# API Reference - Deprecated functions

The list of functions below is **deprecated**. You should not use those but. use the replacement functions.

- Method `WA.sendChatMessage` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `WA.chat.sendChatMessage`.
- Method `WA.disablePlayerControls` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `WA.controls.disablePlayerControls`.
- Method `WA.restorePlayerControls` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `WA.controls.restorePlayerControls`.
- Method `WA.displayBubble` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `WA.ui.displayBubble`.
- Method `WA.removeBubble` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `WA.ui.removeBubble`.
- Method `WA.openTab` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `WA.nav.openTab`.
- Method `WA.loadSound` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `WA.sound.loadSound`.
- Method `WA.goToPage` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `WA.nav.goToPage`.
- Method `WA.goToRoom` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `WA.nav.goToRoom`.
- Method `WA.openCoWebSite` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `WA.nav.openCoWebSite`.
- Method `WA.closeCoWebSite` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `WA.nav.closeCoWebSite`.
- Method `WA.openPopup` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `WA.ui.openPopup`.
- Method `WA.onChatMessage` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `WA.chat.onChatMessage`.
- Method `WA.onEnterZone` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `WA.room.onEnterZone`.
- Method `WA.onLeaveZone` is deprecated. It has been renamed to `WA.room.onLeaveZone`.
- Method `WA.ui.registerMenuCommand` parameter `callback` is deprecated. Use `WA.ui.registerMenuCommand(commandDescriptor: string, options: MenuOptions)`.