": { - "icon": "celebration", - "subtitle": "Virtual clubhouse", - "text": "Digital place for events or hang-outs.", - "title": "Partey" - }, - "registration_vouchers": { - "icon": "card_giftcard", - "subtitle": "Voucher for Registration-Token", - "text": "Invite to use the services of Bastelei e. V.", - "title": "Registration vouchers" - }, - "ROLE_ADMIN": { - "icon": "admin_panel_settings", - "subtitle": "Administrator of we.bstly", - "text": "Administrator privileges for we.bstly API", - "title": "Administrator" - }, - "ROLE_GUEST": { - "icon": "schedule_send", - "subtitle": "Guest Account of we.bstly", - "text": "Guest Account Invite", - "title": "Guest Account" - }, - "ROLE_MEMBER": { - "icon": "loyalty", - "subtitle": "Membership of Bastelei e. V.", - "text": "Valid member of Bastelei e. V.", - "title": "Club membership" - }, - "wikijs": { - "icon": "school", - "subtitle": "Informationen, documentation, guides", - "text": "All informations about Bastelei e. V. and provides service, together with guides for individual services and functions.", - "title": "Wiki" - } - }, - "software": "Software", - "sourcecode": "Source Code", - "token": "Token", - "tokens": { - ".": "Token", - "enter": "Enter token", - "get": "Membership", - "invalid": "The provided token is invalid.", - "provide-valid": "Please provide a valid token.", - "redeem": "Redeem token", - "redeemed": "The provided token has already been redeemed.", - "validate": "Validate" - }, - "user": { - ".": "User", - "aliases": { - ".": "Aliases", - "alias": "Alias", - "confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete your alias '{0}'?", - "create": "Add Alias", - "delete": "Delete", - "error": "This alias is invalid.", - "info": "You can add Aliases here. The number is limited due to a quota.", - "left": "You have {0} Alias(es) left.", - "noQuota": "Your quota for Aliases is depleted." - }, - "domains": { - ".": "Domains", - "domain": "Domain", - "confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete your domain '{0}'?", - "create": "Add Domain", - "delete": "Delete", - "error": "This domain is invalid.", - "info": "You can add Domains here.", - "secret": { - ".": "Secret", - "copy": "Copy secret to clipboard", - "copied": "Copied to clipboard" - }, - "validated": "Validated" - }, - "unavailable": { - ".": "Access denied", - "text": "The provided user does not exists or you have insufficient privileges to access profile." - } - }, - "username": { - ".": "Username", - "error": "Please choose a different username.", - "missing": "Please enter a valid username." - }, - "visibility": { - ".": "Visibility", - "PRIVATE": { - ".": "Private", - "icon": "lock" - }, - "PROTECTED": { - ".": "Protected", - "icon": "shield" - }, - "PUBLIC": { - ".": "Public", - "icon": "public" - } - }, - "voucher": { - ".": "Voucher", - "code": "Code", - "type": "Typ" - }, - "vouchers": { - ".": "Vouchers", - "add-on": "Add-On", - "info": "Generate vouchers for Add-Ons and registration.", - "registration": "Registration", - "stored-safely": { - ".": "Please store the provided voucher code securely, since we do not store any relation of vouchers to your account. If you leave page or reload the code won't be shown up again!", - "confirm": "I securely stored the given voucher!" - }, - "temp": { - ".": "Temporary vouchers", - "info": "You currently requested vouchers are displayed here. Please store them securely!" - } - } + "account": { + ".": "Account", + "advanced": { + ".": "Advanced" + } + }, + "cancel": "Cancel", + "close": "Close", + "confirm": "Confirm", + "delete" : "Delete", + "email": { + ".": "Email address", + "invalid": "invalid email address", + "primary": { + ".": "primary email address", + "hint": "A primary email address is used for contact you instead of you we.bstly address." + } + }, + "format": { + "date": "MM/dd/yyy", + "datetime": "MM/dd/yyy h:mm a", + "time": "h:mm:ss a" + }, + "greet": "Hello {0}", + "help": "Help", + "help-button" : "Find help in Wiki", + "imprint": "Imprint", + "info": { + ".": "Info" + }, + "invite": { + ".": "Invite", + "create": "Create Invite", + "expires": "Expires", + "link": "Link", + "message": "Personal Message", + "noMessage": "No Message", + "noNote": "No Note", + "note": "Note", + "redeemed": "Redeemed", + "starts": "Starts" + }, + "invites": { + ".": "Invites", + "info": "You can create new invites here. To edit an invite like adding a note or change the personal invite message just click on the invite link. If you are authorized, you can change the texts directly on the invite page. Afterwards just send the same link to the person to invite or print out for an analog invite. If not authorized, a registration formular will be shown on bottom of page.", + "left": "You have {0} invites left.", + "noQuota": "Your quota for invites is depleted.", + "others": "Other's invites", + "redeemed": { + "filter": { + ".": "Filter redeemed status", + "false": "Not redeemed", + "none": "No filter", + "true": "Redeemed" + } + }, + "search": "Search" + }, + "jitsi": { + "rooms": { + ".": "Jitsi Rooms", + "clipboard" : { + "copied" : "Jitsi Room url copied to clipboard!" + }, + "confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete your Jitsi Room '{0}'?", + "create": "Create Jitsi Room", + "delete": "Delete", + "edit" : "Edit", + "error": { + "expires": "Invalid expiry.", + "moderationStarts": "Invalid moderation starts. Moderation have to start before conference starts", + "room": "Please choose a different name. The name is already taken or contains invalid characters. Only letters and numbers are allowed.", + "starts": "Invalid start." + }, + "expires": "Expires", + "info": "You can create new Jitsi Rooms here. The number is limited due to a quota.", + "left": "You have {0} Jitsi Room(s) left.", + "moderationStarts": "Moderation starts", + "moderationUrl": "Moderation url", + "noQuota": "Your quota for Jitsi Rooms is depleted.", + "notStarted": "The conference has not started yet, copy url to clipboard.", + "room": "Name", + "save" : "Save", + "starts": "Starts" + }, + "share": { + ".": "Share", + "clipboard": { + "copied": "Copied to clipboard", + "text": "Copy text to clipboard", + "url": "Copy url to clipboard" + }, + "email": { + ".": "Share via email", + "subject": "Invite to video conference {0}" + }, + "text": { + "both": "The conference begins at {0} and ends at {1}.", + "expires": "The conference ends at {0}.", + "intro": "Hello, I want to invite you to a video conference.", + "outro": "You can join the conference under:\n{0}", + "starts": "The conference begins at {0}." + } + } + }, + "locale": { + "de-informal": { + "long": "Deutsch", + "short": "DE" + }, + "en": { + "long": "English", + "short": "EN" + } + }, + "login": { + ".": "Login", + "external": "Login", + "invalid": "Wrong username or password.", + "keepSession": "Stay logged in" + }, + "logout": "Logout", + "minetest": { + "accounts": { + ".": "Minetest Accounts", + "create": "Create Minetest Account", + "confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete your Minetest Account '{0}'? Your account cannot be restored and others can claim your account name afterwards!", + "delete": "Delete", + "deletion": "Your account cannot be restored and others can claim your account name afterwards!", + "error": { + "name": "Please choose a different name. The name is already taken or contains invalid characters. Only letters, numbers, '-' and '_' are allowed." + }, + "info": "You can create new Minetest Accounts here. The number is limited due to a quota.", + "left": "You have {0} Minetest Account(s) left.", + "name": "Name", + "noQuota": "Your quota for Minetest Accounts is depleted." + } + }, + "not-found": { + ".": "Nothing found", + "text": "This page was not found." + }, + "ok": "Ok", + "partey": { + ".": "Partey", + "tags" : { + "." : "Partey Tags", + "none" : "None" + }, + "timeslots": { + ".": "Partey Timeslots", + "confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete your Timeslot '{0}' from {1}?", + "create": { + ".": "Create new Timeslot", + "AUDIO": "New Audio Timeslot", + "VIDEO": "New Video Timeslot" + }, + "delete": "Delete", + "description": "Description", + "edit": "Edit", + "ends": "Ends", + "error": { + "ends": "Invalid end. Please check for conflicting Timeslots or duration.", + "starts": "Invalid start. Please check for conflicting Timeslots or duration." + }, + "filter": { + ".": "Filter", + "after": "After", + "owner": { + ".": "Owner", + "all": "All", + "mine": "My Timeslots", + "others": "Other Timeslots" + }, + "search": "Search", + "type": { + ".": "Type", + "all": "All", + "AUDIO": "Audio", + "VIDEO": "Video" + } + }, + "info": "You can create new timeslots for Partey here. The number is limited due to a quota.", + "left": "You have {0} Timeslot(s) left.", + "noQuota": "Your quota for Timeslots is depleted.", + "save": "Save Timeslot", + "secret": { + ".": "Audio Stream Secret", + "copied": "Copied to clipboard", + "copy": "Copy Audio Stream Secret" + }, + "starts": "Starts", + "stream": { + ".": "Stream", + "AUDIO": "Icecast2 Stream Key", + "VIDEO": "PeerTube Video Id" + }, + "title": "Title", + "type": { + ".": "Type", + "AUDIO": { + ".": "Audio", + "icon": "music_note" + }, + "VIDEO": { + ".": "Video", + "icon": "live_tv" + } + } + } + }, + "password": { + ".": "Password", + "change": "Change password", + "changed": "Successfully changed password", + "confirm": "Confirm password", + "current": "Current password", + "error": { + "ILLEGAL_WHITESPACE": "Please don't use space characters.", + "INSUFFICIENT_DIGIT": "Please enter at least one digit.", + "INSUFFICIENT_LOWERCASE": "Please enter at least one lower case character.", + "INSUFFICIENT_SPECIAL": "Please enter at least one special character.", + "INSUFFICIENT_UPPERCASE": "Please enter at least one upper case character.", + "TOO_SHORT": "Please choose a longer password." + }, + "forgot": "Forgot password", + "invalid": { + ".": "Password is invalid", + "hint": "Please provide password in a valid format." + }, + "not-match": "Passwords did not match.", + "request": "Request new password", + "reset": { + ".": "Set password", + "login": "Back to login", + "success": { + "text": "Your new password has been applied. You can now login with your new password.", + "title": "Successfully changed password" + } + } + }, + "permissions": { + ".": "Permissions", + "expires": "Valid until", + "name": "Name", + "starts": "Valid from" + }, + "pgp": { + ".": "PGP", + "privateKey": { + ".": "Private PGP key", + "confirmStore": "I have securely stored my private key!", + "copied": "Private Key copied to clipbaord", + "copyKey": "Copy to clipboard", + "downloaded": "Stored private key otherwise.", + "downloadKey": "Download private key", + "help": "Currently your private key will be used for password reset. Besides it can be used to decrypt emails and authenticate against certain services." + } + }, + "privacy-policy": "Privacy Policy", + "profile": "Profile", + "profileField": { + ".": "Profile field", + "blob": { + "pgp": "Create new PGP Keypair" + }, + "confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete your profile field '{0}'?", + "create": "Add new profile field", + "delete": "Delete", + "edit": "Edit", + "error": { + "BLOB": { + ".": "Invalid binary blob" + }, + "BOOL": { + ".": "Invalid boolean" + }, + "DATE": { + ".": "Invalid date" + }, + "EMAIL": { + ".": "Invalid email address" + }, + "name": "name invalid or too short", + "NUMBER": { + ".": "Invalid numeric" + }, + "TEXT": { + ".": "Text too long" + }, + "type": "Invalid type for this profile field", + "URL": { + ".": "Invalid URL" + }, + "visibility": "Invalid visibility for profile field" + }, + "index": "Index", + "name": { + ".": "Key", + "darkTheme": "Dark Theme", + "email": "Email address", + "locale": "Locale", + "primaryEmail": "Use email address primary", + "prtyMap": "Partey map", + "publicKey": "Public PGP key" + }, + "openBlob": "Display", + "type": { + ".": "Type", + "BLOB": { + ".": "Binary blob" + }, + "BOOL": { + ".": "Boolean" + }, + "DATE": { + ".": "Date" + }, + "EMAIL": { + ".": "Email" + }, + "NUMBER": { + ".": "Numeric" + }, + "TEXT": { + ".": "Text" + }, + "URL": { + ".": "URL" + } + }, + "value": "Value" + }, + "quotas": { + ".": "Quotas", + "fixed_value": { + ".": "Total", + "hint": "You can look up your usage in the respective service." + }, + "name": "Name", + "unit": { + "#": "# (Count)", + ".": "Unit", + "G": "GB (Gigabyte)" + }, + "value": { + ".": "Available", + "hint": "" + } + }, + "register": { + ".": "Registration", + "login": "To Login", + "success": { + "text": "Successfully registered your Account. You can login now!", + "title": "Finished registration" + }, + "token.missing": "You need a valid token!" + }, + "save": "Save", + "security": { + ".": "Security", + "2fa": { + ".": "Two-Factor-Authentication (2FA)", + "external": "2FA required", + "info": "You can additionally add a second factor to your password. Please keep in mind, that this only affects your we.bstly-Account and not your email login. Currently only TOTP (also known as Google Authenticator) is supported as 2FA method.", + "invalid": "Invalid code", + "login": "Verify code", + "missing": "Please enter 2FA code", + "totp": { + ".": "2FA (TOTP)", + "activate": "Please enter your current code to enable TOTP as your 2FA.", + "code": "TOTP code", + "create": "2FA (TOTP) create", + "enable": "Enable 2FA (TOTP)", + "hint": "To use TOP as second factor, please scan the shown QR-Code with your TOTP App.", + "keepSession": "Remember 2FA (TOTP) for this device", + "remove": "Disable 2FA (TOTP)" + } + }, + "status": { + ".": "Status", + "change": "Change status", + "hint": "You Account Status controls the handling of your account data after all permissions expired.", + "NORMAL": { + ".": "Normal", + "hint": "Your account and all your data will be deleted after four (4) weeks. So you have 4 weeks left to reactivate your account." + }, + "PURGE": { + ".": "Purge", + "hint": "Your account and all your data will be deleted immediately after expiry. So you can not(!) reactivate your account." + }, + "SLEEP": { + ".": "Sleep", + "hint": "Your account and all your data will not(!) be deleted. So you have reactivate your account anytime." + }, + "success": "Status successfully changed" + } + }, + "service": { + "name": "Name", + "text": "Description" + }, + "service-unavailable": { + ".": "Service unavailable", + "retry": "Reload page", + "support": "Support", + "text": "The service seems currently unavailable. If this message appears over a longer period, please contact our support!" + }, + "services": { + ".": "Services", + "alias_creation": { + "icon": "alternate_email", + "subtitle": "Creation of Aliases", + "text": "You can add additional aliases besides your username.", + "title": "Aliases" + }, + "category" : { + "we-tools" : "we.bstly tools", + "ztools" : "Tools" + }, + "empty": "You have insufficient permissions to use any services.", + "gitea": { + "icon": "code", + "subtitle": "Git-Repositories", + "text": "Alternative of services like GitHub, Source Code of bstly-development", + "title": "Gitea" + }, + "goto": "To service", + "invite_partey": { + "icon": "cake", + "subtitle": "Invite to Partey", + "text": "Create Invites for Opening Partey.", + "title": "Partey-Invites" + }, + "jitsi": { + "icon": "video_call", + "subtitle": "Video conferencing", + "text": "Video conferencing with all functionality needed for meeting online with Video and Audio streams.", + "title": "Jitsi Meet" + }, + "mail": { + "icon": "email", + "subtitle": "Email Account", + "text": "Catch-All to @{username}, learning spam-filter and PGP encryption.", + "title": "Email Account" + }, + "matrix": { + "icon": "question_answer", + "subtitle": "Messenger", + "text": "talk, exchange, discuss with others", + "title": "Matrix" + }, + "minetest" : { + "icon": "widgets", + "subtitle": "Open-Source Minecraft Clone", + "text": "Minetest with Mineclone2 game is an open-source Minecraft-like game.", + "title": "Minetest" + }, + "minetest_accounts" : { + "icon": "account_box", + "subtitle": "Minetest Account creation", + "text": "Create Account(s) for Minetest", + "title": "Minetest Accounts" + }, + "monitoring": { + "icon": "check", + "subtitle": "System Status", + "text": "Status and perfomance of current systems", + "title": "Monitoring" + }, + "nextcloud": { + "icon": "cloud", + "subtitle": "Cloud service", + "text": "File management, calendar, tasks, contacts, polls and more.", + "title": "Nextcloud" + }, + "owncast": { + "icon": "videocam", + "subtitle": "Livestreams", + "text": "Livestreams of Bastelei e. V.", + "title": "Owncast" + }, + "partey": { + "icon": "celebration", + "subtitle": "Virtual clubhouse", + "text": "Digital place for events or hang-outs.", + "title": "Partey" + }, + "partey_timeslot": { + "icon": "cast", + "subtitle": "Streaming Timeslots for Partey.", + "text": "Booking of Streaming Timeslots for disco or cinema in virtual clubhouse.", + "title": "Partey Timeslots" + }, + "peertube": { + "icon": "play_arrow", + "subtitle": "bstly PeerTube instance", + "text": "An ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P.", + "title": "PeerTube" + }, + "privatebin": { + "icon": "content_paste", + "subtitle": "Pastebin", + "text": "quick share text or code with others", + "title": "PrivateBin" + }, + "registration_vouchers": { + "icon": "card_giftcard", + "subtitle": "Voucher for Registration-Token", + "text": "Invite to use the services of Bastelei e. V.", + "title": "Registration vouchers" + }, + "ROLE_ADMIN": { + "icon": "admin_panel_settings", + "subtitle": "Administrator of we.bstly", + "text": "Administrator privileges for we.bstly API", + "title": "Administrator" + }, + "ROLE_GUEST": { + "icon": "schedule_send", + "subtitle": "Guest Account of we.bstly", + "text": "Guest Account Invite", + "title": "Guest Account" + }, + "ROLE_MEMBER": { + "icon": "loyalty", + "subtitle": "Membership of Bastelei e. V.", + "text": "Valid member of Bastelei e. V.", + "title": "Club membership" + }, + "support_request": { + "icon": "help", + "subtitle": "Direct request to _Bastler", + "text": "Send direct support requests to _Bastler", + "title": "Support Request" + }, + "testapp": { + "icon": "bug_report", + "subtitle": "A Testapp", + "text": "This is a test app.", + "title": "Testapp" + }, + "url_shortener": { + "icon": "link", + "subtitle": "Create shortened links", + "text": "Create shortened links optional with password protection or expires date", + "title": "Url shortener" + }, + "vaultwarden": { + "icon": "security", + "subtitle": "Password manager", + "text": "Manage all your passwords securely with Vaultwarden, the Rust implementation of Bitwarden.", + "title": "Vaultwarden" + }, + "wikijs": { + "icon": "school", + "subtitle": "Informationen, documentation, guides", + "text": "All informations about Bastelei e. V. and provides service, together with guides for individual services and functions.", + "title": "Wiki" + }, + "wordpress": { + "icon": "home", + "subtitle": "Add comments, view exclusive content", + "text": "Our main homepage is based on Wordpress. Write comments or view exlusive content after authorize with your account.", + "title": "Wordpress" + } + }, + "software": "Software", + "sourcecode": "Source Code", + "token": "Token", + "tokens": { + ".": "Token", + "active" : "Current Tokens", + "enter": "Enter token", + "get": "Membership", + "invalid": "The provided token is invalid.", + "provide-valid": "Please provide a valid token.", + "redeem": "Redeem token", + "redeemed": "The provided token has already been redeemed.", + "validate": "Validate" + }, + "urlshortener": { + ".": "Urlshortener", + "advanced": "Advanced", + "code": "Code", + "confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete your shortened link for '{0}'?", + "create": "Create shortened link", + "delete": "Delete", + "edit" : "Edit", + "error": { + "code": "Code already in use", + "expires": "Expires must be set in future", + "url": "Invalid url" + }, + "expires": "Expires", + "info": "You can create new shortened links here. The number is limited due to a quota.", + "left": "You have {0} shortened link(s) left.", + "link": "Link", + "newPassword" : "New Password", + "noQuota": "Your quota for shortened links is depleted.", + "note": "Note", + "password": { + ".": "This link is password protected. Enter password to proceed.", + "invalid": "The given password is invalid.", + "submit": "Submit" + }, + "queryParameters" : { + "." : "Pass query parameters", + "info" : "Pass query parameters to target url" + }, + "save" : "Save", + "share": { + ".": "Share", + "clipboard": { + "copied": "Copied to clipboard", + "text": "Copy text to clipboard", + "url": "Copy url to clipboard" + }, + "email": { + ".": "Share via email", + "subject": "Take a look" + }, + "text": "I want to share the following link with you: {0}" + }, + "url": "Url" + }, + "user": { + ".": "User", + "aliases": { + ".": "Aliases", + "alias": "Alias", + "confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete your alias '{0}'?", + "create": "Add Alias", + "delete": "Delete", + "error": "This alias is invalid.", + "info": "You can add Aliases here. The number is limited due to a quota.", + "left": "You have {0} Alias(es) left.", + "noQuota": "Your quota for Aliases is depleted." + }, + "domains": { + ".": "Domains", + "confirmDelete": "Are you sure you want to delete your domain '{0}'?", + "create": "Add Domain", + "delete": "Delete", + "domain": "Domain", + "error": "This domain is invalid.", + "info": "You can add Domains here.", + "secret": { + ".": "Secret", + "copied": "Copied to clipboard", + "copy": "Copy secret to clipboard" + }, + "validated": "Validated" + }, + "unavailable": { + ".": "Access denied", + "text": "The provided user does not exists or you have insufficient privileges to access profile." + } + }, + "username": { + ".": "Username", + "error": "Please choose a different username.", + "missing": "Please enter a valid username." + }, + "visibility": { + ".": "Visibility", + "PRIVATE": { + ".": "Private", + "icon": "lock" + }, + "PROTECTED": { + ".": "Protected", + "icon": "shield" + }, + "PUBLIC": { + ".": "Public", + "icon": "public" + } + }, + "voucher": { + ".": "Voucher", + "code": "Code", + "type": "Typ" + }, + "vouchers": { + ".": "Vouchers", + "add-on": "Add-On", + "info": "Generate vouchers for Add-Ons and registration.", + "registration": "Registration", + "stored-safely": { + ".": "Please store the provided voucher code securely, since we do not store any relation of vouchers to your account. If you leave page or reload the code won't be shown up again!", + "confirm": "I securely stored the given voucher!" + }, + "temp": { + ".": "Temporary vouchers", + "info": "You currently requested vouchers are displayed here. Please store them securely!" + } + } } \ No newline at end of file