import socketIO = require(''); import {Socket} from ""; import * as http from "http"; import {MessageUserPosition, Point} from "../Model/Websocket/MessageUserPosition"; //TODO fix import by "_Model/.." import {ExSocketInterface} from "../Model/Websocket/ExSocketInterface"; //TODO fix import by "_Model/.." import Jwt, {JsonWebTokenError} from "jsonwebtoken"; import {SECRET_KEY, MINIMUM_DISTANCE, GROUP_RADIUS, ALLOW_ARTILLERY} from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable"; //TODO fix import by "_Enum/..." import {World} from "../Model/World"; import {Group} from "../Model/Group"; import {User} from "../Model/User"; import {isSetPlayerDetailsMessage,} from "../Model/Websocket/SetPlayerDetailsMessage"; import {MessageUserJoined} from "../Model/Websocket/MessageUserJoined"; import si from "systeminformation"; import {Gauge} from "prom-client"; import {TokenInterface} from "../Controller/AuthenticateController"; import {isJoinRoomMessageInterface} from "../Model/Websocket/JoinRoomMessage"; import {PointInterface} from "../Model/Websocket/PointInterface"; import {isWebRtcSignalMessageInterface} from "../Model/Websocket/WebRtcSignalMessage"; import {UserInGroupInterface} from "../Model/Websocket/UserInGroupInterface"; import {isItemEventMessageInterface} from "../Model/Websocket/ItemEventMessage"; import {uuid} from 'uuidv4'; import {isViewport} from "../Model/Websocket/ViewportMessage"; import {GroupUpdateInterface} from "_Model/Websocket/GroupUpdateInterface"; import {Movable} from "../Model/Movable"; import { PositionMessage, SetPlayerDetailsMessage, SubMessage, UserMovedMessage, BatchMessage, GroupUpdateMessage, PointMessage, GroupDeleteMessage, UserJoinedMessage } from "../Messages/generated/messages_pb"; import {UserMovesMessage} from "../Messages/generated/messages_pb"; import Direction = PositionMessage.Direction; import {ProtobufUtils} from "../Model/Websocket/ProtobufUtils"; enum SocketIoEvent { CONNECTION = "connection", DISCONNECT = "disconnect", JOIN_ROOM = "join-room", // bi-directional USER_POSITION = "user-position", // From client to server USER_MOVED = "user-moved", // From server to client USER_LEFT = "user-left", // From server to client WEBRTC_SIGNAL = "webrtc-signal", WEBRTC_SCREEN_SHARING_SIGNAL = "webrtc-screen-sharing-signal", WEBRTC_START = "webrtc-start", WEBRTC_DISCONNECT = "webrtc-disconect", MESSAGE_ERROR = "message-error", GROUP_CREATE_UPDATE = "group-create-update", GROUP_DELETE = "group-delete", SET_PLAYER_DETAILS = "set-player-details", ITEM_EVENT = 'item-event', SET_SILENT = "set_silent", // Set or unset the silent mode for this user. SET_VIEWPORT = "set-viewport", BATCH = "batch", } function emitInBatch(socket: ExSocketInterface, event: string, payload: SubMessage): void { socket.batchedMessages.addPayload(payload); if (socket.batchTimeout === null) { socket.batchTimeout = setTimeout(() => { socket./*binary(true).*/emit(SocketIoEvent.BATCH, socket.batchedMessages.serializeBinary().buffer); socket.batchedMessages = new BatchMessage(); socket.batchTimeout = null; }, 100); } } export class IoSocketController { public readonly Io: socketIO.Server; private Worlds: Map = new Map(); private sockets: Map = new Map(); private nbClientsGauge: Gauge; private nbClientsPerRoomGauge: Gauge; private nextUserId: number = 1; constructor(server: http.Server) { this.Io = socketIO(server); this.nbClientsGauge = new Gauge({ name: 'workadventure_nb_sockets', help: 'Number of connected sockets', labelNames: [ ] }); this.nbClientsPerRoomGauge = new Gauge({ name: 'workadventure_nb_clients_per_room', help: 'Number of clients per room', labelNames: [ 'room' ] }); // Authentication with token. it will be decoded and stored in the socket. // Completely commented for now, as we do not use the "/login" route at all. this.Io.use((socket: Socket, next) => { //console.log(socket.handshake.query.token); if (!socket.handshake.query || !socket.handshake.query.token) { console.error('An authentication error happened, a user tried to connect without a token.'); return next(new Error('Authentication error')); } if(socket.handshake.query.token === 'test'){ if (ALLOW_ARTILLERY) { (socket as ExSocketInterface).token = socket.handshake.query.token; (socket as ExSocketInterface).userId = this.nextUserId; (socket as ExSocketInterface).userUuid = uuid(); this.nextUserId++; (socket as ExSocketInterface).isArtillery = true; console.log((socket as ExSocketInterface).userId); next(); return; } else { console.warn("In order to perform a load-testing test on this environment, you must set the ALLOW_ARTILLERY environment variable to 'true'"); next(); } } (socket as ExSocketInterface).isArtillery = false; if(this.searchClientByToken(socket.handshake.query.token)){ console.error('An authentication error happened, a user tried to connect while its token is already connected.'); return next(new Error('Authentication error')); } Jwt.verify(socket.handshake.query.token, SECRET_KEY, (err: JsonWebTokenError, tokenDecoded: object) => { if (err) { console.error('An authentication error happened, invalid JsonWebToken.', err); return next(new Error('Authentication error')); } if (!this.isValidToken(tokenDecoded)) { return next(new Error('Authentication error, invalid token structure')); } (socket as ExSocketInterface).token = socket.handshake.query.token; (socket as ExSocketInterface).userId = this.nextUserId; (socket as ExSocketInterface).userUuid = tokenDecoded.userUuid; this.nextUserId++; next(); }); }); this.ioConnection(); } private isValidToken(token: object): token is TokenInterface { if (typeof((token as TokenInterface).userUuid) !== 'string') { return false; } if (typeof((token as TokenInterface).name) !== 'string') { return false; } return true; } /** * * @param token */ searchClientByToken(token: string): ExSocketInterface | null { const clients: ExSocketInterface[] = Object.values(this.Io.sockets.sockets) as ExSocketInterface[]; for (let i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) { const client = clients[i]; if (client.token !== token) { continue } return client; } return null; } ioConnection() { this.Io.on(SocketIoEvent.CONNECTION, (socket: Socket) => { const client : ExSocketInterface = socket as ExSocketInterface; client.batchedMessages = new BatchMessage(); client.batchTimeout = null; client.emitInBatch = (event: string, payload: SubMessage): void => { emitInBatch(client, event, payload); } this.sockets.set(client.userId, client); // Let's log server load when a user joins const srvSockets = this.Io.sockets.sockets;; console.log(new Date().toISOString() + ' A user joined (', Object.keys(srvSockets).length, ' connected users)'); //si.currentLoad().then(data => console.log(' Current load: ', data.avgload)); //si.currentLoad().then(data => console.log(' CPU: ', data.currentload, '%')); // End log server load /*join-rom event permit to join one room. message : userId : user identification roomId: room identification position: position of user in map x: user x position on map y: user y position on map */ socket.on(SocketIoEvent.JOIN_ROOM, (message: unknown, answerFn): void => { //console.log(SocketIoEvent.JOIN_ROOM, message); try { if (!isJoinRoomMessageInterface(message)) { socket.emit(SocketIoEvent.MESSAGE_ERROR, {message: 'Invalid JOIN_ROOM message.'}); console.warn('Invalid JOIN_ROOM message received: ', message); return; } const roomId = message.roomId; const Client = (socket as ExSocketInterface); if (Client.roomId === roomId) { return; } //leave previous room this.leaveRoom(Client); //join new previous room const world = this.joinRoom(Client, roomId, message.position); const things = world.setViewport(Client, message.viewport); const listOfUsers: Array = []; const listOfGroups: Array = []; for (const thing of things) { if (thing instanceof User) { const player: ExSocketInterface|undefined = this.sockets.get(; if (player === undefined) { console.warn('Something went wrong. The World contains a user "'"' but this user does not exist in the sockets list!"); continue; } listOfUsers.push(new MessageUserPosition(,, player.characterLayers, player.position)); } else if (thing instanceof Group) { listOfGroups.push({ groupId: thing.getId(), position: thing.getPosition(), }); } else { console.error("Unexpected type for Movable returned by setViewport"); } } const listOfItems: {[itemId: string]: unknown} = {}; for (const [itemId, item] of world.getItemsState().entries()) { listOfItems[itemId] = item; } //console.warn('ANSWER PLAYER POSITIONS', listOfUsers); if (answerFn === undefined && ALLOW_ARTILLERY === true) { // For some reason, answerFn can be undefined if we use Artillery (?) return; } answerFn({ users: listOfUsers, groups: listOfGroups, items: listOfItems }); } catch (e) { console.error('An error occurred on "join_room" event'); console.error(e); } }); socket.on(SocketIoEvent.SET_VIEWPORT, (message: unknown): void => { try { //console.log('SET_VIEWPORT') if (!isViewport(message)) { socket.emit(SocketIoEvent.MESSAGE_ERROR, {message: 'Invalid SET_VIEWPORT message.'}); console.warn('Invalid SET_VIEWPORT message received: ', message); return; } const Client = (socket as ExSocketInterface); Client.viewport = message; const world = this.Worlds.get(Client.roomId); if (!world) { console.error("In SET_VIEWPORT, could not find world with id '", Client.roomId, "'"); return; } world.setViewport(Client, Client.viewport); } catch (e) { console.error('An error occurred on "SET_VIEWPORT" event'); console.error(e); } }); socket.on(SocketIoEvent.USER_POSITION, (message: unknown): void => { //console.log(SockerIoEvent.USER_POSITION, userMovesMessage); try { if (!(message instanceof Buffer)) { socket.emit(SocketIoEvent.MESSAGE_ERROR, {message: 'Invalid USER_POSITION message. Expecting binary buffer.'}); console.warn('Invalid USER_POSITION message received (expecting binary buffer): ', message); return; } const userMovesMessage = UserMovesMessage.deserializeBinary(new Uint8Array(message as ArrayBuffer)); const userMoves = userMovesMessage.toObject(); const position = userMoves.position; if (position === undefined) { throw new Error('Position not found in message'); } const viewport = userMoves.viewport; if (viewport === undefined) { throw new Error('Viewport not found in message'); } let direction: string; switch (position.direction) { case Direction.UP: direction = 'up'; break; case Direction.DOWN: direction = 'down'; break; case Direction.LEFT: direction = 'left'; break; case Direction.RIGHT: direction = 'right'; break; default: throw new Error("Unexpected direction"); } const Client = (socket as ExSocketInterface); // sending to all clients in room except sender Client.position = { x: position.x, y: position.y, direction, moving: position.moving, }; Client.viewport = viewport; // update position in the world const world = this.Worlds.get(Client.roomId); if (!world) { console.error("In USER_POSITION, could not find world with id '", Client.roomId, "'"); return; } world.updatePosition(Client, Client.position); world.setViewport(Client, Client.viewport); } catch (e) { console.error('An error occurred on "user_position" event'); console.error(e); } }); socket.on(SocketIoEvent.WEBRTC_SIGNAL, (data: unknown) => { this.emitVideo((socket as ExSocketInterface), data); }); socket.on(SocketIoEvent.WEBRTC_SCREEN_SHARING_SIGNAL, (data: unknown) => { this.emitScreenSharing((socket as ExSocketInterface), data); }); socket.on(SocketIoEvent.DISCONNECT, () => { const Client = (socket as ExSocketInterface); try { //leave room this.leaveRoom(Client); //leave webrtc room //socket.leave(Client.webRtcRoomId); //delete all socket information delete Client.webRtcRoomId; delete Client.roomId; delete Client.token; delete Client.position; } catch (e) { console.error('An error occurred on "disconnect"'); console.error(e); } this.sockets.delete(Client.userId); // Let's log server load when a user leaves const srvSockets = this.Io.sockets.sockets; this.nbClientsGauge.dec(); console.log('A user left (', Object.keys(srvSockets).length, ' connected users)'); //si.currentLoad().then(data => console.log('Current load: ', data.avgload)); //si.currentLoad().then(data => console.log('CPU: ', data.currentload, '%')); // End log server load }); // Let's send the user id to the user socket.on(SocketIoEvent.SET_PLAYER_DETAILS, (message: unknown, answerFn) => { //console.log(SocketIoEvent.SET_PLAYER_DETAILS, message); if (!(message instanceof Buffer)) { socket.emit(SocketIoEvent.MESSAGE_ERROR, {message: 'Invalid SET_PLAYER_DETAILS message. Expecting binary buffer.'}); console.warn('Invalid SET_PLAYER_DETAILS message received (expecting binary buffer): ', message); return; } const playerDetailsMessage = SetPlayerDetailsMessage.deserializeBinary(new Uint8Array(message)); const playerDetails = { name: playerDetailsMessage.getName(), characterLayers: playerDetailsMessage.getCharacterlayersList() }; //console.log(SocketIoEvent.SET_PLAYER_DETAILS, playerDetails); if (!isSetPlayerDetailsMessage(playerDetails)) { socket.emit(SocketIoEvent.MESSAGE_ERROR, {message: 'Invalid SET_PLAYER_DETAILS message.'}); console.warn('Invalid SET_PLAYER_DETAILS message received: ', playerDetails); return; } const Client = (socket as ExSocketInterface); =; Client.characterLayers = playerDetails.characterLayers; // Artillery fails when receiving an acknowledgement that is not a JSON object if (!Client.isArtillery) { answerFn(Client.userId); } }); socket.on(SocketIoEvent.SET_SILENT, (silent: unknown) => { //console.log(SocketIoEvent.SET_SILENT, silent); if (typeof silent !== "boolean") { socket.emit(SocketIoEvent.MESSAGE_ERROR, {message: 'Invalid SET_SILENT message.'}); console.warn('Invalid SET_SILENT message received: ', silent); return; } try { const Client = (socket as ExSocketInterface); // update position in the world const world = this.Worlds.get(Client.roomId); if (!world) { console.error("In SET_SILENT, could not find world with id '", Client.roomId, "'"); return; } world.setSilent(Client, silent); } catch (e) { console.error('An error occurred on "SET_SILENT"'); console.error(e); } }); socket.on(SocketIoEvent.ITEM_EVENT, (itemEvent: unknown) => { if (!isItemEventMessageInterface(itemEvent)) { socket.emit(SocketIoEvent.MESSAGE_ERROR, {message: 'Invalid ITEM_EVENT message.'}); console.warn('Invalid ITEM_EVENT message received: ', itemEvent); return; } try { const Client = (socket as ExSocketInterface);, itemEvent); const world = this.Worlds.get(Client.roomId); if (!world) { console.error("Could not find world with id '", Client.roomId, "'"); return; } world.setItemState(itemEvent.itemId, itemEvent.state); } catch (e) { console.error('An error occurred on "item_event"'); console.error(e); } }); }); } emitVideo(socket: ExSocketInterface, data: unknown){ if (!isWebRtcSignalMessageInterface(data)) { socket.emit(SocketIoEvent.MESSAGE_ERROR, {message: 'Invalid WEBRTC_SIGNAL message.'}); console.warn('Invalid WEBRTC_SIGNAL message received: ', data); return; } //send only at user const client = this.sockets.get(data.receiverId); if (client === undefined) { console.warn("While exchanging a WebRTC signal: client with id ", data.receiverId, " does not exist. This might be a race condition."); return; } return client.emit(SocketIoEvent.WEBRTC_SIGNAL, { userId: socket.userId, signal: data.signal }); } emitScreenSharing(socket: ExSocketInterface, data: unknown){ if (!isWebRtcSignalMessageInterface(data)) { socket.emit(SocketIoEvent.MESSAGE_ERROR, {message: 'Invalid WEBRTC_SCREEN_SHARING message.'}); console.warn('Invalid WEBRTC_SCREEN_SHARING message received: ', data); return; } //send only at user const client = this.sockets.get(data.receiverId); if (client === undefined) { console.warn("While exchanging a WEBRTC_SCREEN_SHARING signal: client with id ", data.receiverId, " does not exist. This might be a race condition."); return; } return client.emit(SocketIoEvent.WEBRTC_SCREEN_SHARING_SIGNAL, { userId: socket.userId, signal: data.signal }); } searchClientByIdOrFail(userId: number): ExSocketInterface { const client: ExSocketInterface|undefined = this.sockets.get(userId); if (client === undefined) { throw new Error("Could not find user with id " + userId); } return client; } leaveRoom(Client : ExSocketInterface){ // leave previous room and world if(Client.roomId){ try { //user leave previous world const world: World | undefined = this.Worlds.get(Client.roomId); if (world) { world.leave(Client); if (world.isEmpty()) { this.Worlds.delete(Client.roomId); } } //user leave previous room Client.leave(Client.roomId); } finally { this.nbClientsPerRoomGauge.dec({ room: Client.roomId }); delete Client.roomId; } } } private joinRoom(Client : ExSocketInterface, roomId: string, position: PointInterface): World { //join user in room Client.join(roomId);{ room: roomId }); Client.roomId = roomId; Client.position = position; //check and create new world for a room let world = this.Worlds.get(roomId) if(world === undefined){ world = new World((user1: number, group: Group) => { this.connectedUser(user1, group); }, (user1: number, group: Group) => { this.disConnectedUser(user1, group); }, MINIMUM_DISTANCE, GROUP_RADIUS, (thing: Movable, listener: User) => { const clientListener = this.searchClientByIdOrFail(; if (thing instanceof User) { const clientUser = this.searchClientByIdOrFail(; const userJoinedMessage = new UserJoinedMessage(); userJoinedMessage.setUserid(clientUser.userId); userJoinedMessage.setName(; userJoinedMessage.setCharacterlayersList(clientUser.characterLayers); userJoinedMessage.setPosition(ProtobufUtils.toPositionMessage(clientUser.position)); const subMessage = new SubMessage(); subMessage.setUserjoinedmessage(userJoinedMessage); emitInBatch(clientListener, SocketIoEvent.JOIN_ROOM, subMessage); } else if (thing instanceof Group) { this.emitCreateUpdateGroupEvent(clientListener, thing); } else { console.error('Unexpected type for Movable.'); } }, (thing: Movable, position, listener) => { const clientListener = this.searchClientByIdOrFail(; if (thing instanceof User) { const clientUser = this.searchClientByIdOrFail(; const userMovedMessage = new UserMovedMessage(); userMovedMessage.setUserid(clientUser.userId); userMovedMessage.setPosition(ProtobufUtils.toPositionMessage(clientUser.position)); const subMessage = new SubMessage(); subMessage.setUsermovedmessage(userMovedMessage); clientListener.emitInBatch(SocketIoEvent.USER_MOVED, subMessage); //console.log("Sending USER_MOVED event"); } else if (thing instanceof Group) { this.emitCreateUpdateGroupEvent(clientListener, thing); } else { console.error('Unexpected type for Movable.'); } }, (thing: Movable, listener) => { const clientListener = this.searchClientByIdOrFail(; if (thing instanceof User) { const clientUser = this.searchClientByIdOrFail(; clientListener.emit(SocketIoEvent.USER_LEFT, clientUser.userId); //console.log("Sending USER_LEFT event"); } else if (thing instanceof Group) { this.emitDeleteGroupEvent(clientListener, thing.getId()); } else { console.error('Unexpected type for Movable.'); } }); this.Worlds.set(roomId, world); } // Dispatch groups position to newly connected user world.getGroups().forEach((group: Group) => { this.emitCreateUpdateGroupEvent(Client, group); }); //join world world.join(Client, Client.position); return world; } private emitCreateUpdateGroupEvent(socket: Socket, group: Group): void { const position = group.getPosition(); const pointMessage = new PointMessage(); pointMessage.setX(Math.floor(position.x)); pointMessage.setY(Math.floor(position.y)); const groupUpdateMessage = new GroupUpdateMessage(); groupUpdateMessage.setGroupid(group.getId()); groupUpdateMessage.setPosition(pointMessage); const subMessage = new SubMessage(); subMessage.setGroupupdatemessage(groupUpdateMessage); const client : ExSocketInterface = socket as ExSocketInterface; emitInBatch(client, SocketIoEvent.GROUP_CREATE_UPDATE, subMessage); //socket.emit(SocketIoEvent.GROUP_CREATE_UPDATE, groupUpdateMessage.serializeBinary().buffer); } private emitDeleteGroupEvent(socket: Socket, groupId: number): void { const groupDeleteMessage = new GroupDeleteMessage(); groupDeleteMessage.setGroupid(groupId); const subMessage = new SubMessage(); subMessage.setGroupdeletemessage(groupDeleteMessage); const client : ExSocketInterface = socket as ExSocketInterface; emitInBatch(client, SocketIoEvent.GROUP_DELETE, subMessage); } /** * * @param socket * @param roomId */ joinWebRtcRoom(socket: ExSocketInterface, roomId: string) { if (socket.webRtcRoomId === roomId) { return; } socket.join(roomId); socket.webRtcRoomId = roomId; //if two persons in room share if (this.Io.sockets.adapter.rooms[roomId].length < 2 /*|| this.Io.sockets.adapter.rooms[roomId].length >= 4*/) { return; } // TODO: scanning all sockets is maybe not the most efficient const clients: Array = (Object.values(this.Io.sockets.sockets) as Array) .filter((client: ExSocketInterface) => client.webRtcRoomId && client.webRtcRoomId === roomId); //send start at one client to initialise offer webrtc //send all users in room to create PeerConnection in front clients.forEach((client: ExSocketInterface, index: number) => { const peerClients = clients.reduce((tabs: Array, clientId: ExSocketInterface, indexClientId: number) => { if (!clientId.userId || clientId.userId === client.userId) { return tabs; } tabs.push({ userId: clientId.userId, name:, initiator: index <= indexClientId }); return tabs; }, []); client.emit(SocketIoEvent.WEBRTC_START, {clients: peerClients, roomId: roomId}); }); } /** permit to share user position ** users position will send in event 'user-position' ** The data sent is an array with information for each user : [ { userId: , roomId: , position: { x : , y : , direction: } }, ... ] **/ //connected user connectedUser(userId: number, group: Group) { /*let Client = this.sockets.get(userId); if (Client === undefined) { return; }*/ const Client = this.searchClientByIdOrFail(userId); this.joinWebRtcRoom(Client, "webrtcroom"+group.getId()); } //disconnect user disConnectedUser(userId: number, group: Group) { const Client = this.searchClientByIdOrFail(userId);"webrtcroom"+group.getId()).emit(SocketIoEvent.WEBRTC_DISCONNECT, { userId: userId }); // Most of the time, sending a disconnect event to one of the players is enough (the player will close the connection // which will be shut for the other player). // However! In the rare case where the WebRTC connection is not yet established, if we close the connection on one of the player, // the other player will try connecting until a timeout happens (during this time, the connection icon will be displayed for nothing). // So we also send the disconnect event to the other player. for (const user of group.getUsers()) { Client.emit(SocketIoEvent.WEBRTC_DISCONNECT, { userId: }); } //disconnect webrtc room if(!Client.webRtcRoomId){ return; } Client.leave(Client.webRtcRoomId); delete Client.webRtcRoomId; } }