{.section-title.accent.text-primary} # Meeting rooms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN9VMWHN0eo ## Opening a Jitsi meet when walking on the map On your map, you can define special zones (meeting rooms) that will trigger the opening of a Jitsi meet. When a player will pass over these zones, a Jitsi meet will open (as an iframe on the right side of the screen) In order to create Jitsi meet zones: * You must create a specific layer. * In layer properties, you MUST add a "`jitsiRoom`" property (of type "`string`"). The value of the property is the name of the room in Jitsi. Note: the name of the room will be "slugified" and prepended with the name of the instance of the map (so that different instances of the map have different rooms) ## Triggering of the "Jitsi meet" action By default, Jitsi meet will open when a user enters the zone defined on the map. It is however possible to trigger Jitsi only on user action. You can do this with the `jitsiTrigger` property. If you set `jitsiTrigger: onaction`, when the user walks on the layer, an alert message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen: If you set `jitsiTriggerMessage: your message action` you can edit alert message displayed. If is not defined, the default message displayed is 'Press on SPACE to enter in jitsi meet room'. ## Customizing your "Jitsi meet" Your Jitsi meet experience can be customized using Jitsi specific config options. The `jitsiConfig` and `jitsiInterfaceConfig` properties can be used on the Jitsi layer to change the way Jitsi looks and behaves. Those 2 properties are accepting a JSON string. For instance, use `jitsiConfig: { "startWithAudioMuted": true }` to automatically mute the microphone when someone enters a room. Or use `jitsiInterfaceConfig: { "DEFAULT_BACKGROUND": "#77ee77" }` to change the background color of Jitsi. The `jitsiConfig` property will override the Jitsi [config.js](https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/master/config.js) file The `jitsiInterfaceConfig` property will override the Jitsi [interface_config.js](https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/blob/master/interface_config.js) file