import { z } from "zod"; import { extendApi } from "@anatine/zod-openapi"; /* * WARNING! The original file is in /messages/JsonMessages. * All other files are automatically copied from this file on container startup / build */ export const isErrorApiErrorData = extendApi( // @ts-ignore z.object({ type: z.literal("error"), code: extendApi(z.string(), { description: "The system code of an error, it must be in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.", example: "ROOM_NOT_FOUND", }), title: extendApi(z.string(), { description: "Big title displayed on the error screen.", example: "ERROR" }), subtitle: extendApi(z.string(), { description: "Subtitle displayed to let the user know what is the main subject of the error.", example: "The room was not found.", }), details: extendApi(z.string(), { description: "Some others details on what the user can do if he don't understand the error.", example: "If you would like more information, you can contact the administrator or us at", }), image: extendApi(z.string(), { description: "The URL of the image displayed just under the logo in the error screen.", example: "", }), }), { description: 'This is an error that can be returned by the API, its type must be equal to "error".\n If such an error is caught, an error screen will be displayed.', } ); export const isErrorApiRetryData = extendApi( z.object({ type: z.literal("retry"), code: extendApi(z.string(), { description: "The system code of an error, it must be in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE. \n It will not be displayed to the user.", example: "WORLD_FULL", }), title: extendApi(z.string(), { description: "Big title displayed on the error screen.", example: "ERROR" }), subtitle: extendApi(z.string(), { description: "Subtitle displayed to let the user know what is the main subject of the error.", example: "Too successful, your WorkAdventure world is full!", }), details: extendApi(z.string(), { description: "Some others details on what the user can do if he don't understand the error.", example: "New automatic attempt in 30 seconds", }), image: extendApi(z.string(), { description: "The URL of the image displayed just under the logo in the waiting screen.", example: "", }), buttonTitle: extendApi(z.optional(z.nullable(z.string())), { description: "If this is not defined the button and the parameter canRetryManual is set to true, the button will be not displayed at all.", example: "Retry", }), timeToRetry: extendApi(z.number(), { description: "This is the time (in millisecond) between the next auto refresh of the page.", example: 30_000, }), canRetryManual: extendApi(z.boolean(), { description: "This boolean show or hide the button to let the user refresh manually the current page.", example: true, }), }), { description: 'This is an error that can be returned by the API, its type must be equal to "retry".\n' + "If such an error is caught, a waiting screen will be displayed.", } ); export const isErrorApiRedirectData = extendApi( z.object({ type: z.literal("redirect"), urlToRedirect: extendApi(z.string(), { description: "A URL specified to redirect the user onto it directly", example: "/contact-us", }), }), { description: 'This is an error that can be returned by the API, its type must be equal to "redirect".\n' + "If such an error is caught, the user will be automatically redirected to urlToRedirect.", } ); export const isErrorApiUnauthorizedData = extendApi( z.object({ type: z.literal("unauthorized"), code: extendApi(z.string(), { description: "This is the system code of an error, it must be in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.", example: "USER_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN", }), title: extendApi(z.string(), { description: "Big title displayed on the error screen.", example: "ERROR" }), subtitle: extendApi(z.string(), { description: "Subtitle displayed to let the user know what is the main subject of the error.", example: "You can't access this place.", }), details: extendApi(z.string(), { description: "Some others details on what the user can do if he don't understand the error.", example: "If you would like more information, you can contact the administrator or us at", }), image: extendApi(z.string(), { description: "The URL of the image displayed just under the logo in the error screen.", example: "", }), buttonTitle: extendApi(z.optional(z.nullable(z.string())), { description: "If this is not defined the button to logout will be not displayed.", example: "Log out", }), }), { description: 'This is an error that can be returned by the API, its type must be equal to "unauthorized".\n' + "If such an error is caught, an error screen will be displayed with a button to let him logout and go to login page.", } ); export const isErrorApiData = z.discriminatedUnion("type", [ isErrorApiErrorData, isErrorApiRetryData, isErrorApiRedirectData, isErrorApiUnauthorizedData, ]); export type ErrorApiData = z.infer;