import { PointInterface } from "./Websocket/PointInterface"; import { Group } from "./Group"; import { User, UserSocket } from "./User"; import { PositionInterface } from "_Model/PositionInterface"; import { EmoteCallback, EntersCallback, LeavesCallback, MovesCallback } from "_Model/Zone"; import { PositionNotifier } from "./PositionNotifier"; import { Movable } from "_Model/Movable"; import { BatchToPusherMessage, BatchToPusherRoomMessage, EmoteEventMessage, ErrorMessage, JoinRoomMessage, SubToPusherRoomMessage, VariableMessage, VariableWithTagMessage, } from "../Messages/generated/messages_pb"; import { ProtobufUtils } from "../Model/Websocket/ProtobufUtils"; import { RoomSocket, ZoneSocket } from "src/RoomManager"; import { Admin } from "../Model/Admin"; import { adminApi } from "../Services/AdminApi"; import { isMapDetailsData, MapDetailsData } from "../Services/AdminApi/MapDetailsData"; import { ITiledMap } from "@workadventure/tiled-map-type-guard/dist"; import { mapFetcher } from "../Services/MapFetcher"; import { VariablesManager } from "../Services/VariablesManager"; import { ADMIN_API_URL } from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable"; import { LocalUrlError } from "../Services/LocalUrlError"; import { emitErrorOnRoomSocket } from "../Services/MessageHelpers"; export type ConnectCallback = (user: User, group: Group) => void; export type DisconnectCallback = (user: User, group: Group) => void; export class GameRoom { // Users, sorted by ID private readonly users = new Map(); private readonly usersByUuid = new Map(); private readonly groups = new Set(); private readonly admins = new Set(); private itemsState = new Map(); private readonly positionNotifier: PositionNotifier; private versionNumber: number = 1; private nextUserId: number = 1; private roomListeners: Set = new Set(); private constructor( public readonly roomUrl: string, private mapUrl: string, private readonly connectCallback: ConnectCallback, private readonly disconnectCallback: DisconnectCallback, private readonly minDistance: number, private readonly groupRadius: number, onEnters: EntersCallback, onMoves: MovesCallback, onLeaves: LeavesCallback, onEmote: EmoteCallback ) { // A zone is 10 sprites wide. this.positionNotifier = new PositionNotifier(320, 320, onEnters, onMoves, onLeaves, onEmote); } public static async create( roomUrl: string, connectCallback: ConnectCallback, disconnectCallback: DisconnectCallback, minDistance: number, groupRadius: number, onEnters: EntersCallback, onMoves: MovesCallback, onLeaves: LeavesCallback, onEmote: EmoteCallback ): Promise { const mapDetails = await GameRoom.getMapDetails(roomUrl); const gameRoom = new GameRoom( roomUrl, mapDetails.mapUrl, connectCallback, disconnectCallback, minDistance, groupRadius, onEnters, onMoves, onLeaves, onEmote ); return gameRoom; } public getGroups(): Group[] { return Array.from(this.groups.values()); } public getUsers(): Map { return this.users; } public getUserByUuid(uuid: string): User | undefined { return this.usersByUuid.get(uuid); } public getUserById(id: number): User | undefined { return this.users.get(id); } public join(socket: UserSocket, joinRoomMessage: JoinRoomMessage): User { const positionMessage = joinRoomMessage.getPositionmessage(); if (positionMessage === undefined) { throw new Error("Missing position message"); } const position = ProtobufUtils.toPointInterface(positionMessage); const user = new User( this.nextUserId, joinRoomMessage.getUseruuid(), joinRoomMessage.getIpaddress(), position, false, this.positionNotifier, socket, joinRoomMessage.getTagList(), joinRoomMessage.getVisitcardurl(), joinRoomMessage.getName(), ProtobufUtils.toCharacterLayerObjects(joinRoomMessage.getCharacterlayerList()), joinRoomMessage.getCompanion() ); this.nextUserId++; this.users.set(, user); this.usersByUuid.set(user.uuid, user); this.updateUserGroup(user); // Notify admins for (const admin of this.admins) { admin.sendUserJoin(user.uuid,, user.IPAddress); } return user; } public leave(user: User) { const userObj = this.users.get(; if (userObj === undefined) { console.warn("User ",, "does not belong to this game room! It should!"); } if (userObj !== undefined && typeof !== "undefined") { this.leaveGroup(userObj); } this.users.delete(; this.usersByUuid.delete(user.uuid); if (userObj !== undefined) { this.positionNotifier.leave(userObj); } // Notify admins for (const admin of this.admins) { admin.sendUserLeft(user.uuid /*,, user.IPAddress*/); } } public isEmpty(): boolean { return this.users.size === 0 && this.admins.size === 0; } public updatePosition(user: User, userPosition: PointInterface): void { user.setPosition(userPosition); this.updateUserGroup(user); } private updateUserGroup(user: User): void {; if (user.silent) { return; } if ( === undefined) { // If the user is not part of a group: // should he join a group? // If the user is moving, don't try to join if (user.getPosition().moving) { return; } const closestItem: User | Group | null = this.searchClosestAvailableUserOrGroup(user); if (closestItem !== null) { if (closestItem instanceof Group) { // Let's join the group! closestItem.join(user); } else { const closestUser: User = closestItem; const group: Group = new Group( this.roomUrl, [user, closestUser], this.connectCallback, this.disconnectCallback, this.positionNotifier ); this.groups.add(group); } } } else { // If the user is part of a group: // should he leave the group? const distance = GameRoom.computeDistanceBetweenPositions(user.getPosition(),; if (distance > this.groupRadius) { this.leaveGroup(user); } } } setSilent(user: User, silent: boolean) { if (user.silent === silent) { return; } user.silent = silent; if (silent && !== undefined) { this.leaveGroup(user); } if (!silent) { // If we are back to life, let's trigger a position update to see if we can join some group. this.updatePosition(user, user.getPosition()); } } /** * Makes a user leave a group and closes and destroy the group if the group contains only one remaining person. * * @param user */ private leaveGroup(user: User): void { const group =; if (group === undefined) { throw new Error("The user is part of no group"); } group.leave(user); if (group.isEmpty()) { this.positionNotifier.leave(group); group.destroy(); if (!this.groups.has(group)) { throw new Error( "Could not find group " + group.getId() + " referenced by user " + + " in World." ); } this.groups.delete(group); //todo: is the group garbage collected? } else { group.updatePosition(); //this.positionNotifier.updatePosition(group, group.getPosition(), oldPosition); } } /** * Looks for the closest user that is: * - close enough (distance <= minDistance) * - not in a group * - not silent * OR * - close enough to a group (distance <= groupRadius) */ private searchClosestAvailableUserOrGroup(user: User): User | Group | null { let minimumDistanceFound: number = Math.max(this.minDistance, this.groupRadius); let matchingItem: User | Group | null = null; this.users.forEach((currentUser, userId) => { // Let's only check users that are not part of a group if (typeof !== "undefined") { return; } if (currentUser === user) { return; } if (currentUser.silent) { return; } const distance = GameRoom.computeDistance(user, currentUser); // compute distance between peers. if (distance <= minimumDistanceFound && distance <= this.minDistance) { minimumDistanceFound = distance; matchingItem = currentUser; } }); this.groups.forEach((group: Group) => { if (group.isFull()) { return; } const distance = GameRoom.computeDistanceBetweenPositions(user.getPosition(), group.getPosition()); if (distance <= minimumDistanceFound && distance <= this.groupRadius) { minimumDistanceFound = distance; matchingItem = group; } }); return matchingItem; } public static computeDistance(user1: User, user2: User): number { const user1Position = user1.getPosition(); const user2Position = user2.getPosition(); return Math.sqrt( Math.pow(user2Position.x - user1Position.x, 2) + Math.pow(user2Position.y - user1Position.y, 2) ); } public static computeDistanceBetweenPositions(position1: PositionInterface, position2: PositionInterface): number { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(position2.x - position1.x, 2) + Math.pow(position2.y - position1.y, 2)); } public setItemState(itemId: number, state: unknown) { this.itemsState.set(itemId, state); } public getItemsState(): Map { return this.itemsState; } public async setVariable(name: string, value: string, user: User): Promise { // First, let's check if "user" is allowed to modify the variable. const variableManager = await this.getVariableManager(); const readableBy = variableManager.setVariable(name, value, user); // TODO: should we batch those every 100ms? const variableMessage = new VariableWithTagMessage(); variableMessage.setName(name); variableMessage.setValue(value); if (readableBy) { variableMessage.setReadableby(readableBy); } const subMessage = new SubToPusherRoomMessage(); subMessage.setVariablemessage(variableMessage); const batchMessage = new BatchToPusherRoomMessage(); batchMessage.addPayload(subMessage); // Dispatch the message on the room listeners for (const socket of this.roomListeners) { socket.write(batchMessage); } } public addZoneListener(call: ZoneSocket, x: number, y: number): Set { return this.positionNotifier.addZoneListener(call, x, y); } public removeZoneListener(call: ZoneSocket, x: number, y: number): void { return this.positionNotifier.removeZoneListener(call, x, y); } public adminJoin(admin: Admin): void { this.admins.add(admin); // Let's send all connected users for (const user of this.users.values()) { admin.sendUserJoin(user.uuid,, user.IPAddress); } } public adminLeave(admin: Admin): void { this.admins.delete(admin); } public incrementVersion(): number { this.versionNumber++; return this.versionNumber; } public emitEmoteEvent(user: User, emoteEventMessage: EmoteEventMessage) { this.positionNotifier.emitEmoteEvent(user, emoteEventMessage); } public addRoomListener(socket: RoomSocket) { this.roomListeners.add(socket); } public removeRoomListener(socket: RoomSocket) { this.roomListeners.delete(socket); } /** * Connects to the admin server to fetch map details. * If there is no admin server, the map details are generated by analysing the map URL (that must be in the form: /_/instance/map_url) */ private static async getMapDetails(roomUrl: string): Promise { if (!ADMIN_API_URL) { const roomUrlObj = new URL(roomUrl); const match = /\/_\/[^/]+\/(.+)/.exec(roomUrlObj.pathname); if (!match) { console.error("Unexpected room URL", roomUrl); throw new Error('Unexpected room URL "' + roomUrl + '"'); } const mapUrl = roomUrlObj.protocol + "//" + match[1]; return { mapUrl, policy_type: 1, textures: [], tags: [], }; } const result = await adminApi.fetchMapDetails(roomUrl); if (!isMapDetailsData(result)) { console.error("Unexpected room details received from server", result); throw new Error("Unexpected room details received from server"); } return result; } private mapPromise: Promise | undefined; /** * Returns a promise to the map file. * @throws LocalUrlError if the map we are trying to load is hosted on a local network * @throws Error */ private getMap(): Promise { if (!this.mapPromise) { this.mapPromise = mapFetcher.fetchMap(this.mapUrl); } return this.mapPromise; } private variableManagerPromise: Promise | undefined; private getVariableManager(): Promise { if (!this.variableManagerPromise) { this.variableManagerPromise = this.getMap() .then((map) => { const variablesManager = new VariablesManager(this.roomUrl, map); return variablesManager.init(); }) .catch((e) => { if (e instanceof LocalUrlError) { // If we are trying to load a local URL, we are probably in test mode. // In this case, let's bypass the server-side checks completely. // Note: we run this message inside a setTimeout so that the room listeners can have time to connect. setTimeout(() => { for (const roomListener of this.roomListeners) { emitErrorOnRoomSocket( roomListener, "You are loading a local map. If you use the scripting API in this map, please be aware that server-side checks and variable persistence is disabled." ); } }, 1000); const variablesManager = new VariablesManager(this.roomUrl, null); return variablesManager.init(); } else { throw e; } }); } return this.variableManagerPromise; } public async getVariablesForTags(tags: string[]): Promise> { const variablesManager = await this.getVariableManager(); return variablesManager.getVariablesForTags(tags); } }