import type * as SimplePeerNamespace from "simple-peer"; import { mediaManager } from "./MediaManager"; import { STUN_SERVER, TURN_PASSWORD, TURN_SERVER, TURN_USER } from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable"; import type { RoomConnection } from "../Connexion/RoomConnection"; import { MESSAGE_TYPE_CONSTRAINT, PeerStatus } from "./VideoPeer"; import type { UserSimplePeerInterface } from "./SimplePeer"; import { Readable, readable, writable, Writable } from "svelte/store"; import { videoFocusStore } from "../Stores/VideoFocusStore"; const Peer: SimplePeerNamespace.SimplePeer = require("simple-peer"); /** * A peer connection used to transmit video / audio signals between 2 peers. */ export class ScreenSharingPeer extends Peer { /** * Whether this connection is currently receiving a video stream from a remote user. */ private isReceivingStream: boolean = false; public toClose: boolean = false; public _connected: boolean = false; public readonly userId: number; public readonly uniqueId: string; public readonly streamStore: Readable; public readonly statusStore: Readable; constructor( user: UserSimplePeerInterface, initiator: boolean, public readonly userName: string, private connection: RoomConnection, stream: MediaStream | null ) { super({ initiator: initiator ? initiator : false, //reconnectTimer: 10000, config: { iceServers: [ { urls: STUN_SERVER.split(","), }, TURN_SERVER !== "" ? { urls: TURN_SERVER.split(","), username: user.webRtcUser || TURN_USER, credential: user.webRtcPassword || TURN_PASSWORD, } : undefined, ].filter((value) => value !== undefined), }, }); this.userId = user.userId; this.uniqueId = "screensharing_" + this.userId; this.streamStore = readable(null, (set) => { const onStream = (stream: MediaStream | null) => { videoFocusStore.focus(this); set(stream); }; const onData = (chunk: Buffer) => { // We unfortunately need to rely on an event to let the other party know a stream has stopped. // It seems there is no native way to detect that. // TODO: we might rely on the "ended" event: const message = JSON.parse(chunk.toString("utf8")); if (message.streamEnded !== true) { console.error("Unexpected message on screen sharing peer connection"); return; } set(null); }; this.on("stream", onStream); this.on("data", onData); return () => {"stream", onStream);"data", onData); }; }); this.statusStore = readable("connecting", (set) => { const onConnect = () => { set("connected"); }; const onError = () => { set("error"); }; const onClose = () => { set("closed"); }; this.on("connect", onConnect); this.on("error", onError); this.on("close", onClose); return () => {"connect", onConnect);"error", onError);"close", onClose); }; }); //start listen signal for the peer connection this.on("signal", (data: unknown) => { this.sendWebrtcScreenSharingSignal(data); }); this.on("stream", (stream: MediaStream) => {; }); this.on("close", () => { this._connected = false; this.toClose = true; this.destroy(); }); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any this.on("error", (err: any) => { console.error(`screen sharing error => ${this.userId} => ${err.code}`, err); }); this.on("connect", () => { this._connected = true;`connect => ${this.userId}`); }); this.once("finish", () => { this._onFinish(); }); if (stream) { this.addStream(stream); } } private sendWebrtcScreenSharingSignal(data: unknown) { try { this.connection.sendWebrtcScreenSharingSignal(data, this.userId); } catch (e) { console.error(`sendWebrtcScreenSharingSignal => ${this.userId}`, e); } } /** * Sends received stream to screen. */ private stream(stream?: MediaStream) { if (!stream) { this.isReceivingStream = false; } else { this.isReceivingStream = true; } } public isReceivingScreenSharingStream(): boolean { return this.isReceivingStream; } public destroy(error?: Error): void { try { this._connected = false; if (!this.toClose) { return; } // FIXME: I don't understand why "Closing connection with" message is displayed TWICE before "Nb users in peerConnectionArray" // I do understand the method closeConnection is called twice, but I don't understand how they manage to run in parallel. //console.log('Closing connection with '+userId); super.destroy(error); //console.log('Nb users in peerConnectionArray '+this.PeerConnectionArray.size); } catch (err) { console.error("ScreenSharingPeer::destroy", err); } } _onFinish() { if (this.destroyed) return; const destroySoon = () => { this.destroy(); }; if (this._connected) { destroySoon(); } else { this.once("connect", destroySoon); } } public stopPushingScreenSharingToRemoteUser(stream: MediaStream) { this.removeStream(stream); this.write(new Buffer(JSON.stringify({ type: MESSAGE_TYPE_CONSTRAINT, streamEnded: true }))); } }