///<reference path="../../front/src/iframe_api.ts" /> console.log('SCRIPT LAUNCHED'); //WA.sendChatMessage('Hi, my name is Poly and I repeat what you say!', 'Poly Parrot'); var isFirstTimeTuto = false; var textFirstPopup = 'Hey ! This is how to open start a discussion with someone ! You can be 4 max in a booble'; var textSecondPopup = 'You can also use the chat to communicate ! '; var targetObjectTutoBubble = 'myPopup1'; var targetObjectTutoChat = 'myPopup2'; var popUpExplanation = undefined; function launchTuto() { WA.ui.openPopup(targetObjectTutoBubble, textFirstPopup, [ { label: "Next", className: "popUpElement", callback: (popup) => { popup.close(); WA.ui.openPopup(targetObjectTutoChat, textSecondPopup, [ { label: "Open Chat", className: "popUpElement", callback: (popup1) => { WA.chat.sendChatMessage("Hey you can talk here too ! ", 'WA Guide'); popup1.close(); WA.controls.restorePlayerControls(); } } ]) } } ]); WA.controls.disablePlayerControls(); } WA.chat.onChatMessage((message => { console.log('CHAT MESSAGE RECEIVED BY SCRIPT'); WA.chat.sendChatMessage('Poly Parrot says: "' + message + '"', 'Poly Parrot'); })); WA.room.onEnterZone('myTrigger', () => { WA.chat.sendChatMessage("Don't step on my carpet!", 'Poly Parrot'); WA.chat.sendChatMessage("Yeah, don't step on her carpet!", 'Peter Parrot'); }) WA.room.onLeaveZone('popupZone', () => { }) WA.room.onEnterZone('notExist', () => { WA.chat.sendChatMessage("YOU SHOULD NEVER SEE THIS", 'Poly Parrot'); }) WA.room.onEnterZone('popupZone', () => { WA.ui.displayBubble(); if(!isFirstTimeTuto) { isFirstTimeTuto = true; launchTuto(); } else popUpExplanation = WA.ui.openPopup(targetObjectTutoChat, 'Do you want to review the explanation ? ', [ { label: "No", className: "popUpElementReviewexplanation", callback: (popup) => { popup.close(); } }, { label: "Yes", className: "popUpElementReviewexplanation", callback: (popup) => { popup.close(); launchTuto(); } } ]) }); WA.room.onLeaveZone('popupZone', () => { if(popUpExplanation !== undefined) popUpExplanation.close(); WA.ui.removeBubble(); }) const message = WA.ui.displayActionMessage("testMessage", () => { WA.chat.sendChatMessage("triggered", "triggerbot"); }) setTimeout(() => { message.remove(); }, 5000)