The ts-proto lib has the huge advantage of producing code the "Typescript" way and not the "Java" way. In particular, for "oneof" types in protobuf, it is generating "ADT" that can be used to check if we forgot or not to deal with a type.
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FROM node:14.15.4-buster-slim@sha256:cbae886186467bbfd274b82a234a1cdfbbd31201c2a6ee63a6893eefcf3c6e76 as builder
WORKDIR /usr/src
COPY messages .
RUN yarn install && yarn ts-proto
# we are rebuilding on each deploy to cope with the PUSHER_URL environment URL
FROM thecodingmachine/nodejs:14-apache
COPY --chown=docker:docker front .
COPY --from=builder --chown=docker:docker /usr/src/ts-proto-generated/protos /var/www/html/src/Messages/ts-proto-generated
RUN sed -i 's/import { Observable } from "rxjs";/import type { Observable } from "rxjs";/g' /var/www/html/src/Messages/ts-proto-generated/messages.ts
COPY --from=builder --chown=docker:docker /usr/src/JsonMessages /var/www/html/src/Messages/JsonMessages
# Removing the iframe.html file from the final image as this adds a XSS attack.
# iframe.html is only in dev mode to circumvent a limitation
RUN rm dist/iframe.html
RUN yarn install
ENV NODE_ENV=production
ENV STARTUP_COMMAND_0="./templater.sh"
ENV STARTUP_COMMAND_1="yarn run build"