import { Easing } from "../../types"; import { HtmlUtils } from "../../WebRtc/HtmlUtils"; import type { Box } from "../../WebRtc/LayoutManager"; import type { Player } from "../Player/Player"; import type { WaScaleManager } from "../Services/WaScaleManager"; import type { GameScene } from "./GameScene"; export enum CameraMode { Free = "Free", Follow = "Follow", Focus = "Focus", } export class CameraManager extends Phaser.Events.EventEmitter { private scene: GameScene; private camera: Phaser.Cameras.Scene2D.Camera; private cameraBounds: { x: number; y: number }; private waScaleManager: WaScaleManager; private cameraMode: CameraMode = CameraMode.Free; private restoreZoomTween?: Phaser.Tweens.Tween; constructor(scene: GameScene, cameraBounds: { x: number; y: number }, waScaleManager: WaScaleManager) { super(); this.scene = scene; = scene.cameras.main; this.cameraBounds = cameraBounds; this.waScaleManager = waScaleManager; this.initCamera();"wa-scale-manager:refresh-focus-on-target", () => { const focusOn = this.waScaleManager.getFocusTarget(); if (!focusOn) { return; } + focusOn.width * 0.5, focusOn.y + focusOn.height * 0.5); }); } public getCamera(): Phaser.Cameras.Scene2D.Camera { return; } public enterFocusMode( focusOn: { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number }, duration: number = 1000 ): void { this.setCameraMode(CameraMode.Focus); this.waScaleManager.saveZoom(); this.waScaleManager.setFocusTarget(focusOn); this.restoreZoomTween?.stop(); const targetZoomModifier = this.waScaleManager.getTargetZoomModifierFor(focusOn.width, focusOn.height); const currentZoomModifier = this.waScaleManager.zoomModifier; const zoomModifierChange = targetZoomModifier - currentZoomModifier;; focusOn.x + focusOn.width * 0.5, focusOn.y + focusOn.height * 0.5, duration, Easing.SineEaseOut, false, (camera, progress, x, y) => { this.waScaleManager.zoomModifier = currentZoomModifier + progress * zoomModifierChange; } ); } public leaveFocusMode(player: Player): void { this.waScaleManager.setFocusTarget(); // We are forcing camera.pan to kill previous pan animation on EnterFocusMode, player.y, 1, Easing.SineEaseOut, true); this.startFollow(player); this.restoreZoom(); } public startFollow(target: object | Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject): void { this.setCameraMode(CameraMode.Follow);, true); } /** * Updates the offset of the character compared to the center of the screen according to the layout manager * (tries to put the character in the center of the remaining space if there is a discussion going on. */ public updateCameraOffset(array: Box): void { const xCenter = (array.xEnd - array.xStart) / 2 + array.xStart; const yCenter = (array.yEnd - array.yStart) / 2 + array.yStart; const game = HtmlUtils.querySelectorOrFail("#game canvas"); // Let's put this in Game coordinates by applying the zoom level: ((xCenter - game.offsetWidth / 2) * window.devicePixelRatio) / this.scene.scale.zoom, ((yCenter - game.offsetHeight / 2) * window.devicePixelRatio) / this.scene.scale.zoom ); } public isCameraLocked(): boolean { return this.cameraMode === CameraMode.Focus; } private setCameraMode(mode: CameraMode): void { if (this.cameraMode === mode) { return; } this.cameraMode = mode; } private restoreZoom(): void { this.restoreZoomTween?.stop(); this.restoreZoomTween = this.scene.tweens.addCounter({ from: this.waScaleManager.zoomModifier, to: this.waScaleManager.getSaveZoom(), duration: 1000, ease: Easing.SineEaseOut, onUpdate: (tween: Phaser.Tweens.Tween) => { this.waScaleManager.zoomModifier = tween.getValue(); }, }); } private initCamera() { = this.scene.cameras.main;, 0, this.cameraBounds.x, this.cameraBounds.y); } }