diff --git a/front/dist/resources/html/SelectCompanionScene.html b/front/dist/resources/html/SelectCompanionScene.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f539cdb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/front/dist/resources/html/SelectCompanionScene.html
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
diff --git a/front/src/Phaser/Login/SelectCharacterScene.ts b/front/src/Phaser/Login/SelectCharacterScene.ts
index 90e37cd6..bbb07fc1 100644
--- a/front/src/Phaser/Login/SelectCharacterScene.ts
+++ b/front/src/Phaser/Login/SelectCharacterScene.ts
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ export class SelectCharacterScene extends AbstractCharacterScene {
private defineSetupPlayer(numero: number){
const deltaX = 30;
+ const deltaY = 2;
let [playerX, playerY] = this.getCharacterPosition();
let playerVisible = true;
let playerScale = 1.5;
@@ -177,24 +178,28 @@ export class SelectCharacterScene extends AbstractCharacterScene {
playerVisible = false;
if( numero === (this.currentSelectUser + 1) ){
+ playerY -= deltaY;
playerX += deltaX;
playerScale = 0.8;
playserOpactity = 0.6;
playerVisible = true;
if( numero === (this.currentSelectUser + 2) ){
+ playerY -= deltaY;
playerX += (deltaX * 2);
playerScale = 0.8;
playserOpactity = 0.6;
playerVisible = true;
if( numero === (this.currentSelectUser - 1) ){
+ playerY -= deltaY;
playerX -= deltaX;
playerScale = 0.8;
playserOpactity = 0.6;
playerVisible = true;
if( numero === (this.currentSelectUser - 2) ){
+ playerY -= deltaY;
playerX -= (deltaX * 2);
playerScale = 0.8;
playserOpactity = 0.6;
diff --git a/front/src/Phaser/Login/SelectCompanionScene.ts b/front/src/Phaser/Login/SelectCompanionScene.ts
index aeacd0c2..2a5dd252 100644
--- a/front/src/Phaser/Login/SelectCompanionScene.ts
+++ b/front/src/Phaser/Login/SelectCompanionScene.ts
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ import Rectangle = Phaser.GameObjects.Rectangle;
import { addLoader } from "../Components/Loader";
import { gameManager} from "../Game/GameManager";
import { ResizableScene } from "./ResizableScene";
-import { TextField } from "../Components/TextField";
import { EnableCameraSceneName } from "./EnableCameraScene";
import { localUserStore } from "../../Connexion/LocalUserStore";
import { CompanionResourceDescriptionInterface } from "../Companion/CompanionTextures";
import { getAllCompanionResources } from "../Companion/CompanionTexturesLoadingManager";
import {touchScreenManager} from "../../Touch/TouchScreenManager";
import {PinchManager} from "../UserInput/PinchManager";
+import { MenuScene } from "../Menu/MenuScene";
export const SelectCompanionSceneName = "SelectCompanionScene";
@@ -19,19 +19,15 @@ enum LoginTextures {
mainFont = "main_font"
-export class SelectCompanionScene extends ResizableScene {
- private logo!: Image;
- private textField!: TextField;
- private pressReturnField!: TextField;
- private readonly nbCharactersPerRow = 7;
+const selectCompanionSceneKey = 'selectCompanionScene';
- private selectedRectangle!: Rectangle;
+export class SelectCompanionScene extends ResizableScene {
private selectedCompanion!: Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Sprite;
private companions: Array = new Array();
- private companionModels: Array = [null];
+ private companionModels: Array = [];
- private confirmTouchArea!: Rectangle;
+ private selectCompanionSceneElement!: Phaser.GameObjects.DOMElement;
+ private currentCompanion = 0;
constructor() {
@@ -42,208 +38,221 @@ export class SelectCompanionScene extends ResizableScene {
preload() {
+ this.load.html(selectCompanionSceneKey, 'resources/html/SelectCompanionScene.html');
getAllCompanionResources(this.load).forEach(model => {
- this.load.image(LoginTextures.icon, "resources/logos/tcm_full.png");
- this.load.image(LoginTextures.playButton, "resources/objects/play_button.png");
- // Note: arcade.png from the Phaser 3 examples at: https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser3-examples/tree/master/public/assets/fonts/bitmap
- this.load.bitmapFont(LoginTextures.mainFont, 'resources/fonts/arcade.png', 'resources/fonts/arcade.xml');
create() {
+ const middleX = this.getMiddleX();
+ this.selectCompanionSceneElement = this.add.dom(middleX, 0).createFromCache(selectCompanionSceneKey);
+ MenuScene.revealMenusAfterInit(this.selectCompanionSceneElement, selectCompanionSceneKey);
+ this.selectCompanionSceneElement.addListener('click');
+ this.selectCompanionSceneElement.on('click', (event:MouseEvent) => {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ if((event?.target as HTMLInputElement).id === 'selectCharacterButtonLeft') {
+ this.moveToLeft();
+ }else if((event?.target as HTMLInputElement).id === 'selectCharacterButtonRight') {
+ this.moveToRight();
+ }else if((event?.target as HTMLInputElement).id === 'selectCompanionSceneFormSubmit') {
+ this.nextScene();
+ }else if((event?.target as HTMLInputElement).id === 'selectCompanionSceneFormBack') {
+ this._nextScene();
+ }
+ });
if (touchScreenManager.supportTouchScreen) {
new PinchManager(this);
- this.textField = new TextField(this, this.game.renderer.width / 2, 50, 'Select your companion');
- const confirmTouchAreaY = 115 + 32 * Math.ceil(this.companionModels.length / this.nbCharactersPerRow);
- this.pressReturnField = new TextField(
- this,
- this.game.renderer.width / 2,
- confirmTouchAreaY,
- 'Touch here\n\n or \n\n press enter to start'
- );
- this.confirmTouchArea = this.add
- .rectangle(this.game.renderer.width / 2, confirmTouchAreaY, 200, 50)
- .setInteractive()
- .on("pointerdown", this.nextScene.bind(this));
- const rectangleXStart = this.game.renderer.width / 2 - (this.nbCharactersPerRow / 2) * 32 + 16;
- this.selectedRectangle = this.add.rectangle(rectangleXStart, 90, 32, 32).setStrokeStyle(2, 0xFFFFFF);
- this.logo = new Image(this, this.game.renderer.width - 30, this.game.renderer.height - 20, LoginTextures.icon);
- this.add.existing(this.logo);
// input events
this.input.keyboard.on('keyup-ENTER', this.nextScene.bind(this));
- this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-RIGHT', this.selectNext.bind(this));
- this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-LEFT', this.selectPrevious.bind(this));
- this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-DOWN', this.jumpToNextRow.bind(this));
- this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-UP', this.jumpToPreviousRow.bind(this));
+ this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-RIGHT', this.moveToRight.bind(this));
+ this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-LEFT', this.moveToLeft.bind(this));
+ if(localUserStore.getCompanion()){
+ const companionIndex = this.companionModels.findIndex((companion) => companion.name === localUserStore.getCompanion());
+ if(companionIndex > -1 || companionIndex < this.companions.length){
+ this.currentCompanion = companionIndex;
+ this.selectedCompanion = this.companions[companionIndex];
+ }
+ }
+ localUserStore.setCompanion(null);
+ gameManager.setCompanion(null);
- this.selectCompanion(this.getCompanionIndex());
+ this.updateSelectedCompanion();
update(time: number, delta: number): void {
- this.pressReturnField.setVisible(!!(Math.floor(time / 500) % 2));
- }
- private jumpToPreviousRow(): void {
- const index = this.companions.indexOf(this.selectedCompanion) - this.nbCharactersPerRow;
- if (index >= 0) {
- this.selectCompanion(index);
- }
- }
- private jumpToNextRow(): void {
- const index = this.companions.indexOf(this.selectedCompanion) + this.nbCharactersPerRow;
- if (index < this.companions.length) {
- this.selectCompanion(index);
- }
- }
- private selectPrevious(): void {
- const index = this.companions.indexOf(this.selectedCompanion);
- this.selectCompanion(index - 1);
- }
- private selectNext(): void {
- const index = this.companions.indexOf(this.selectedCompanion);
- this.selectCompanion(index + 1);
- }
- private selectCompanion(index?: number): void {
- if (typeof index === 'undefined') {
- index = this.companions.indexOf(this.selectedCompanion);
- }
- // make sure index is inside possible range
- index = Math.min(this.companions.length - 1, Math.max(0, index));
- if (this.selectedCompanion === this.companions[index]) {
- return;
- }
- this.selectedCompanion.anims.pause();
- this.selectedCompanion = this.companions[index];
- this.redrawSelectedRectangle();
- const model = this.companionModels[index];
- if (model !== null) {
- this.selectedCompanion.anims.play(model.name);
- }
- }
- private redrawSelectedRectangle(): void {
- this.selectedRectangle.setVisible(true);
- this.selectedRectangle.setX(this.selectedCompanion.x);
- this.selectedRectangle.setY(this.selectedCompanion.y);
- this.selectedRectangle.setSize(32, 32);
- }
- private storeCompanionSelection(): string|null {
- const index = this.companions.indexOf(this.selectedCompanion);
- const model = this.companionModels[index];
- const companion = model === null ? null : model.name;
- localUserStore.setCompanion(companion);
- return companion;
+ const middleX = this.getMiddleX();
+ this.tweens.add({
+ targets: this.selectCompanionSceneElement,
+ x: middleX,
+ duration: 1000,
+ ease: 'Power3'
+ });
private nextScene(): void {
- const companion = this.storeCompanionSelection();
+ localUserStore.setCompanion(this.companionModels[this.currentCompanion].name);
+ gameManager.setCompanion(this.companionModels[this.currentCompanion].name);
+ this._nextScene();
+ }
+ private _nextScene(){
// next scene
- gameManager.setCompanion(companion);
gameManager.tryResumingGame(this, EnableCameraSceneName);
private createCurrentCompanion(): void {
for (let i = 0; i < this.companionModels.length; i++) {
- const companionResource = this.companionModels[i];
- const col = i % this.nbCharactersPerRow;
- const row = Math.floor(i / this.nbCharactersPerRow);
- const [x, y] = this.getCharacterPosition(col, row);
- let name = "null";
- if (companionResource !== null) {
- name = companionResource.name;
- }
- const companion = this.physics.add.sprite(x, y, name, 0);
- companion.setBounce(0.2);
- companion.setCollideWorldBounds(true);
- if (companionResource !== null) {
- this.anims.create({
- key: name,
- frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers(name, {start: 0, end: 2,}),
- frameRate: 10,
- repeat: -1
- });
- }
+ const companionResource = this.companionModels[i]
+ const [middleX, middleY] = this.getCompanionPosition();
+ const companion = this.physics.add.sprite(middleX, middleY, companionResource.name, 0);
+ this.setUpCompanion(companion, i);
+ this.anims.create({
+ key: companionResource.name,
+ frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers(companionResource.name, {start: 0, end: 2,}),
+ frameRate: 10,
+ repeat: -1
+ });
companion.setInteractive().on("pointerdown", () => {
- this.selectCompanion(i);
+ this.currentCompanion = i;
+ this.updateSelectedCompanion();
- this.selectedCompanion = this.companions[0];
- }
- private getCharacterPosition(x: number, y: number): [number, number] {
- return [
- this.game.renderer.width / 2 + 16 + (x - this.nbCharactersPerRow / 2) * 32,
- y * 32 + 90
- ];
+ this.selectedCompanion = this.companions[this.currentCompanion];
public onResize(ev: UIEvent): void {
- this.textField.x = this.game.renderer.width / 2;
- this.pressReturnField.x = this.game.renderer.width / 2;
- this.logo.x = this.game.renderer.width - 30;
- this.logo.y = this.game.renderer.height - 20;
+ this.moveCompanion();
- for (let i = 0; i < this.companionModels.length; i++) {
- const companion = this.companions[i];
- const col = i % this.nbCharactersPerRow;
- const row = Math.floor(i / this.nbCharactersPerRow);
- const [x, y] = this.getCharacterPosition(col, row);
- companion.x = x;
- companion.y = y;
- }
- this.redrawSelectedRectangle();
+ const middleX = this.getMiddleX();
+ this.tweens.add({
+ targets: this.selectCompanionSceneElement,
+ x: middleX,
+ duration: 1000,
+ ease: 'Power3'
+ });
- private getCompanionIndex(): number {
- const companion = localUserStore.getCompanion();
+ private updateSelectedCompanion(): void {
+ this.selectedCompanion?.anims.pause();
+ const companion = this.companions[this.currentCompanion];
+ companion.play(this.companionModels[this.currentCompanion].name);
+ this.selectedCompanion = companion;
+ }
- if (companion === null) {
- return 0;
+ private moveCompanion(){
+ for(let i = 0; i < this.companions.length; i++){
+ const companion = this.companions[i];
+ this.setUpCompanion(companion, i);
+ this.updateSelectedCompanion();
+ }
- return this.companionModels.findIndex(model => model !== null && model.name === companion);
+ private moveToLeft(){
+ if(this.currentCompanion === 0){
+ return;
+ }
+ this.currentCompanion -= 1;
+ this.moveCompanion();
+ }
+ private moveToRight(){
+ if(this.currentCompanion === (this.companions.length - 1)){
+ return;
+ }
+ this.currentCompanion += 1;
+ this.moveCompanion();
+ }
+ private defineSetupCompanion(numero: number){
+ const deltaX = 30;
+ const deltaY = 2;
+ let [companionX, companionY] = this.getCompanionPosition();
+ let companionVisible = true;
+ let companionScale = 1.5;
+ let companionOpactity = 1;
+ if( this.currentCompanion !== numero ){
+ companionVisible = false;
+ }
+ if( numero === (this.currentCompanion + 1) ){
+ companionY -= deltaY;
+ companionX += deltaX;
+ companionScale = 0.8;
+ companionOpactity = 0.6;
+ companionVisible = true;
+ }
+ if( numero === (this.currentCompanion + 2) ){
+ companionY -= deltaY;
+ companionX += (deltaX * 2);
+ companionScale = 0.8;
+ companionOpactity = 0.6;
+ companionVisible = true;
+ }
+ if( numero === (this.currentCompanion - 1) ){
+ companionY -= deltaY;
+ companionX -= deltaX;
+ companionScale = 0.8;
+ companionOpactity = 0.6;
+ companionVisible = true;
+ }
+ if( numero === (this.currentCompanion - 2) ){
+ companionY -= deltaY;
+ companionX -= (deltaX * 2);
+ companionScale = 0.8;
+ companionOpactity = 0.6;
+ companionVisible = true;
+ }
+ return {companionX, companionY, companionScale, companionOpactity, companionVisible}
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns pixel position by on column and row number
+ */
+ private getCompanionPosition(): [number, number] {
+ return [
+ this.game.renderer.width / 2,
+ this.game.renderer.height / 3
+ ];
+ }
+ private setUpCompanion(companion: Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Sprite, numero: number){
+ const {companionX, companionY, companionScale, companionOpactity, companionVisible} = this.defineSetupCompanion(numero);
+ companion.setBounce(0.2);
+ companion.setCollideWorldBounds(true);
+ companion.setVisible( companionVisible );
+ companion.setScale(companionScale, companionScale);
+ companion.setAlpha(companionOpactity);
+ companion.setX(companionX);
+ companion.setY(companionY);
+ }
+ private getMiddleX() : number{
+ return (this.game.renderer.width / 2) -
+ (
+ this.selectCompanionSceneElement
+ && this.selectCompanionSceneElement.node
+ && this.selectCompanionSceneElement.node.getBoundingClientRect().width > 0
+ ? (this.selectCompanionSceneElement.node.getBoundingClientRect().width / 4)
+ : 150
+ );