import { JITSI_URL } from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable"; import { CoWebsite, coWebsiteManager } from "./CoWebsiteManager"; import { requestedCameraState, requestedMicrophoneState } from "../Stores/MediaStore"; import { get } from "svelte/store"; interface jitsiConfigInterface { startWithAudioMuted: boolean; startWithVideoMuted: boolean; prejoinPageEnabled: boolean; } interface JitsiOptions { jwt?: string; roomName: string; width: string; height: string; parentNode: HTMLElement; configOverwrite: jitsiConfigInterface; interfaceConfigOverwrite: typeof defaultInterfaceConfig; onload?: Function; } interface JitsiApi { executeCommand: (command: string, ...args: Array) => void; addListener: (type: string, callback: Function) => void; removeListener: (type: string, callback: Function) => void; dispose: () => void; } declare global { interface Window { JitsiMeetExternalAPI: new (domain: string, options: JitsiOptions) => JitsiApi; } } const getDefaultConfig = (): jitsiConfigInterface => { return { startWithAudioMuted: !get(requestedMicrophoneState), startWithVideoMuted: !get(requestedCameraState), prejoinPageEnabled: false, }; }; const mergeConfig = (config?: object) => { const currentDefaultConfig = getDefaultConfig(); if (!config) { return currentDefaultConfig; } return { ...currentDefaultConfig, ...config, startWithAudioMuted: (config as jitsiConfigInterface).startWithAudioMuted ? true : currentDefaultConfig.startWithAudioMuted, startWithVideoMuted: (config as jitsiConfigInterface).startWithVideoMuted ? true : currentDefaultConfig.startWithVideoMuted, prejoinPageEnabled: (config as jitsiConfigInterface).prejoinPageEnabled ? true : currentDefaultConfig.prejoinPageEnabled, }; }; const defaultInterfaceConfig = { SHOW_CHROME_EXTENSION_BANNER: false, MOBILE_APP_PROMO: false, HIDE_INVITE_MORE_HEADER: true, DISABLE_JOIN_LEAVE_NOTIFICATIONS: true, DISABLE_VIDEO_BACKGROUND: true, // Note: hiding brand does not seem to work, we probably need to put this on the server side. SHOW_BRAND_WATERMARK: false, SHOW_JITSI_WATERMARK: false, SHOW_POWERED_BY: false, SHOW_PROMOTIONAL_CLOSE_PAGE: false, SHOW_WATERMARK_FOR_GUESTS: false, TOOLBAR_BUTTONS: [ "microphone", "camera", "closedcaptions", "desktop", /*'embedmeeting',*/ "fullscreen", "fodeviceselection", "hangup", "profile", "chat", "recording", "livestreaming", "etherpad", "sharedvideo", "settings", "raisehand", "videoquality", "filmstrip", /*'invite',*/ "feedback", "stats", "shortcuts", "tileview", "videobackgroundblur", "download", "help", "mute-everyone" /*'security'*/, ], }; const slugify = (...args: (string | number)[]): string => { const value = args.join(" "); return value .normalize("NFD") // split an accented letter in the base letter and the accent .replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "") // remove all previously split accents .toLowerCase() .trim() .replace(/[^a-z0-9 ]/g, "") // remove all chars not letters, numbers and spaces (to be replaced) .replace(/\s+/g, "-"); // separator }; class JitsiFactory { private jitsiApi?: JitsiApi; private audioCallback = this.onAudioChange.bind(this); private videoCallback = this.onVideoChange.bind(this); private jitsiScriptLoaded: boolean = false; /** * Slugifies the room name and prepends the room name with the instance */ public getRoomName(roomName: string, instance: string): string { return slugify(instance.replace("/", "-") + "-" + roomName); } public async start( roomName: string, playerName: string, jwt?: string, config?: object, interfaceConfig?: object, jitsiUrl?: string ) { const coWebsite = coWebsiteManager.searchJitsi(); if (coWebsite) { await coWebsiteManager.closeCoWebsite(coWebsite); } // Jitsi meet external API maintains some data in local storage // which is sent via the appData URL parameter when joining a // conference. Problem is that this data grows indefinitely. Thus // after some time the URLs get so huge that loading the iframe // becomes slow and eventually breaks completely. Thus lets just // clear jitsi local storage before starting a new conference. window.localStorage.removeItem("jitsiLocalStorage"); const domain = jitsiUrl || JITSI_URL; if (domain === undefined) { throw new Error("Missing JITSI_URL environment variable or jitsiUrl parameter in the map."); } await this.loadJitsiScript(domain); const options: JitsiOptions = { roomName: roomName, jwt: jwt, width: "100%", height: "100%", parentNode: coWebsiteManager.getCoWebsiteBuffer(), configOverwrite: mergeConfig(config), interfaceConfigOverwrite: { ...defaultInterfaceConfig, ...interfaceConfig }, }; if (!options.jwt) { delete options.jwt; } const doResolve = (): void => { const iframe = coWebsiteManager.getCoWebsiteBuffer().querySelector('[id*="jitsi" i]'); if (iframe) { coWebsiteManager.addCoWebsiteFromIframe(iframe, false, undefined, 0, false, true); } coWebsiteManager.resizeAllIframes(); }; options.onload = () => doResolve(); //we want for the iframe to be loaded before triggering animations. setTimeout(() => doResolve(), 2000); //failsafe in case the iframe is deleted before loading or too long to load this.jitsiApi = new window.JitsiMeetExternalAPI(domain, options); this.jitsiApi.executeCommand("displayName", playerName); this.jitsiApi.addListener("audioMuteStatusChanged", this.audioCallback); this.jitsiApi.addListener("videoMuteStatusChanged", this.videoCallback); } public stop() { if (!this.jitsiApi) { return; } this.jitsiApi.removeListener("audioMuteStatusChanged", this.audioCallback); this.jitsiApi.removeListener("videoMuteStatusChanged", this.videoCallback); this.jitsiApi?.dispose(); } private onAudioChange({ muted }: { muted: boolean }): void { if (muted) { requestedMicrophoneState.disableMicrophone(); } else { requestedMicrophoneState.enableMicrophone(); } } private onVideoChange({ muted }: { muted: boolean }): void { if (muted) { requestedCameraState.disableWebcam(); } else { requestedCameraState.enableWebcam(); } } private async loadJitsiScript(domain: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.jitsiScriptLoaded) { resolve(); return; } this.jitsiScriptLoaded = true; // Load Jitsi if the environment variable is set. const jitsiScript = document.createElement("script"); jitsiScript.src = "https://" + domain + "/external_api.js"; jitsiScript.onload = () => { resolve(); }; jitsiScript.onerror = () => { reject(); }; document.head.appendChild(jitsiScript); }); } } export const jitsiFactory = new JitsiFactory();