import { expect, test, chromium } from '@playwright/test'; import fs from 'fs'; import { rebootBack, rebootPusher, rebootTraefik, resetRedis, startRedis, stopRedis, } from './utils/containers'; import { getBackDump, getPusherDump } from './utils/debug'; import { assertLogMessage } from './utils/log'; import { login } from './utils/roles'; test.setTimeout(180000); test.describe('Variables', () => { // WARNING: Since this test restarts traefik and other components, it might fail when run against the vite dev server. // when running with --headed you can manually reload the page to avoid this issue. test('storage works', async ({ page }) => { await resetRedis(); await Promise.all([rebootBack(), rebootPusher()]); await page.goto( 'http://play.workadventure.localhost/_/global/maps.workadventure.localhost/tests/Variables/shared_variables.json?somerandomparam=1' ); await login(page); const textField = page .frameLocator('#cowebsite-buffer iframe') .locator('#textField'); await expect(textField).toHaveValue('default value'); await textField.fill(''); await textField.fill('new value'); await'Tab'); await page.goto( 'http://play.workadventure.localhost/_/global/maps.workadventure.localhost/tests/Variables/shared_variables.json' ); await expect(textField).toHaveValue('new value'); // Now, let's kill the reverse proxy to cut the connexion console.log('Rebooting traefik'); rebootTraefik(); console.log('Rebooting done'); // Maybe we should: // 1: stop Traefik // 2: detect reconnecting screen // 3: start Traefik again await expect(textField).toHaveValue('new value', { timeout: 60000 }); stopRedis(); await textField.fill(''); await textField.fill('value set while Redis stopped'); await'Tab'); startRedis(); await page.goto('http://maps.workadventure.localhost/tests/'); const backDump = await getBackDump(); //console.log('backDump', backDump); for (const room of backDump) { if ( room.roomUrl === 'http://play.workadventure.localhost/_/global/maps.workadventure.localhost/tests/Variables/shared_variables.json' ) { throw new Error('Room still found in back'); } } const pusherDump = await getPusherDump(); //console.log('pusherDump', pusherDump); expect( pusherDump[ 'http://play.workadventure.localhost/_/global/maps.workadventure.localhost/tests/Variables/shared_variables.json' ] ).toBe(undefined); await page.goto( 'http://play.workadventure.localhost/_/global/maps.workadventure.localhost/tests/Variables/shared_variables.json' ); // Redis will reconnect automatically and will store the variable on reconnect! // So we should see the new value. await expect(textField).toHaveValue('value set while Redis stopped'); // Now, let's try to kill / reboot the back await rebootBack(); await page.goto( 'http://play.workadventure.localhost/_/global/maps.workadventure.localhost/tests/Variables/shared_variables.json' ); await expect(textField).toHaveValue('value set while Redis stopped', { timeout: 60000, }); await textField.fill(''); await textField.fill('value set after back restart'); await'Tab'); await page.goto( 'http://play.workadventure.localhost/_/global/maps.workadventure.localhost/tests/Variables/shared_variables.json' ); // Redis will reconnect automatically and will store the variable on reconnect! // So we should see the new value. await expect(textField).toHaveValue('value set after back restart'); // Now, let's try to kill / reboot the back await rebootPusher(); await page.goto( 'http://play.workadventure.localhost/_/global/maps.workadventure.localhost/tests/Variables/shared_variables.json' ); await expect(textField).toHaveValue('value set after back restart', { timeout: 60000, }); await textField.fill(''); await textField.fill('value set after pusher restart'); await'Tab'); await page.goto( 'http://play.workadventure.localhost/_/global/maps.workadventure.localhost/tests/Variables/shared_variables.json' ); // Redis will reconnect automatically and will store the variable on reconnect! // So we should see the new value. await expect(textField).toHaveValue('value set after pusher restart'); }); test('cache doesnt prevent setting a variable in case the map changes', async ({ page, }) => { // Let's start by visiting a map that DOES not have the variable. fs.copyFileSync( '../maps/tests/Variables/Cache/variables_cache_1.json', '../maps/tests/Variables/Cache/variables_tmp.json' ); await page.goto( 'http://play.workadventure.localhost/_/global/maps.workadventure.localhost/tests/Variables/Cache/variables_tmp.json' ); await login(page, 'Alice', 2); // Wait for page to load before copying file (it seems the await above does not 100% fills its role otherwise). await timeout(3000); // Let's REPLACE the map by a map that has a new variable // At this point, the back server contains a cache of the old map (with no variables) fs.copyFileSync( '../maps/tests/Variables/Cache/variables_cache_2.json', '../maps/tests/Variables/Cache/variables_tmp.json' ); const browser = await chromium.launch(); const page2 = await browser.newPage(); await page2.goto( 'http://play.workadventure.localhost/_/global/maps.workadventure.localhost/tests/Variables/Cache/variables_tmp.json' ); await login(page2, 'Alice', 2); // Let's check we successfully manage to save the variable value. await assertLogMessage(page2, 'SUCCESS!'); }); }); function timeout(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); }