
66 lines
2.8 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto2";
message TemporaryExposureKeyExport {
// Time window of keys in this batch based on arrival to server, in UTC seconds.
optional fixed64 start_timestamp = 1;
optional fixed64 end_timestamp = 2;
// Region for which these keys came from, such as country.
optional string region = 3;
// For example, file 2 in batch size of 10. Ordinal, 1-based numbering.
// Note: Not yet supported on iOS.
optional int32 batch_num = 4;
optional int32 batch_size = 5;
// Information about associated signatures
repeated SignatureInfo signature_infos = 6;
// The TemporaryExposureKeys for initial release of keys.
// Keys should be included in this list for initial release,
// whereas revised or revoked keys should go in revised_keys.
repeated TemporaryExposureKey keys = 7;
// TemporaryExposureKeys that have changed status.
// Keys should be included in this list if they have changed status
// or have been revoked.
repeated TemporaryExposureKey revised_keys = 8;
message SignatureInfo {
// The first two fields have been deprecated
reserved 1, 2;
reserved "app_bundle_id", "android_package";
// Key version for rollovers
// Must be in character class [a-zA-Z0-9_]. For example, 'v1'
optional string verification_key_version = 3;
// Alias with which to identify public key to be used for verification
// Must be in character class [a-zA-Z0-9_.]
// For cross-compatibility with Apple, you can use your region's three-digit
// mobile country code (MCC). If your region has more than one MCC, choose the
// one that Apple has configured.
optional string verification_key_id = 4;
// ASN.1 OID for Algorithm Identifier. For example, `1.2.840.10045.4.3.2'
optional string signature_algorithm = 5;
message TemporaryExposureKey {
// Key of infected user
optional bytes key_data = 1;
// Varying risk associated with a key depending on diagnosis method
optional int32 transmission_risk_level = 2 [deprecated = true];
// The interval number since epoch for which a key starts
optional int32 rolling_start_interval_number = 3;
// Increments of 10 minutes describing how long a key is valid
optional int32 rolling_period = 4
[default = 144]; // defaults to 24 hours
// Data type representing why this key was published.
enum ReportType {
UNKNOWN = 0; // Never returned by the client API.
RECURSIVE = 4; // Reserved for future use.
REVOKED = 5; // Used to revoke a key, never returned by client API.
// Type of diagnosis associated with a key.
optional ReportType report_type = 5;
// Number of days elapsed between symptom onset and the TEK being used.
// E.g. 2 means TEK is 2 days after onset of symptoms.
optional sint32 days_since_onset_of_symptoms = 6;