# Developer documentation This (work in progress) documentation provides a number of "how-to" guides explaining how to work on the WorkAdventure code. This documentation is targeted at developers looking to open Pull Requests on WorkAdventure. If you "only" want to design dynamic maps, please refer instead to the [scripting API documentation](https://workadventu.re/map-building/scripting.md). ## Contributing Check out the [contributing guide](../../CONTRIBUTING.md) ## Front documentation - [How to add translations](how-to-translate.md) - [How to add new functions in the scripting API](contributing-to-scripting-api.md) - [About Wokas](wokas.md) ## Pusher documentation The Pusher is exposing its HTTP API as "OpenAPI" endpoint. You can browse this API at `http://pusher.workadventure.localhost/swagger-ui/`.