import {PlayerAnimationDirections, PlayerAnimationTypes} from "../Player/Animation"; import {SpeechBubble} from "./SpeechBubble"; import BitmapText = Phaser.GameObjects.BitmapText; import Container = Phaser.GameObjects.Container; import Sprite = Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; import {TextureError} from "../../Exception/TextureError"; import {Companion} from "../Companion/Companion"; import {getEmoteAnimName} from "../Game/EmoteManager"; import type {GameScene} from "../Game/GameScene"; import {DEPTH_INGAME_TEXT_INDEX} from "../Game/DepthIndexes"; import {waScaleManager} from "../Services/WaScaleManager"; const playerNameY = - 25; interface AnimationData { key: string; frameRate: number; repeat: number; frameModel: string; //todo use an enum frames : number[] } const interactiveRadius = 35; export abstract class Character extends Container { private bubble: SpeechBubble|null = null; private readonly playerName: BitmapText; public PlayerValue: string; public sprites: Map; private lastDirection: PlayerAnimationDirections = PlayerAnimationDirections.Down; //private teleportation: Sprite; private invisible: boolean; public companion?: Companion; private emote: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite | null = null; constructor(scene: GameScene, x: number, y: number, texturesPromise: Promise, name: string, direction: PlayerAnimationDirections, moving: boolean, frame: string | number, companion: string|null, companionTexturePromise?: Promise ) { super(scene, x, y/*, texture, frame*/); this.PlayerValue = name; this.invisible = true this.sprites = new Map(); //textures are inside a Promise in case they need to be lazyloaded before use. texturesPromise.then((textures) => { this.addTextures(textures, frame); this.invisible = false }) this.playerName = new BitmapText(scene, 0, playerNameY, 'main_font', name, 7); this.playerName.setOrigin(0.5).setCenterAlign().setDepth(DEPTH_INGAME_TEXT_INDEX); this.add(this.playerName); if (this.isClickable()) { this.setInteractive({ hitArea: new Phaser.Geom.Circle(0, 0, interactiveRadius), hitAreaCallback: Phaser.Geom.Circle.Contains, //eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method useHandCursor: true, }); } scene.add.existing(this);; this.getBody().setImmovable(true); this.getBody().setCollideWorldBounds(true); this.setSize(16, 16); this.getBody().setSize(16, 16); //edit the hitbox to better match the character model this.getBody().setOffset(0, 8); this.setDepth(-1); this.playAnimation(direction, moving); if (typeof companion === 'string') { this.addCompanion(companion, companionTexturePromise); } } public addCompanion(name: string, texturePromise?: Promise): void { if (typeof texturePromise !== 'undefined') { this.companion = new Companion(this.scene, this.x, this.y, name, texturePromise); } } public abstract isClickable(): boolean; public addTextures(textures: string[], frame?: string | number): void { for (const texture of textures) { if(!this.scene.textures.exists(texture)){ throw new TextureError('texture not found'); } const sprite = new Sprite(this.scene, 0, 0, texture, frame); this.add(sprite); this.getPlayerAnimations(texture).forEach(d => { this.scene.anims.create({ key: d.key, frames: this.scene.anims.generateFrameNumbers(d.frameModel, {frames: d.frames}), frameRate: d.frameRate, repeat: d.repeat }); }) // Needed, otherwise, animations are not handled correctly. if(this.scene) { this.scene.sys.updateList.add(sprite); } this.sprites.set(texture, sprite); } } private getPlayerAnimations(name: string): AnimationData[] { return [{ key: `${name}-${PlayerAnimationDirections.Down}-${PlayerAnimationTypes.Walk}`, frameModel: name, frames: [0, 1, 2, 1], frameRate: 10, repeat: -1 }, { key: `${name}-${PlayerAnimationDirections.Left}-${PlayerAnimationTypes.Walk}`, frameModel: name, frames: [3, 4, 5, 4], frameRate: 10, repeat: -1 }, { key: `${name}-${PlayerAnimationDirections.Right}-${PlayerAnimationTypes.Walk}`, frameModel: name, frames: [6, 7, 8, 7], frameRate: 10, repeat: -1 }, { key: `${name}-${PlayerAnimationDirections.Up}-${PlayerAnimationTypes.Walk}`, frameModel: name, frames: [9, 10, 11, 10], frameRate: 10, repeat: -1 },{ key: `${name}-${PlayerAnimationDirections.Down}-${PlayerAnimationTypes.Idle}`, frameModel: name, frames: [1], frameRate: 10, repeat: 1 }, { key: `${name}-${PlayerAnimationDirections.Left}-${PlayerAnimationTypes.Idle}`, frameModel: name, frames: [4], frameRate: 10, repeat: 1 }, { key: `${name}-${PlayerAnimationDirections.Right}-${PlayerAnimationTypes.Idle}`, frameModel: name, frames: [7], frameRate: 10, repeat: 1 }, { key: `${name}-${PlayerAnimationDirections.Up}-${PlayerAnimationTypes.Idle}`, frameModel: name, frames: [10], frameRate: 10, repeat: 1 }]; } protected playAnimation(direction : PlayerAnimationDirections, moving: boolean): void { if (this.invisible) return; for (const [texture, sprite] of this.sprites.entries()) { if (!sprite.anims) { console.error('ANIMS IS NOT DEFINED!!!'); return; } if (moving && (!sprite.anims.currentAnim || sprite.anims.currentAnim.key !== direction)) {'-'+direction+'-'+PlayerAnimationTypes.Walk, true); } else if (!moving) { + '-' + direction + '-'+PlayerAnimationTypes.Idle, true); } } } protected getBody(): Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body { const body = this.body; if (!(body instanceof Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body)) { throw new Error('Container does not have arcade body'); } return body; } move(x: number, y: number) { const body = this.getBody(); body.setVelocity(x, y); // up or down animations are prioritized over left and right if (body.velocity.y < 0) { //moving up this.lastDirection = PlayerAnimationDirections.Up; this.playAnimation(PlayerAnimationDirections.Up, true); } else if (body.velocity.y > 0) { //moving down this.lastDirection = PlayerAnimationDirections.Down; this.playAnimation(PlayerAnimationDirections.Down, true); } else if (body.velocity.x > 0) { //moving right this.lastDirection = PlayerAnimationDirections.Right; this.playAnimation(PlayerAnimationDirections.Right, true); } else if (body.velocity.x < 0) { //moving left this.lastDirection = PlayerAnimationDirections.Left; this.playAnimation(PlayerAnimationDirections.Left, true); } this.setDepth(this.y); if (this.companion) { this.companion.setTarget(this.x, this.y, this.lastDirection); } } stop(){ this.getBody().setVelocity(0, 0); this.playAnimation(this.lastDirection, false); } say(text: string) { if (this.bubble) return; this.bubble = new SpeechBubble(this.scene, this, text) setTimeout(() => { if (this.bubble !== null) { this.bubble.destroy(); this.bubble = null; } }, 3000) } destroy(): void { for (const sprite of this.sprites.values()) { if(this.scene) { this.scene.sys.updateList.remove(sprite); } } this.list.forEach(objectContaining => objectContaining.destroy()) super.destroy(); } playEmote(emoteKey: string) { this.cancelPreviousEmote(); this.playerName.setVisible(false); this.emote = new Sprite(this.scene, 0, -30 - waScaleManager.uiScalingFactor * 10, emoteKey, 1); this.emote.setDepth(DEPTH_INGAME_TEXT_INDEX); this.emote.setScale(waScaleManager.uiScalingFactor) this.add(this.emote); this.scene.sys.updateList.add(this.emote);; this.emote.on(Phaser.Animations.Events.ANIMATION_COMPLETE, () => { this.emote?.destroy(); this.emote = null; this.playerName.setVisible(true); }); } cancelPreviousEmote() { if (!this.emote) return; this.emote?.destroy(); this.emote = null; this.playerName.setVisible(true); } }