#define MCP23017_IODIR_A 0x00 /**< I/O DIRECTION REGISTER PORT A - Controls the direction of the data I/O. */
#define MCP23017_IODIR_B 0x01 /**< I/O DIRECTION REGISTER PORT B - Controls the direction of the data I/O. */
#define MCP23017_IPOL_A 0x02 /**< INPUT POLARITY REGISTER PORT A - This register allows the user to configure the polarity on the corresponding GPIO port bits. */
#define MCP23017_IPOL_B 0x03 /**< INPUT POLARITY REGISTER PORT B - This register allows the user to configure the polarity on the corresponding GPIO port bits. */
#define MCP23017_GPINTEN_A 0x04 /**< INTERRUPT-ON-CHANGE CONTROL REGISTER PORT A - The GPINTEN register controls the interrupt-on-change feature for each pin. */
#define MCP23017_GPINTEN_B 0x05 /**< INTERRUPT-ON-CHANGE CONTROL REGISTER PORT B - The GPINTEN register controls the interrupt-on-change feature for each pin. */
#define MCP23017_DEFVAL_A 0x06 /**< DEFAULT COMPARE REGISTER FOR INTERRUPT-ON-CHANGE PORT A - The default comparison value is configured in the DEFVAL register. */
#define MCP23017_DEFVAL_B 0x07 /**< DEFAULT COMPARE REGISTER FOR INTERRUPT-ON-CHANGE PORT B - The default comparison value is configured in the DEFVAL register.. */
#define MCP23017_INTCON_A 0x08 /**< INTERRUPT CONTROL REGISTER PORT A - The INTCON register controls how the associated pin value is compared for the interrupt-on-change feature. */
#define MCP23017_INTCON_B 0x09 /**< INTERRUPT CONTROL REGISTER PORT B - The INTCON register controls how the associated pin value is compared for the interrupt-on-change feature.*/
#define MCP23017_IOCON_A 0x0A /**< CONFIGURATION REGISTER - The IOCON register contains several bits for configuring the device. BANK/MIRROR/SEQOP/DISSLW/HAEN/ODR/INTPOL/— */
#define MCP23017_IOCON_B 0x0B /**< CONFIGURATION REGISTER - The IOCON register contains several bits for configuring the device. BANK/MIRROR/SEQOP/DISSLW/HAEN/ODR/INTPOL/— */
#define MCP23017_GPPU_A 0x0C /**< PULL-UP RESISTOR CONFIGURATION REGISTER PORT A - The GPPU register controls the pull-up resistors for the port pins. */
#define MCP23017_GPPU_B 0x0D /**< PULL-UP RESISTOR CONFIGURATION REGISTER PORT B - The GPPU register controls the pull-up resistors for the port pins. */
#define MCP23017_INTF_A 0x0E /**< INTERRUPT FLAG REGISTER PORT A - The INTF register reflects the interrupt condition on the port pins of any pin that is enabled for interrupts via the GPINTEN register. */
#define MCP23017_INTF_B 0x0F /**< INTERRUPT FLAG REGISTER PORT B - The INTF register reflects the interrupt condition on the port pins of any pin that is enabled for interrupts via the GPINTEN register. */
#define MCP23017_INTCAP_A 0x10 /**< INTERRUPT CAPTURE REGISTER PORT A - The INTCAP register captures the GPIO port value at the time the interrupt occurred. */
#define MCP23017_INTCAP_B 0x11 /**< INTERRUPT CAPTURE REGISTER PORT B - The INTCAP register captures the GPIO port value at the time the interrupt occurred. */
#define MCP23017_GPIO_A 0x12 /**< PORT REGISTER PORT A - The GPIO register reflects the value on the port. */
#define MCP23017_GPIO_B 0x13 /**< PORT REGISTER PORT B - The GPIO register reflects the value on the port. */
#define MCP23017_OLAT_A 0x14 /**< OUTPUT LATCH REGISTER PORT A - The OLAT register provides access to the output latches. */
#define MCP23017_OLAT_B 0x15 /**< OUTPUT LATCH REGISTER PORT B - The OLAT register provides access to the output latches. */