# luniebox lunibox is a RFID jukebox based on a Raspberry Pi. It is similar to the [Phoniebox](https://www.phoniebox.de) \[[GitHub](https://github.com/MiczFlor/RPi-Jukebox-RFID)\] and an upgrade of the [TonUINO (de)](https://www.voss.earth/tonuino/) which both are DIY versions of the popular Toniebox©. The main focus for now is to play Spotify© content and playing local files (also supports Spotify© download for offline use). Other sources will be integrated later. ## Prerequisites You need to be familiar with ssh (Putty on Windows). For the usage of Spotify© a premium account is required. ### Hardware - Raspberry Pi (tested with Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, Zero 2 W) \[starting at ~14€\] - power supply (5V ~2.5A) \[starting at ~6€\] - Micro SD card (at least 4GB) \[starting at ~4€\] - RC522 RFID Reader \[starting at ~1.50€\] - RFID (MiFare) cards or chips \[starting at ~2€\] - a Audio Card: - Pimoroni Audio Amp SHIM (3W Mono Amp) \[starting at ~11€\] with passive speaker \[starting at ~5€\] - Pimoroni Audio DAC SHIM \[starting at ~14€\] with active speaker - Adafruit Speaker Bonnet for Raspberry Pi - ...something else (use custom setup!) - (optional) 2x Push Buttons for volume control \[starting at ~1€\] - (optional) MPU9250 9-axis sensor \[starting at ~1.50€\] - (optional) Waveshare UPS HAT + 2x 18650 18650 Li battery \[starting at ~30€\] - some wires or dupont connectors \[starting at ~2€\] - case for all above - depending on hardware: soldering equipment A minimal setup (Raspberry Zero 2 W, power supply, Micro SD, RC522, Cards, Audio Amp, Speaker, Buttons) should be about ~45€ plus case materials. ### Software - latest Raspberry Pi OS blank installation on Micro SD card (Instructions: [raspberrypi.com/software/](https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/)) - WiFi connection - ssh enabled ### Optional: Headless installation If you're using a Raspberry Pi Zero or have missing peripherals to setup WiFi and ssh please perform the following steps: - insert Micro SD card with Raspberry Pi OS into a computer - place an empty file called `ssh` into `/boot` folder/partioon - place a filed called `wpa_supplicant.conf` into `/boot` folder/partition with following content > ``` > country=$COUNTRY_CODE > ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev > update_config=1 > > network={ > ssid="$WIFI_SSID" > psk="$WIFI_PASSWORD" > } > ``` - replace `$COUNTRY_CODE` with upper-case country code (eg. GB or DE) and `$WIFI_SSID` and `$WIFI_PASSWORD` with your WiFi credentials - plug card back into your Pi and connect power supply ## Setup Open terminal on your pi or establish a ssh connection to your Pi: - the Pi should be reachable under `raspberrypi` or `raspberrypi.local` in your network, if not try to find out it's IP address from your router. - default username is `pi` and default password is `raspberry` - Example: `ssh pi@raspberrypi.local` or `ssh pi@` > **⚠️ Warning: you should change the default password by executing `passwd` after login** ### Automatic setup > **⚠️ Warning: executing scripts from the internet without checking is bad. This is only done to get things done fast. In any doubts you can perform the [Manual setup](#manual-setup) and execute all commands step-by-step to understand what's going on.** Download and execute the `luniebox.sh` script to go trough an interactive setup process. You can also pass the `-a` argument to skip any prompts. Use the `-h` argument for detailed parameter to configure automatic setup directly. - download and excecute setup script from web - interactive ``` bash <(curl -s https://git.bstly.de/Lurkars/luniebox/raw/branch/main/luniebox.sh) ``` - full automatic ``` bash <(curl -s https://git.bstly.de/Lurkars/luniebox/raw/branch/main/luniebox.sh) -a ``` - Alternative first download script, take a look and then execute ``` curl https://git.bstly.de/Lurkars/luniebox/raw/branch/main/luniebox.sh -o luniebox.sh chmod +x luniebox.sh ``` - interactive ``` ./luniebox.sh ``` - full automatic ``` ./luniebox.sh -a ``` ### Manual setup #### Software setup - go to home directory ``` cd /home/pi ``` - install `git`, `python3-venv` and `python3-pip` ``` sudo apt install -y git python3-venv python3-pip ``` - clone repository `https://git.bstly.de/Lurkars/luniebox.git` with sources and config: ``` git clone https://git.bstly.de/Lurkars/luniebox.git luniebox ``` ##### Setup luniebox application and daemon - setup application by building python venv and setup systemd service ``` cd /home/pi/luniebox/application python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate export CFLAGS=-fcommon pip install -r requirements.txt deactivate mkdir /home/pi/luniebox/config cp /home/pi/luniebox/contrib/config/luniebox.cfg /home/pi/luniebox/config/luniebox.cfg sudo cp /home/pi/luniebox/contrib/service/luniebox-app.service /etc/systemd/system/ sudo cp /home/pi/luniebox/contrib/service/luniebox-daemon.service /etc/systemd/system/ sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable luniebox-app luniebox-daemon ``` ##### Setup spotify For Spotify support, spofiyd is required. - get spotifyd binary and setup systemd service ``` mkdir /home/pi/luniebox/bin` wget -c https://github.com/Spotifyd/spotifyd/releases/download/v0.3.3/spotifyd-linux-armv6-slim.tar.gz -O - | tar -xz -C /home/pi/luniebox/bin cp /home/pi/luniebox/contrib/config/spotifyd.cfg /home/pi/luniebox/config/spotifyd.cfg sudo cp /home/pi/luniebox/contrib/service/spotifyd.service /etc/systemd/system/` sudo systemctl daemon-reload` sudo systemctl enable spotifyd ``` > ℹ️ If you use other audio hardware, you may need to adjust the `backend` and `device` property in `/home/pi/luniebox/config/spotifyd.cfg` to your needs! ##### Setup Music Player Daemon for offline file support setup [Music Player Daemon](https://www.musicpd.org/) (mpd) - create library folder and install `mpd` ``` mkdir /home/pi/luniebox/library sudo apt install -y mpd sudo cp /home/pi/luniebox/contrib/config/mpd.conf /etc/mpd.conf ``` > ℹ️ If you use other audio hardware, you may need to adjust the `audio_output` in `/etc/mpc.conf` section to your needs! ##### Setup ClSpotify for Spotify offline support setup [ClSpotify](https://github.com/agent255/clspotify.git) (requires [spotify](#setup-spotify) and [mpd](#setup-music-player-daemon)!). - get code, install pythen venv and update config ``` git clone https://github.com/agent255/clspotify.git /home/pi/clspotify cd /home/pi/clspotify python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt deactivate sed -i "s/^zspotify_path =.*$/zspotify_path = \/home\/pi\/clspotify\//" /home/pi/luniebox/config/luniebox.cfg ``` #### Hardware Setup For a detailed Raspberry Pi pinout take a look at [https://pinout.xyz](https://pinout.xyz). ##### Setup RC522 RFID Reader - uncomment `dtparam=spi=on` in `/boot/config.txt` tp enable SPI for RC522 ``` sudo sed -i "/dtparam=spi=on/s/^#//g" /boot/config.txt ``` - connect RC522 - SDA to Pin 24 \[GPIO 8 / SPI0 CE0\] - SCK to Pin 23 \[GPIO 11 / SPI0 SCLK / CLK\] - MOSI to Pin 19 \[GPIO 10 / SPI0 MOSI\] - MISO to Pin 21 \[GPIO 9 / SPI0 MISO\] - GND to Pin 20 \[Ground\] - RST to Pin 22 \[GPIO 25\] - 3.3v to Pin 1 \[3v3 Power\] ##### Setup Pimoroni Amp or DAC - disable onboard audio comment out `dtparam=audio=on` in `/boot/config.txt` ``` sudo sed -i "/dtparam=audio=on/s/^/#/g" /boot/config.txt ``` - setup hifiberry-dac by adding following content to `/boot/config.txt` > ``` > # setup hifiberry for Pimoroni Shim > dtoverlay=hifiberry-dac > gpio=25=op,dh > ``` ``` printf "\n# setup hifiberry for Pimoroni Shim\ndtoverlay=hifiberry-dac\ngpio=25=op,dh\n" | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt ``` ##### Setup Adafruit Speaker Bonnet for Raspberry Pi - disable onboard audio comment out `dtparam=audio=on` in `/boot/config.txt` ``` sudo sed -i "/dtparam=audio=on/s/^/#/g" /boot/config.txt ``` - setup hifiberry-dac and i2s by adding following content to `/boot/config.txt` > ``` > # setup hifiberry and i2s for Adafruit Speaker Bonnet > dtoverlay=hifiberry-dac > dtoverlay=i2s-mmap > ``` ``` printf "\n# setup hifiberry and i2s for Adafruit Speaker Bonnet\ndtoverlay=hifiberry-dac\ndtoverlay=i2s-mmap\n" | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt ``` - copy [contrib/config/asound.conf](contrib/config/asound.conf) to `/etc/asound.conf`. ``` cat /home/pi/luniebox/contrib/config/asound.conf | sudo tee /etc/asound.conf ``` - copy [contrib/config/.asoundrc](contrib/config/.asoundrc) to `/home/pi/.asoundrc`. ``` cat /home/pi/luniebox/contrib/config/.asoundrc | tee /home/pi/.asoundrc ``` ##### Setup Push Buttons - connect first push button (volume down) 1. Pin 8 \[GPIO 14\] 2. Pin 6 \[Ground\] - connect second push button (volume up) 1. Pin 7 \[GPIO 4\] 2. Pin 9 \[Ground\] ##### Setup MPU9250 9-axis sensor - install `i2c-tools` and `python3-smbus` ``` sudo apt install -y i2c-tools python3-smbus ``` - uncomment `dtparam=i2c_arm=on` in `/boot/config.txt` to enable I2C for MPU9250 ``` sudo sed -i "/dtparam=i2c_arm=on/s/^#//g" /boot/config.txt ``` - setup i2c bus 4 for MPU9250 by adding following content to `/boot/config.txt` > ``` > # setup ic2 bus 4 for mpu > dtoverlay=i2c-gpio,bus=4,i2c_gpio_delay_us=1,i2c_gpio_sda=23,i2c_gpio_scl=24 > ``` ``` printf "\n# setup i2c bus 4 for mpu\ndtoverlay=i2c-gpio,bus=4,i2c_gpio_delay_us=1,i2c_gpio_sda=23,i2c_gpio_scl=24\n" | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt ``` - connect MPU9250 - SDA to Pin 16 \[GPIO 23\] - SCL to Pin 18 \[GPIO 24\] - GND to Pin 14 \[Ground\] - 3V3 to Pin 17 \[3v3 Power\] #### Finish Setup - After setup, reboot system. ``` sudo reboot ``` ## Planned features - status LEDs - indicators for UPS HAT - WiFi Hotspot (https://www.raspberryconnect.com/projects/65-raspberrypi-hotspot-accesspoints/158-raspberry-pi-auto-wifi-hotspot-switch-direct-connection)