{.section-title.accent.text-primary} # Meeting rooms [Building your map - Meeting room](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN9VMWHN0eo) ## Opening a Jitsi meet when walking on the map On your map, you can define special zones (meeting rooms) that will trigger the opening of a Jitsi meet. When a player will pass over these zones, a Jitsi meet will open (as an iframe on the right side of the screen) In order to create Jitsi meet zones: * You must create a specific layer. * In layer properties, you MUST add a "`jitsiRoom`" property (of type "`string`"). The value of the property is the name of the room in Jitsi. Note: the name of the room will be "slugified" and prepended with the name of the instance of the map (so that different instances of the map have different rooms) * You may also use "jitsiWidth" property (of type "number" between 0 and 100) to control the width of the iframe containing the meeting room. You can have this layer (i.e. your meeting area) to be selectable as the precise location for your meeting using the [Google Calendar integration for Work Adventure](/integrations/google-calendar). To do so, you must set the `meetingRoomLabel` property. You can provide any name that you would like your meeting room to have (as a string). ## Triggering of the "Jitsi meet" action By default, Jitsi meet will open when a user enters the zone defined on the map. It is however possible to trigger Jitsi only on user action. You can do this with the `jitsiTrigger` property. If you set `jitsiTrigger: onaction`, when the user walks on the layer, an alert message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen: If you set `jitsiTriggerMessage: your message action` you can edit alert message displayed. If is not defined, the default message displayed is 'Press on SPACE to enter in jitsi meet room'. ## Customizing your "Jitsi meet" Your Jitsi meet experience can be customized using Jitsi specific config options. The `jitsiConfig` and `jitsiInterfaceConfig` properties can be used on the Jitsi layer to change the way Jitsi looks and behaves. Those 2 properties are accepting a JSON string. For instance, use `jitsiConfig: { "startWithAudioMuted": true }` to automatically mute the microphone when someone enters a room. Or use `jitsiInterfaceConfig: { "DEFAULT_BACKGROUND": "#77ee77" }` to change the background color of Jitsi. The `jitsiConfig` property will override the Jitsi [config.js](https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/master/config.js) file The `jitsiInterfaceConfig` property will override the Jitsi [interface_config.js](https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/master/interface_config.js) file