# uploadfilter Simple upload filter script for Article 13 of EU copyright reform. **This is example code and not for any production usage!** This is more a demonstration of how an upload filter could work. * security checks missing * some logical checks missing, see code comments ## How it works All content uploaded will trigger 1-n emails to EU representatives with an exclusive token link to access and review the content. The validation of the content is stored in a database, so you can look-up if a file is validated as copyright free or a copyright infringement is reported. Based on this data, you can publish or block the content on your plattform. ## Requirements * php * php sqlite3 extension ## Setup * import email adresses from EU representative to the *emails* table * adresses can be found on [https://saveyourinternet.eu/act/](https://saveyourinternet.eu/act/) * change configuration in *db.php* and email template to your needs * **path to files should not be accessible from web** ## Usage * content is uploaded to *upload.php* and triggers database entries and token emails * to make the file accessible on your platform, review it's validation status in *validations* table; publishing of mapping of who validated which content is also possible