import { z } from "zod"; /* * WARNING! The original file is in /messages/JsonMessages. * All other files are automatically copied from this file on container startup / build */ //The list of all the player textures, both the default models and the partial textures used for customization const wokaTexture = z.object({ id: z.string(), name: z.string(), url: z.string(), tags: z.array(z.string()).optional(), tintable: z.boolean().optional(), }); export type WokaTexture = z.infer; const wokaTextureCollection = z.object({ name: z.string(), textures: z.array(wokaTexture), }); export type WokaTextureCollection = z.infer; const wokaPartType = z.object({ collections: z.array(wokaTextureCollection), required: z.boolean().optional(), }); export type WokaPartType = z.infer; export const wokaList = z.record(wokaPartType); export type WokaList = z.infer; export const wokaPartNames = ["woka", "body", "eyes", "hair", "clothes", "hat", "accessory"]; export const isWokaDetail = z.object({ id: z.string(), url: z.optional(z.string()), layer: z.optional(z.string()), }); export type WokaDetail = z.infer; export type WokaDetailsResult = WokaDetail[];