import type { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { GlobalMessageManager } from '../../Administration/GlobalMessageManager'; import { userMessageManager } from '../../Administration/UserMessageManager'; import { iframeListener } from '../../Api/IframeListener'; import { connectionManager } from '../../Connexion/ConnectionManager'; import type { GroupCreatedUpdatedMessageInterface, MessageUserJoined, MessageUserMovedInterface, MessageUserPositionInterface, OnConnectInterface, PointInterface, PositionInterface, RoomJoinedMessageInterface, } from '../../Connexion/ConnexionModels'; import { DEBUG_MODE, JITSI_PRIVATE_MODE, MAX_PER_GROUP, POSITION_DELAY } from '../../Enum/EnvironmentVariable'; import { Queue } from 'queue-typescript'; import { AUDIO_LOOP_PROPERTY, AUDIO_VOLUME_PROPERTY, Box, JITSI_MESSAGE_PROPERTIES, layoutManager, ON_ACTION_TRIGGER_BUTTON, TRIGGER_JITSI_PROPERTIES, TRIGGER_WEBSITE_PROPERTIES, WEBSITE_MESSAGE_PROPERTIES, } from '../../WebRtc/LayoutManager'; import { coWebsiteManager } from '../../WebRtc/CoWebsiteManager'; import type { UserMovedMessage } from '../../Messages/generated/messages_pb'; import { ProtobufClientUtils } from '../../Network/ProtobufClientUtils'; import type { RoomConnection } from '../../Connexion/RoomConnection'; import { Room } from '../../Connexion/Room'; import { jitsiFactory } from '../../WebRtc/JitsiFactory'; import { urlManager } from '../../Url/UrlManager'; import { audioManager } from '../../WebRtc/AudioManager'; import { TextureError } from '../../Exception/TextureError'; import { localUserStore } from '../../Connexion/LocalUserStore'; import { HtmlUtils } from '../../WebRtc/HtmlUtils'; import { mediaManager } from '../../WebRtc/MediaManager'; import { SimplePeer } from '../../WebRtc/SimplePeer'; import { addLoader } from '../Components/Loader'; import { OpenChatIcon, openChatIconName } from '../Components/OpenChatIcon'; import { lazyLoadPlayerCharacterTextures, loadCustomTexture } from '../Entity/PlayerTexturesLoadingManager'; import { RemotePlayer } from '../Entity/RemotePlayer'; import type { ActionableItem } from '../Items/ActionableItem'; import type { ItemFactoryInterface } from '../Items/ItemFactoryInterface'; import { SelectCharacterScene, SelectCharacterSceneName } from '../Login/SelectCharacterScene'; import type { ITiledMap, ITiledMapLayer, ITiledMapLayerProperty, ITiledMapObject, ITiledTileSet, } from '../Map/ITiledMap'; import { MenuScene, MenuSceneName } from '../Menu/MenuScene'; import { PlayerAnimationDirections } from '../Player/Animation'; import { hasMovedEventName, Player, requestEmoteEventName } from '../Player/Player'; import { ErrorSceneName } from '../Reconnecting/ErrorScene'; import { ReconnectingSceneName } from '../Reconnecting/ReconnectingScene'; import { UserInputManager } from '../UserInput/UserInputManager'; import type { AddPlayerInterface } from './AddPlayerInterface'; import { gameManager } from './GameManager'; import { GameMap } from './GameMap'; import { PlayerMovement } from './PlayerMovement'; import { PlayersPositionInterpolator } from './PlayersPositionInterpolator'; import Texture = Phaser.Textures.Texture; import Sprite = Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; import CanvasTexture = Phaser.Textures.CanvasTexture; import GameObject = Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject; import FILE_LOAD_ERROR = Phaser.Loader.Events.FILE_LOAD_ERROR; import DOMElement = Phaser.GameObjects.DOMElement; import { worldFullMessageStream } from '../../Connexion/WorldFullMessageStream'; import { lazyLoadCompanionResource } from '../Companion/CompanionTexturesLoadingManager'; import { DirtyScene } from './DirtyScene'; import { TextUtils } from '../Components/TextUtils'; import { touchScreenManager } from '../../Touch/TouchScreenManager'; import { PinchManager } from '../UserInput/PinchManager'; import { joystickBaseImg, joystickBaseKey, joystickThumbImg, joystickThumbKey } from '../Components/MobileJoystick'; import { waScaleManager } from '../Services/WaScaleManager'; import { EmoteManager } from './EmoteManager'; import EVENT_TYPE = Phaser.Scenes.Events; import RenderTexture = Phaser.GameObjects.RenderTexture; import Tilemap = Phaser.Tilemaps.Tilemap; import type { HasPlayerMovedEvent } from '../../Api/Events/HasPlayerMovedEvent'; import AnimatedTiles from 'phaser-animated-tiles'; import { StartPositionCalculator } from './StartPositionCalculator'; import { soundManager } from './SoundManager'; import { peerStore, screenSharingPeerStore } from '../../Stores/PeerStore'; import { videoFocusStore } from '../../Stores/VideoFocusStore'; import { biggestAvailableAreaStore } from '../../Stores/BiggestAvailableAreaStore'; import { isMessageReferenceEvent, isTriggerMessageEvent } from '../../Api/Events/ui/TriggerMessageEvent'; export interface GameSceneInitInterface { initPosition: PointInterface | null; reconnecting: boolean; } interface InitUserPositionEventInterface { type: 'InitUserPositionEvent'; event: MessageUserPositionInterface[]; } interface AddPlayerEventInterface { type: 'AddPlayerEvent'; event: AddPlayerInterface; } interface RemovePlayerEventInterface { type: 'RemovePlayerEvent'; userId: number; } interface UserMovedEventInterface { type: 'UserMovedEvent'; event: MessageUserMovedInterface; } interface GroupCreatedUpdatedEventInterface { type: 'GroupCreatedUpdatedEvent'; event: GroupCreatedUpdatedMessageInterface; } interface DeleteGroupEventInterface { type: 'DeleteGroupEvent'; groupId: number; } export class GameScene extends DirtyScene { Terrains: Array; CurrentPlayer!: Player; MapPlayers!: Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Group; MapPlayersByKey: Map = new Map(); Map!: Phaser.Tilemaps.Tilemap; Objects!: Array; mapFile!: ITiledMap; animatedTiles!: AnimatedTiles; groups: Map; circleTexture!: CanvasTexture; circleRedTexture!: CanvasTexture; pendingEvents: Queue< | InitUserPositionEventInterface | AddPlayerEventInterface | RemovePlayerEventInterface | UserMovedEventInterface | GroupCreatedUpdatedEventInterface | DeleteGroupEventInterface > = new Queue< | InitUserPositionEventInterface | AddPlayerEventInterface | RemovePlayerEventInterface | UserMovedEventInterface | GroupCreatedUpdatedEventInterface | DeleteGroupEventInterface >(); private initPosition: PositionInterface | null = null; private playersPositionInterpolator = new PlayersPositionInterpolator(); public connection: RoomConnection | undefined; private simplePeer!: SimplePeer; private GlobalMessageManager!: GlobalMessageManager; private connectionAnswerPromise: Promise; private connectionAnswerPromiseResolve!: ( value: RoomJoinedMessageInterface | PromiseLike ) => void; // A promise that will resolve when the "create" method is called (signaling loading is ended) private createPromise: Promise; private createPromiseResolve!: (value?: void | PromiseLike) => void; private iframeSubscriptionList!: Array; private peerStoreUnsubscribe!: () => void; private biggestAvailableAreaStoreUnsubscribe!: () => void; MapUrlFile: string; RoomId: string; instance: string; currentTick!: number; lastSentTick!: number; // The last tick at which a position was sent. lastMoveEventSent: HasPlayerMovedEvent = { direction: '', moving: false, x: -1000, y: -1000, }; private gameMap!: GameMap; private actionableItems: Map = new Map(); // The item that can be selected by pressing the space key. private outlinedItem: ActionableItem | null = null; public userInputManager!: UserInputManager; private isReconnecting: boolean | undefined = undefined; private openChatIcon!: OpenChatIcon; private playerName!: string; private characterLayers!: string[]; private companion!: string | null; private messageSubscription: Subscription | null = null; private popUpElements: Map = new Map(); private originalMapUrl: string | undefined; private pinchManager: PinchManager | undefined; private mapTransitioning: boolean = false; //used to prevent transitions happenning at the same time. private emoteManager!: EmoteManager; private preloading: boolean = true; startPositionCalculator!: StartPositionCalculator; constructor(private room: Room, MapUrlFile: string, customKey?: string | undefined) { super({ key: customKey ??, }); this.Terrains = []; this.groups = new Map(); this.instance = room.getInstance(); this.MapUrlFile = MapUrlFile; this.RoomId =; this.createPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject): void => { this.createPromiseResolve = resolve; }); this.connectionAnswerPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject): void => { this.connectionAnswerPromiseResolve = resolve; }); } //hook preload scene preload(): void { const localUser = localUserStore.getLocalUser(); const textures = localUser?.textures; if (textures) { for (const texture of textures) { loadCustomTexture(this.load, texture); } } this.load.image(openChatIconName, 'resources/objects/talk.png'); if (touchScreenManager.supportTouchScreen) { this.load.image(joystickBaseKey, joystickBaseImg); this.load.image(joystickThumbKey, joystickThumbImg); }'audio-webrtc-in', '/resources/objects/webrtc-in.mp3');'audio-webrtc-out', '/resources/objects/webrtc-out.mp3'); //'audio-report-message', '/resources/objects/report-message.mp3'); this.sound.pauseOnBlur = false; this.load.on(FILE_LOAD_ERROR, (file: { src: string }) => { // If we happen to be in HTTP and we are trying to load a URL in HTTPS only... (this happens only in dev environments) if ( window.location.protocol === 'http:' && file.src === this.MapUrlFile && file.src.startsWith('http:') && this.originalMapUrl === undefined ) { this.originalMapUrl = this.MapUrlFile; this.MapUrlFile = this.MapUrlFile.replace('http://', 'https://'); this.load.tilemapTiledJSON(this.MapUrlFile, this.MapUrlFile); this.load.on( 'filecomplete-tilemapJSON-' + this.MapUrlFile, (key: string, type: string, data: unknown) => { this.onMapLoad(data); } ); return; } //, localhost and *.localhost are considered secure, even on HTTP. // So if we are in https, we can still try to load a HTTP local resource (can be useful for testing purposes) // See const url = new URL(file.src); const host =':')[0]; if ( window.location.protocol === 'https:' && file.src === this.MapUrlFile && (host === '' || host === 'localhost' || host.endsWith('.localhost')) && this.originalMapUrl === undefined ) { this.originalMapUrl = this.MapUrlFile; this.MapUrlFile = this.MapUrlFile.replace('https://', 'http://'); this.load.tilemapTiledJSON(this.MapUrlFile, this.MapUrlFile); this.load.on( 'filecomplete-tilemapJSON-' + this.MapUrlFile, (key: string, type: string, data: unknown) => { this.onMapLoad(data); } ); return; } //once preloading is over, we don't want loading errors to crash the game, so we need to disable this behavior after preloading. console.error('Error when loading: ', file); if (this.preloading) { this.scene.start(ErrorSceneName, { title: 'Network error', subTitle: 'An error occurred while loading resource:', message: this.originalMapUrl ?? file.src, }); } }); this.load.scenePlugin('AnimatedTiles', AnimatedTiles, 'animatedTiles', 'animatedTiles'); this.load.on('filecomplete-tilemapJSON-' + this.MapUrlFile, (key: string, type: string, data: unknown) => { this.onMapLoad(data); }); //TODO strategy to add access token this.load.tilemapTiledJSON(this.MapUrlFile, this.MapUrlFile); // If the map has already been loaded as part of another GameScene, the "on load" event will not be triggered. // In this case, we check in the cache to see if the map is here and trigger the event manually. if (this.cache.tilemap.exists(this.MapUrlFile)) { const data = this.cache.tilemap.get(this.MapUrlFile); this.onMapLoad(data); } this.load.bitmapFont('main_font', 'resources/fonts/arcade.png', 'resources/fonts/arcade.xml'); //eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any (this.load as any).rexWebFont({ custom: { families: ['Press Start 2P'], urls: ['/resources/fonts/fonts.css'], testString: 'abcdefg', }, }); //this function must stay at the end of preload function addLoader(this); } // FIXME: we need to put a "unknown" instead of a "any" and validate the structure of the JSON we are receiving. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any private async onMapLoad(data: any): Promise { // Triggered when the map is loaded // Load tiles attached to the map recursively this.mapFile =; const url = this.MapUrlFile.substr(0, this.MapUrlFile.lastIndexOf('/')); this.mapFile.tilesets.forEach((tileset) => { if (typeof === 'undefined' || typeof tileset.image === 'undefined') { console.warn("Don't know how to handle tileset ", tileset); return; } //TODO strategy to add access token this.load.image(`${url}/${tileset.image}`, `${url}/${tileset.image}`); }); // Scan the object layers for objects to load and load them. const objects = new Map(); for (const layer of this.mapFile.layers) { if (layer.type === 'objectgroup') { for (const object of layer.objects) { let objectsOfType: ITiledMapObject[] | undefined; if (!objects.has(object.type)) { objectsOfType = new Array(); } else { objectsOfType = objects.get(object.type); if (objectsOfType === undefined) { throw new Error('Unexpected object type not found'); } } objectsOfType.push(object); objects.set(object.type, objectsOfType); } } } for (const [itemType, objectsOfType] of objects) { // FIXME: we would ideally need for the loader to WAIT for the import to be performed, which means writing our own loader plugin. let itemFactory: ItemFactoryInterface; switch (itemType) { case 'computer': { const module = await import('../Items/Computer/computer'); itemFactory = module.default; break; } default: continue; //throw new Error('Unsupported object type: "'+ itemType +'"'); } itemFactory.preload(this.load); this.load.start(); // Let's manually start the loader because the import might be over AFTER the loading ends. this.load.on('complete', () => { // FIXME: the factory might fail because the resources might not be loaded yet... // We would need to add a loader ended event in addition to the createPromise this.createPromise.then(async () => { itemFactory.create(this); const roomJoinedAnswer = await this.connectionAnswerPromise; for (const object of objectsOfType) { // TODO: we should pass here a factory to create sprites (maybe?) // Do we have a state for this object? const state = roomJoinedAnswer.items[]; const actionableItem = itemFactory.factory(this, object, state); this.actionableItems.set(actionableItem.getId(), actionableItem); } }); }); } // Now, let's load the script, if any const scripts = this.getScriptUrls(this.mapFile); for (const script of scripts) { iframeListener.registerScript(script); } } //hook initialisation init(initData: GameSceneInitInterface) { if (initData.initPosition !== undefined) { this.initPosition = initData.initPosition; //todo: still used? } if (initData.initPosition !== undefined) { this.isReconnecting = initData.reconnecting; } } //hook create scene create(): void { this.preloading = false; this.trackDirtyAnims(); gameManager.gameSceneIsCreated(this); urlManager.pushRoomIdToUrl(; if (touchScreenManager.supportTouchScreen) { this.pinchManager = new PinchManager(this); } this.messageSubscription = => this.showWorldFullError(message) ); const playerName = gameManager.getPlayerName(); if (!playerName) { throw 'playerName is not set'; } this.playerName = playerName; this.characterLayers = gameManager.getCharacterLayers(); this.companion = gameManager.getCompanion(); //initalise map this.Map = this.add.tilemap(this.MapUrlFile); const mapDirUrl = this.MapUrlFile.substr(0, this.MapUrlFile.lastIndexOf('/')); this.mapFile.tilesets.forEach((tileset: ITiledTileSet) => { this.Terrains.push( this.Map.addTilesetImage(, `${mapDirUrl}/${tileset.image}`, tileset.tilewidth, tileset.tileheight, tileset.margin, tileset.spacing /*, tileset.firstgid*/ ) ); }); //permit to set bound collision, 0, this.Map.widthInPixels, this.Map.heightInPixels); //add layer on map this.gameMap = new GameMap(this.mapFile, this.Map, this.Terrains); for (const layer of this.gameMap.flatLayers) { if (layer.type === 'tilelayer') { const exitSceneUrl = this.getExitSceneUrl(layer); if (exitSceneUrl !== undefined) { this.loadNextGame(exitSceneUrl); } const exitUrl = this.getExitUrl(layer); if (exitUrl !== undefined) { this.loadNextGame(exitUrl); } } if (layer.type === 'objectgroup') { for (const object of layer.objects) { if (object.text) { TextUtils.createTextFromITiledMapObject(this, object); } } } } this.gameMap.exitUrls.forEach((exitUrl) => { this.loadNextGame(exitUrl); }); this.startPositionCalculator = new StartPositionCalculator( this.gameMap, this.mapFile, this.initPosition, urlManager.getStartLayerNameFromUrl() ); //add entities this.Objects = new Array(); //initialise list of other player this.MapPlayers ={ immovable: true }); //create input to move this.userInputManager = new UserInputManager(this); mediaManager.setUserInputManager(this.userInputManager); if (localUserStore.getFullscreen()) { document.querySelector('body')?.requestFullscreen(); } //notify game manager can to create currentUser in map this.createCurrentPlayer(); this.removeAllRemotePlayers(); //cleanup the list of remote players in case the scene was rebooted this.initCamera(); this.animatedTiles.init(this.Map);'tileanimationupdate', () => (this.dirty = true)); this.initCirclesCanvas(); // Let's pause the scene if the connection is not established yet if (! { if (this.isReconnecting) { setTimeout(() => { this.scene.sleep(); this.scene.launch(ReconnectingSceneName); }, 0); } else if (this.connection === undefined) { // Let's wait 1 second before printing the "connecting" screen to avoid blinking setTimeout(() => { if (this.connection === undefined) { this.scene.sleep(); this.scene.launch(ReconnectingSceneName); } }, 1000); } } this.createPromiseResolve(); this.userInputManager.spaceEvent(() => { this.outlinedItem?.activate(); }); this.openChatIcon = new OpenChatIcon(this, 2, - 2); this.reposition(); // From now, this game scene will be notified of reposition events this.biggestAvailableAreaStoreUnsubscribe = biggestAvailableAreaStore.subscribe((box) => this.updateCameraOffset(box) ); this.triggerOnMapLayerPropertyChange(); this.listenToIframeEvents(); if (! { this.connect(); } this.emoteManager = new EmoteManager(this); let oldPeerNumber = 0; this.peerStoreUnsubscribe = peerStore.subscribe((peers) => { const newPeerNumber = peers.size; if (newPeerNumber > oldPeerNumber) {'audio-webrtc-in', { volume: 0.2, }); } else if (newPeerNumber < oldPeerNumber) {'audio-webrtc-out', { volume: 0.2, }); } oldPeerNumber = newPeerNumber; }); } /** * Initializes the connection to Pusher. */ private connect(): void { const camera = this.cameras.main; connectionManager .connectToRoomSocket( this.RoomId, this.playerName, this.characterLayers, { ...this.startPositionCalculator.startPosition, }, { left: camera.scrollX, top: camera.scrollY, right: camera.scrollX + camera.width, bottom: camera.scrollY + camera.height, }, this.companion ) .then((onConnect: OnConnectInterface) => { this.connection = onConnect.connection; this.connection.onUserJoins((message: MessageUserJoined) => { const userMessage: AddPlayerInterface = { userId: message.userId, characterLayers: message.characterLayers, name:, position: message.position, visitCardUrl: message.visitCardUrl, companion: message.companion, }; this.addPlayer(userMessage); }); this.connection.onUserMoved((message: UserMovedMessage) => { const position = message.getPosition(); if (position === undefined) { throw new Error('Position missing from UserMovedMessage'); } const messageUserMoved: MessageUserMovedInterface = { userId: message.getUserid(), position: ProtobufClientUtils.toPointInterface(position), }; this.updatePlayerPosition(messageUserMoved); }); this.connection.onUserLeft((userId: number) => { this.removePlayer(userId); }); this.connection.onGroupUpdatedOrCreated((groupPositionMessage: GroupCreatedUpdatedMessageInterface) => { this.shareGroupPosition(groupPositionMessage); }); this.connection.onGroupDeleted((groupId: number) => { try { this.deleteGroup(groupId); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); this.connection.onServerDisconnected(() => { console.log('Player disconnected from server. Reloading scene.'); this.cleanupClosingScene(); const gameSceneKey = 'somekey' + Math.round(Math.random() * 10000); const game: Phaser.Scene = new GameScene(, this.MapUrlFile, gameSceneKey); this.scene.add(gameSceneKey, game, true, { initPosition: { x: this.CurrentPlayer.x, y: this.CurrentPlayer.y, }, reconnecting: true, }); this.scene.stop(this.scene.key); this.scene.remove(this.scene.key); }); this.connection.onActionableEvent((message) => { const item = this.actionableItems.get(message.itemId); if (item === undefined) { console.warn( 'Received an event about object "' + message.itemId + '" but cannot find this item on the map.' ); return; }, message.state, message.parameters); }); /** * Triggered when we receive the JWT token to connect to Jitsi */ this.connection.onStartJitsiRoom((jwt, room) => { this.startJitsi(room, jwt); }); // When connection is performed, let's connect SimplePeer this.simplePeer = new SimplePeer(this.connection, !, this.playerName); peerStore.connectToSimplePeer(this.simplePeer); screenSharingPeerStore.connectToSimplePeer(this.simplePeer); videoFocusStore.connectToSimplePeer(this.simplePeer); this.GlobalMessageManager = new GlobalMessageManager(this.connection); userMessageManager.setReceiveBanListener(this.bannedUser.bind(this)); const self = this; this.simplePeer.registerPeerConnectionListener({ onConnect(peer) { self.openChatIcon.setVisible(true); audioManager.decreaseVolume(); }, onDisconnect(userId: number) { if (self.simplePeer.getNbConnections() === 0) { self.openChatIcon.setVisible(false); audioManager.restoreVolume(); } }, }); //listen event to share position of user this.CurrentPlayer.on(hasMovedEventName, this.pushPlayerPosition.bind(this)); this.CurrentPlayer.on(hasMovedEventName, this.outlineItem.bind(this)); this.CurrentPlayer.on(hasMovedEventName, (event: HasPlayerMovedEvent) => { this.gameMap.setPosition(event.x, event.y); }); //this.initUsersPosition(roomJoinedMessage.users); this.connectionAnswerPromiseResolve(; // Analyze tags to find if we are admin. If yes, show console. this.scene.wake(); this.scene.stop(ReconnectingSceneName); //init user position and play trigger to check layers properties this.gameMap.setPosition(this.CurrentPlayer.x, this.CurrentPlayer.y); }); } //todo: into dedicated classes private initCirclesCanvas(): void { // Let's generate the circle for the group delimiter let circleElement = Object.values(this.textures.list).find( (object: Texture) => object.key === 'circleSprite-white' ); if (circleElement) { this.textures.remove('circleSprite-white'); } circleElement = Object.values(this.textures.list).find((object: Texture) => object.key === 'circleSprite-red'); if (circleElement) { this.textures.remove('circleSprite-red'); } //create white circle canvas use to create sprite this.circleTexture = this.textures.createCanvas('circleSprite-white', 96, 96); const context = this.circleTexture.context; context.beginPath(); context.arc(48, 48, 48, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); // context.lineWidth = 5; context.strokeStyle = '#ffffff'; context.stroke(); this.circleTexture.refresh(); //create red circle canvas use to create sprite this.circleRedTexture = this.textures.createCanvas('circleSprite-red', 96, 96); const contextRed = this.circleRedTexture.context; contextRed.beginPath(); contextRed.arc(48, 48, 48, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); //context.lineWidth = 5; contextRed.strokeStyle = '#ff0000'; contextRed.stroke(); this.circleRedTexture.refresh(); } private safeParseJSONstring(jsonString: string | undefined, propertyName: string) { try { return jsonString ? JSON.parse(jsonString) : {}; } catch (e) { console.warn('Invalid JSON found in property "' + propertyName + '" of the map:' + jsonString, e); return {}; } } private triggerOnMapLayerPropertyChange() { this.gameMap.onPropertyChange('exitSceneUrl', (newValue, oldValue) => { if (newValue) this.onMapExit(newValue as string); }); this.gameMap.onPropertyChange('exitUrl', (newValue, oldValue) => { if (newValue) this.onMapExit(newValue as string); }); this.gameMap.onPropertyChange('openWebsite', (newValue, oldValue, allProps) => { if (newValue === undefined) { layoutManager.removeActionButton('openWebsite', this.userInputManager); coWebsiteManager.closeCoWebsite(); } else { const openWebsiteFunction = () => { coWebsiteManager.loadCoWebsite( newValue as string, this.MapUrlFile, allProps.get('openWebsiteAllowApi') as boolean | undefined, allProps.get('openWebsitePolicy') as string | undefined ); layoutManager.removeActionButton('openWebsite', this.userInputManager); }; const openWebsiteTriggerValue = allProps.get(TRIGGER_WEBSITE_PROPERTIES); if (openWebsiteTriggerValue && openWebsiteTriggerValue === ON_ACTION_TRIGGER_BUTTON) { let message = allProps.get(WEBSITE_MESSAGE_PROPERTIES); if (message === undefined) { message = 'Press SPACE or touch here to open web site'; } layoutManager.addActionButton( 'openWebsite', message.toString(), () => { openWebsiteFunction(); }, this.userInputManager ); } else { openWebsiteFunction(); } } }); this.gameMap.onPropertyChange('jitsiRoom', (newValue, oldValue, allProps) => { if (newValue === undefined) { layoutManager.removeActionButton('jitsiRoom', this.userInputManager); this.stopJitsi(); } else { const openJitsiRoomFunction = () => { const roomName = jitsiFactory.getRoomName(newValue.toString(), this.instance); const jitsiUrl = allProps.get('jitsiUrl') as string | undefined; if (JITSI_PRIVATE_MODE && !jitsiUrl) { const adminTag = allProps.get('jitsiRoomAdminTag') as string | undefined; this.connection?.emitQueryJitsiJwtMessage(roomName, adminTag); } else { this.startJitsi(roomName, undefined); } layoutManager.removeActionButton('jitsiRoom', this.userInputManager); }; const jitsiTriggerValue = allProps.get(TRIGGER_JITSI_PROPERTIES); if (jitsiTriggerValue && jitsiTriggerValue === ON_ACTION_TRIGGER_BUTTON) { let message = allProps.get(JITSI_MESSAGE_PROPERTIES); if (message === undefined) { message = 'Press SPACE or touch here to enter Jitsi Meet room'; } layoutManager.addActionButton( 'jitsiRoom', message.toString(), () => { openJitsiRoomFunction(); }, this.userInputManager ); } else { openJitsiRoomFunction(); } } }); this.gameMap.onPropertyChange('silent', (newValue, oldValue) => { if (newValue === undefined || newValue === false || newValue === '') { this.connection?.setSilent(false); } else { this.connection?.setSilent(true); } }); this.gameMap.onPropertyChange('playAudio', (newValue, oldValue, allProps) => { const volume = allProps.get(AUDIO_VOLUME_PROPERTY) as number | undefined; const loop = allProps.get(AUDIO_LOOP_PROPERTY) as boolean | undefined; newValue === undefined ? audioManager.unloadAudio() : audioManager.playAudio(newValue, this.getMapDirUrl(), volume, loop); }); // TODO: This legacy property should be removed at some point this.gameMap.onPropertyChange('playAudioLoop', (newValue, oldValue) => { newValue === undefined ? audioManager.unloadAudio() : audioManager.playAudio(newValue, this.getMapDirUrl(), undefined, true); }); this.gameMap.onPropertyChange('zone', (newValue, oldValue) => { if (newValue === undefined || newValue === false || newValue === '') { iframeListener.sendLeaveEvent(oldValue as string); } else { iframeListener.sendEnterEvent(newValue as string); } }); } private listenToIframeEvents(): void { this.iframeSubscriptionList = []; this.iframeSubscriptionList.push( iframeListener.openPopupStream.subscribe((openPopupEvent) => { let objectLayerSquare: ITiledMapObject; const targetObjectData = this.getObjectLayerData(openPopupEvent.targetObject); if (targetObjectData !== undefined) { objectLayerSquare = targetObjectData; } else { console.error( "Error while opening a popup. Cannot find an object on the map with name '" + openPopupEvent.targetObject + "'. The first parameter of WA.openPopup() must be the name of a rectangle object in your map." ); return; } const escapedMessage = HtmlUtils.escapeHtml(openPopupEvent.message); let html = `