import { expect, test } from '@playwright/test'; import { findContainer, startContainer, stopContainer } from './utils/containers'; import { login } from './utils/roles'; test.setTimeout(60000); test.describe('Connection', () => { test('can succeed even if WorkAdventure starts while pusher is down', async ({ page }) => { await page.goto( 'http://play.workadventure.localhost/_/global/maps.workadventure.localhost/tests/mousewheel.json' ); // Let's stop the pusher const container = await findContainer('pusher'); await stopContainer(container); await page.goto( 'http://play.workadventure.localhost/_/global/maps.workadventure.localhost/tests/mousewheel.json' ); await expect(page.locator('.error-div')).toContainText('Unable to connect to WorkAdventure'); await startContainer(container); await page.waitForResponse(response => response.status() === 200, { timeout: 60000 }), await login(page); }); });