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Reload the page (to trigger the audio without a user gesture)\n2. You should see the \"Allow audio\" button\n3. Click on that button to allow the audio to be played\n\n(in some situations a user gesture is mandatory to play audio: like on mobile or on desktop without a user gesture in the same domain during the same session)\n\n(use #no-audio start layer to spawn outside the audio zone)", "wrap":true }, "type":"", "visible":true, "width":317.982661490298, "x":1.53139349868751, "y":29.8384428152397 }], "opacity":1, "type":"objectgroup", "visible":true, "x":0, "y":0 }], "nextlayerid":41, "nextobjectid":10, "orientation":"orthogonal", "properties":[ { "name":"mapCopyright", "type":"string", "value":"Credits: Valdo Romao https:\/\/www.linkedin.com\/in\/valdo-romao\/ \nLicense: CC-BY-SA 3.0 (http:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/3.0\/)" }, { "name":"mapDescription", "type":"string", "value":"A perfect virtual office to get started with WorkAdventure!" }, { "name":"mapImage", "type":"string", "value":"map.png" }, { "name":"mapLink", "type":"string", "value":"https:\/\/thecodingmachine.github.io\/workadventure-map-starter-kit\/map.json" }, { "name":"mapName", "type":"string", "value":"Allow audio test" }], "renderorder":"right-down", "tiledversion":"1.8.2", "tileheight":32, "tilesets":[ { "columns":10, "firstgid":1, "image":"..\/..\/assets\/tileset5_export.png", "imageheight":320, "imagewidth":320, "margin":0, "name":"tileset5_export", "properties":[ { "name":"tilesetCopyright", "type":"string", "value":"\u00a9 2021 WorkAdventure \nLicence: WORKADVENTURE SPECIFIC RESOURCES LICENSE (see LICENSE.assets file)" }], "spacing":0, "tilecount":100, "tileheight":32, "tilewidth":32 }, { "columns":10, "firstgid":101, "image":"..\/..\/assets\/tileset6_export.png", "imageheight":320, "imagewidth":320, "margin":0, "name":"tileset6_export", "properties":[ { "name":"tilesetCopyright", "type":"string", "value":"\u00a9 2021 WorkAdventure \nLicence: WORKADVENTURE SPECIFIC RESOURCES LICENSE (see LICENSE.assets file)" }], "spacing":0, "tilecount":100, "tileheight":32, "tilewidth":32 }, { "columns":11, "firstgid":201, "image":"..\/..\/assets\/tileset1.png", "imageheight":352, "imagewidth":352, "margin":0, "name":"tileset1", "properties":[ { "name":"tilesetCopyright", "type":"string", "value":"\u00a9 2021 WorkAdventure \nLicence: WORKADVENTURE SPECIFIC RESOURCES LICENSE (see LICENSE.assets file)" }], "spacing":0, "tilecount":121, "tileheight":32, "tilewidth":32 }, { "columns":11, "firstgid":322, "image":"..\/..\/assets\/tileset1-repositioning.png", "imageheight":352, "imagewidth":352, "margin":0, "name":"tileset1-repositioning", "properties":[ { "name":"tilesetCopyright", "type":"string", "value":"\u00a9 2021 WorkAdventure \nLicence: WORKADVENTURE SPECIFIC RESOURCES LICENSE (see LICENSE.assets file)" }], "spacing":0, "tilecount":121, "tileheight":32, "tilewidth":32 }, { "columns":6, "firstgid":443, "image":"..\/..\/assets\/Special_Zones.png", "imageheight":64, "imagewidth":192, "margin":0, "name":"Special_Zones", "properties":[ { "name":"tilesetCopyright", "type":"string", "value":"\u00a9 2021 WorkAdventure \nLicence: WORKADVENTURE SPECIFIC RESOURCES LICENSE (see LICENSE.assets file)" }], "spacing":0, "tilecount":12, "tileheight":32, "tiles":[ { "id":0, "properties":[ { "name":"collides", "type":"bool", "value":true }] }], "tilewidth":32 }], "tilewidth":32, "type":"map", "version":"1.8", "width":10 }