import { HttpRequest, HttpResponse, TemplatedApp } from "uWebSockets.js"; import { BaseController } from "./BaseController"; import { parse } from "query-string"; import { adminApi } from "../Services/AdminApi"; import { ADMIN_API_URL } from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable"; import { GameRoomPolicyTypes } from "../Model/PusherRoom"; import { MapDetailsData } from "../Services/AdminApi/MapDetailsData"; import { socketManager } from "../Services/SocketManager"; import { AuthTokenData, jwtTokenManager } from "../Services/JWTTokenManager"; import { v4 } from "uuid"; export class MapController extends BaseController { constructor(private App: TemplatedApp) { super(); this.App = App; this.getMapUrl(); } // Returns a map mapping map name to file name of the map getMapUrl() { this.App.options("/map", (res: HttpResponse, req: HttpRequest) => { this.addCorsHeaders(res); res.end(); }); this.App.get("/map", (res: HttpResponse, req: HttpRequest) => { res.onAborted(() => { console.warn("/map request was aborted"); }); const query = parse(req.getQuery()); if (typeof query.playUri !== "string") { console.error("Expected playUri parameter in /map endpoint"); res.writeStatus("400 Bad request"); this.addCorsHeaders(res); res.end("Expected playUri parameter"); return; } // If no admin URL is set, let's react on '/_/[instance]/[map url]' URLs if (!ADMIN_API_URL) { const roomUrl = new URL(query.playUri); const match = /\/_\/[^/]+\/(.+)/.exec(roomUrl.pathname); if (!match) { res.writeStatus("404 Not Found"); this.addCorsHeaders(res); res.end(JSON.stringify({})); return; } const mapUrl = roomUrl.protocol + "//" + match[1]; res.writeStatus("200 OK"); this.addCorsHeaders(res); res.end( JSON.stringify({ mapUrl, policy_type: GameRoomPolicyTypes.ANONYMOUS_POLICY, roomSlug: "", // Deprecated tags: [], textures: [], } as MapDetailsData) ); return; } (async () => { try { let userId: string | undefined = undefined; if (query.authToken != undefined) { let authTokenData: AuthTokenData; try { authTokenData = jwtTokenManager.verifyJWTToken(query.authToken as string); userId = authTokenData.identifier; } catch (e) { // Decode token, in this case we don't need to create new token. authTokenData = jwtTokenManager.verifyJWTToken(query.authToken as string, true); userId = authTokenData.identifier;"JWT expire, but decoded", userId); } } const mapDetails = await adminApi.fetchMapDetails(query.playUri as string, userId); res.writeStatus("200 OK"); this.addCorsHeaders(res); res.end(JSON.stringify(mapDetails)); } catch (e) { this.errorToResponse(e, res); } })(); }); } }