import express from "express"; import path from "path"; import {Application, Request, Response} from "express"; import {OK} from "http-status-codes"; const MapFloor0 = require('../Assets/Maps/Floor0/floor0.json'); const MapFloor1 = require('../Assets/Maps/Floor1/floor1.json'); export class MapController{ App : Application; constructor(App : Application) { this.App = App; this.getFloor0(); this.getFloor1(); this.assetMaps(); } assetMaps(){ this.App.use('/maps', express.static('src/Assets/Maps')); } //permit to login on application. Return token to connect on Websocket IO. getFloor0(){ this.App.get("/floor0", (req: Request, res: Response) => { return res.status(OK).send(MapFloor0); }); } getFloor1(){ this.App.get("/floor1", (req: Request, res: Response) => { return res.status(OK).send(MapFloor1); }); } }