// Copyright 2020 Lukas Haubaum // // Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3; // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include "driver/i2c.h" #include "esp_log.h" #include "i2c-main.h" #include "ssd1306-gfx.h" #include "ssd1306.h" uint8_t ssd1306_utf8_to_ascii_char(uint8_t ascii) { static uint8_t c1; if (ascii < 128) // Standard ASCII-set 0..0x7F handling { c1 = 0; return (ascii); } // get previous input uint8_t last = c1; // get last char c1 = ascii; // remember actual character switch (last) // conversion depending on first UTF8-character { case 0xC2: return (ascii); break; case 0xC3: return (ascii | 0xC0); break; case 0x82: if (ascii == 0xAC) return (0x80); // special case Euro-symbol } return (0); // otherwise: return zero, if character has to be ignored } void ssd1306_utf8_to_ascii(char *input, char *output) { strcpy(output, input); int k = 0; char c; for (int i = 0; i < strlen(output); i++) { c = ssd1306_utf8_to_ascii_char(output[i]); if (c != 0) output[k++] = c; } output[k] = 0; } void ssd1306_start(uint8_t i2address) { if (!i2c_is_initialized()) { i2c_main_init(); } i2c_cmd_handle_t cmd = i2c_cmd_link_create(); i2c_master_start(cmd); // Begin the I2C comm with SSD1306's address (SLA+Write) i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, (i2address << 1) | I2C_MASTER_WRITE, true); // Tell the SSD1306 that a command stream is incoming i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CONTROL_CMD_STREAM, true); // Turn the Display OFF i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_OFF, true); // Set mux ration tp select max number of rows - 64 i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_MULTIPLEX_RATIO, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, 0x3F, true); // Set the display offset to 0 i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_OFFSET, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, 0x00, true); // Display start line to 0 i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_START_LINE, true); // Mirror the x-axis. In case you set it up such that the pins are north. i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_SEGMENT_HIGH, true); // Mirror the y-axis. In case you set it up such that the pins are north. i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_SCAN_DIRECTION_REMAPPED, true); // Default - alternate COM pin map i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_COM_PINS, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, 0x12, true); // set contrast i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_CONTRAST, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, 0xFF, true); // Set display to enable rendering from GDDRAM (Graphic Display Data RAM) i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_RAM, true); // Normal mode! i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_NORMAL, true); // Default oscillator clock i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_CLOCK, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, 0x80, true); // Enable the charge pump i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_CHARGE_PUMP, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, 0x14, true); // Set precharge cycles to high cap type i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_PRE_CHARGE_PERIOD, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, 0x22, true); // Set the V_COMH deselect volatage to max i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_VCOMH, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, 0x30, true); // Horizonatal addressing mode to page addressing i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_MEMORY_MODE, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, 0x02, true); //i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, 0x00, true); // i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, 0x10, true); // i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_SCROLL_STOP, true); // Turn the Display ON i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_ON, true); i2c_master_stop(cmd); ESP_ERROR_CHECK_WITHOUT_ABORT(i2c_master_cmd_begin(I2C_NUM_0, cmd, 10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)); i2c_cmd_link_delete(cmd); } void ssd1306_init_data(uint8_t i2address) { i2c_cmd_handle_t cmd = i2c_cmd_link_create(); i2c_master_start(cmd); // Begin the I2C comm with SSD1306's address (SLA+Write) i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, (i2address << 1) | I2C_MASTER_WRITE, true); // Tell the SSD1306 that a command stream is incoming i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CONTROL_CMD_STREAM, true); // set column start + end i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_COLUMN_LOW, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_COLUMN_HIGH, true); // set page i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_PAGE, true); i2c_master_stop(cmd); ESP_ERROR_CHECK_WITHOUT_ABORT(i2c_master_cmd_begin(I2C_NUM_0, cmd, 10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)); i2c_cmd_link_delete(cmd); } void ssd1306_clear_line(uint8_t i2address, uint8_t line, bool invert) { i2c_cmd_handle_t cmd; uint8_t *zeros = calloc(SSD1306_COLUMNS, sizeof(uint8_t)); // set line cmd = i2c_cmd_link_create(); i2c_master_start(cmd); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, (i2address << 1) | I2C_MASTER_WRITE, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CONTROL_CMD_STREAM, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_COLUMN_LOW, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_COLUMN_HIGH, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_PAGE | line, true); i2c_master_stop(cmd); i2c_master_cmd_begin(I2C_NUM_0, cmd, 10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); i2c_cmd_link_delete(cmd); // fill line with zeros cmd = i2c_cmd_link_create(); i2c_master_start(cmd); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, (i2address << 1) | I2C_MASTER_WRITE, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CONTROL_DATA_STREAM, true); i2c_master_write(cmd, zeros, SSD1306_COLUMNS, true); i2c_master_stop(cmd); i2c_master_cmd_begin(I2C_NUM_0, cmd, 10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); i2c_cmd_link_delete(cmd); free(zeros); } void ssd1306_clear(uint8_t i2address) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < SSD1306_PAGES; i++) { ssd1306_clear_line(i2address, i, false); } } void ssd1306_on(uint8_t i2address, bool on) { i2c_cmd_handle_t cmd = i2c_cmd_link_create(); i2c_master_start(cmd); // Begin the I2C comm with SSD1306's address (SLA+Write) i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, (i2address << 1) | I2C_MASTER_WRITE, true); // Tell the SSD1306 that a command stream is incoming i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CONTROL_CMD_STREAM, true); if (on) { // Turn the Display ON i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_ON, true); } else { // Turn the Display OFF i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_OFF, true); } i2c_master_stop(cmd); i2c_master_cmd_begin(I2C_NUM_0, cmd, 10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); i2c_cmd_link_delete(cmd); } void ssd1306_data(uint8_t i2address, uint8_t *data, size_t length, uint8_t line, uint8_t offset, bool invert) { uint8_t column = offset; if (column > SSD1306_COLUMNS) { column = 0; } size_t columns = length; if (columns > (SSD1306_COLUMNS - column)) { columns = (SSD1306_COLUMNS - column); } ssd1306_init_data(i2address); i2c_cmd_handle_t cmd; // set line cmd = i2c_cmd_link_create(); i2c_master_start(cmd); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, (i2address << 1) | I2C_MASTER_WRITE, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CONTROL_CMD_STREAM, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_COLUMN_LOW | (column & 0XF), true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_COLUMN_HIGH | (column >> 4), true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CMD_PAGE | line, true); i2c_master_stop(cmd); i2c_master_cmd_begin(I2C_NUM_0, cmd, 10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); i2c_cmd_link_delete(cmd); if (invert) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < columns; i++) { data[i] = ~data[i]; } } cmd = i2c_cmd_link_create(); i2c_master_start(cmd); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, (i2address << 1) | I2C_MASTER_WRITE, true); i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_CONTROL_DATA_STREAM, true); i2c_master_write(cmd, data, columns, true); i2c_master_stop(cmd); i2c_master_cmd_begin(I2C_NUM_0, cmd, 10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); i2c_cmd_link_delete(cmd); } uint8_t *ssd1306_text_to_data(char *text, size_t text_length, size_t *length) { char target_text[strlen(text)]; ssd1306_utf8_to_ascii(text, target_text); uint8_t font_width = sizeof(ssd1306_gfx_font[0]); *length = text_length * font_width; uint8_t *data = calloc(*length, sizeof(uint8_t)); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < text_length; i++) { memcpy(&data[i * font_width], ssd1306_gfx_font[(uint8_t)target_text[i] - 32], font_width); } return data; } void ssd1306_chars(uint8_t i2address, char *text, size_t length, uint8_t line, uint8_t offset, bool invert) { if (length > 0) { uint8_t font_width = sizeof(ssd1306_gfx_font[0]); size_t res_length = 0; uint8_t *textdata = ssd1306_text_to_data(text, length, &res_length); ssd1306_data(i2address, textdata, res_length, line, offset * font_width, invert); free(textdata); } } void ssd1306_text_line_column(uint8_t i2address, char *text, uint8_t line, uint8_t offset, bool invert) { ssd1306_chars(i2address, text, strlen(text), line, offset, invert); } void ssd1306_text_line(uint8_t i2address, char *text, uint8_t line, bool invert) { ssd1306_text_line_column(i2address, text, line, 0, invert); } void ssd1306_text_input(uint8_t i2address, char *text, uint8_t position) { size_t start = 0; if (position > 13) { position = 13; start = position - 13; } uint8_t cur_char = (uint8_t)text[start + position] - 32; // arrow ssd1306_data(i2address, ssd1306_gfx_arrow_left, 8, 2, 0, false); // bounday ssd1306_text_line_column(i2address, "______________", 2, 1, false); // arrow ssd1306_data(i2address, ssd1306_gfx_arrow_right, 8, 2, 15 * 8, false); // text size_t text_length = strlen(text); if (strlen(text) > 14) { text_length = 14; } size_t length = 0; uint8_t *textdata = ssd1306_text_to_data(text, text_length, &length); ssd1306_data(i2address, textdata, length, 2, 8, true); free(textdata); // arrow ssd1306_data(i2address, ssd1306_gfx_arrow_up, 8, 0, (position + 1) * 8, false); // upper char ssd1306_data(i2address, ssd1306_gfx_font[cur_char - 1], 8, 1, (position + 1) * 8, false); // sel char ssd1306_data(i2address, ssd1306_gfx_font[cur_char], 8, 2, (position + 1) * 8, false); // lower char ssd1306_data(i2address, ssd1306_gfx_font[cur_char + 1], 8, 3, (position + 1) * 8, false); // arrow ssd1306_data(i2address, ssd1306_gfx_arrow_down, 8, 4, (position + 1) * 8, false); } void ssd1306_set_button(uint8_t i2address, char *text, bool selected, bool primary) { uint8_t start = 0; if (primary) { start = 64; } if (selected) { ssd1306_data(i2address, ssd1306_gfx_button_sel[0], 64, 5, start, false); ssd1306_data(i2address, ssd1306_gfx_button_sel[1], 64, 6, start, false); ssd1306_data(i2address, ssd1306_gfx_button_sel[2], 64, 7, start, false); } else { ssd1306_data(i2address, ssd1306_gfx_button[0], 64, 5, start, false); ssd1306_data(i2address, ssd1306_gfx_button[1], 64, 6, start, false); ssd1306_data(i2address, ssd1306_gfx_button[2], 64, 7, start, false); } // text size_t text_length = strlen(text); if (strlen(text) > 6) { text_length = 6; } size_t length = 0; uint8_t *textdata = ssd1306_text_to_data(text, text_length, &length); uint8_t offset = 0; if (text_length < 6) { offset = (6 - text_length) / 2 * 8; } ssd1306_data(i2address, textdata, length, 6, start + 8 + offset, selected); free(textdata); } void ssd1306_menu_headline(uint8_t i2address, char *text, bool arrows, uint8_t line) { if (arrows) { ssd1306_data(i2address, ssd1306_gfx_arrow_left, 8, line, 0, false); ssd1306_data(i2address, ssd1306_gfx_arrow_right, 8, line, 15 * 8, false); } // bounday ssd1306_data(i2address, ssd1306_gfx_menu_head, 112, line, 8, false); // text size_t text_length = strlen(text); if (strlen(text) > 10) { text_length = 10; } size_t length = 0; uint8_t *textdata = ssd1306_text_to_data(text, text_length, &length); uint8_t offset = 0; if (text_length < 10) { offset = (10 - text_length) / 2 * 8; } ssd1306_data(i2address, textdata, length, line, 24 + offset, true); free(textdata); }