# Create your map
## Tools you will need
In order to build your own map for WorkAdventure, you need:
* the [Tiled editor](https://www.mapeditor.org/) software
* "tiles" (i.e. images) to create your map
* a web-server to serve your map
WorkAdventure comes with a "map starter kit" that we recommend using to start designing your map quickly. It contains **a good default tileset** for building an office and it proposes to **use Github static pages as a web-server** which is both free and performant. It also comes with a local webserver for testing purpose and with Typescript support (if you are looking to use the [map scripting API]({{url('/map-building/scripting')}}).
If you are looking to host your maps on your own webserver, be sure to read the [Self-hosting your map](hosting.md) guide.
## Getting started
Start by [creating a GitHub account](https://github.com/join) if you don't already have one.
Then, go to the [Github map starter kit repository page](https://github.com/thecodingmachine/workadventure-map-starter-kit) and click the **"Use this template"** button.
WorkAdventure is a constantly evolving project and there is plenty of room for improvement regarding map editing.
If you are facing any troubles, do not hesitate to open an "issue" in the GitHub WorkAdventure account.